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Function Index

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Index Entry Section

*=3.5.33 `string-ends-eqv?' - caseless string ending
*=*3.5.27 `string-contains-eqv?' - caseless substring
*==3.5.34 `string-ends-with?' - string ending
*==*3.5.28 `string-contains?' - substring match
*~3.5.31 `string-end-eqv-match?' - caseless regex ending
*~*3.5.38 `string-has-eqv-match?' - caseless regex contains
*~~3.5.32 `string-end-match?' - regex match end
*~~*3.5.39 `string-has-match?' - contained regex match

=3.5.37 `string-eqv?' - caseless string match
=*3.5.43 `string-starts-eqv?' - caseless string start
==3.5.35 `string-equals?' - string matching
==*3.5.44 `string-starts-with?' - string starting

~3.5.36 `string-eqv-match?' - caseless regex match
~*3.5.41 `string-start-eqv-match?' - caseless regex start
~~3.5.40 `string-match?' - regex match
~~*3.5.42 `string-start-match?' - regex match start

ag-function?3.4.1 `ag-function?' - test for function
autogen-version3.5.54 `autogen-version' - autogen version number

base-name3.4.2 `base-name' - base output name
bsd3.5.1 `bsd' - BSD Public License

c-string3.5.2 `c-string' - emit string for ANSI C
CASE3.6.2 CASE - Select one of several template blocks
CLEAR_OPT8.5.2 CLEAR_OPT( <NAME> ) - Clear Option Markings
COMMENT3.6.3 COMMENT - A block of comment to be ignored
count3.4.3 `count' - definition count
COUNT_OPT8.5.3 COUNT_OPT( <NAME> ) - Definition Count

def-file3.4.4 `def-file' - definitions file name
DEFINE3.6.4 DEFINE - Define a user AutoGen macro
DESC8.5.4 DESC( <NAME> ) - Option Descriptor
DISABLE_OPT_name8.5.5 DISABLE_OPT_name - Disable an option
dne3.4.5 `dne' - "Do Not Edit" warning

ELIF3.6.5 ELIF - Alternate Conditional Template Block
ELSE3.6.6 ELSE - Alternate Template Block
ENABLED8.5.6 ENABLED( <NAME> ) - Is Option Enabled?
ENDDEF3.6.7 ENDDEF - Ends a macro definition.
ENDFOR3.6.8 ENDFOR - Terminates the FOR function template block
ENDIF3.6.9 ENDIF - Terminate the IF Template Block
ENDWHILE3.6.10 ENDWHILE - Terminate the WHILE Template Block
error3.4.6 `error' - display message and exit
error-source-line3.5.3 `error-source-line' - display of file & line
ESAC3.6.11 ESAC - Terminate the CASE Template Block
exist?3.4.7 `exist?' - test for value name
EXPR3.6.12 EXPR - Evaluate and emit an Expression
extract3.5.4 `extract' - extract text from another file

find-file3.5.5 `find-file' - locate a file in the search path
first-for?3.4.8 `first-for?' - detect first iteration
FOR3.6.13 FOR - Emit a template block multiple times
for-by3.4.9 `for-by' - set iteration step
for-from3.4.10 `for-from' - set initial index
for-index3.4.11 `for-index' - get current loop index
for-sep3.4.12 `for-sep' - set loop separation string
for-to3.4.13 `for-to' - set ending index
fprintf3.5.6 `fprintf' - format to a file

get3.4.14 `get' - get named value
gperf3.5.7 `gperf' - perform a perfect hash function
gpl3.5.8 `gpl' - GNU General Public License

HAVE_OPT8.5.9 HAVE_OPT( <NAME> ) - Have this option?
header-file3.5.53 `make-header-guard' - make self-inclusion guard
header-guard3.5.53 `make-header-guard' - make self-inclusion guard
high-lim3.4.15 `high-lim' - get highest value index

IF3.6.14 IF - Conditionally Emit a Template Block
in?3.5.9 `in?' - test for string in list
INCLUDE3.6.15 INCLUDE - Read in and emit a template block
INVOKE3.6.16 INVOKE - Invoke a User Defined Macro
ISSEL_OPT8.5.10 ISSEL_OPT( <NAME> ) - Is Option Selected?
ISUNUSED_OPT8.5.11 ISUNUSED_OPT( <NAME> ) - Never Specified?

join3.5.10 `join' - join string list with separator

kr-string3.5.11 `kr-string' - emit string for K&R C

last-for?3.4.16 `last-for?' - detect last iteration
len3.4.17 `len' - get count of values
lgpl3.5.12 `lgpl' - GNU Library General Public License
license3.5.13 `license' - an arbitrary license
low-lim3.4.18 `low-lim' - get lowest value index

make-gperf3.5.14 `make-gperf' - build a perfect hash function program
make-header-guard3.5.53 `make-header-guard' - make self-inclusion guard
makefile-script3.5.15 `makefile-script' - create makefile script
match-value?3.4.19 `match-value?' - test for matching value
max3.5.16 `max' - maximum value in list
min3.5.17 `min' - minimum value in list

OPT_ARG8.5.13 OPT_ARG( <NAME> ) - Option Argument String
OPT_VALUE_name8.5.14 OPT_VALUE_name - Option Argument Value
OPTION_CT8.5.12 OPTION_CT - Full Count of Options
out-delete3.4.20 `out-delete' - delete current output file
out-depth3.4.21 `out-depth' - output file stack depth
out-move3.4.22 `out-move' - change name of output file
out-name3.4.23 `out-name' - current output file name
out-pop3.4.24 `out-pop' - close current output file
out-push-add3.4.25 `out-push-add' - append output to file
out-push-new3.4.26 `out-push-new' - purge and create output file
out-resume3.4.27 `out-resume' - resume current output file
out-suspend3.4.28 `out-suspend' - suspend current output file
out-switch3.4.29 `out-switch' - close and create new output

prefix3.5.18 `prefix' - prefix lines with a string
printf3.5.19 `printf' - format to stdout

raw-shell-str3.5.20 `raw-shell-str' - single quote shell string
RESTART_OPT8.5.15 RESTART_OPT( n ) - Resume Option Processing

SELECT3.6.17 SELECT - Selection block for CASE function
set-writable3.4.30 `set-writable' - Make the output file be writable
SET_OPT_name8.5.16 SET_OPT_name - Force an option to be set
shell3.5.21 `shell' - invoke a shell script
shell-str3.5.22 `shell-str' - double quote shell string
shellf3.5.23 `shellf' - format a string, run shell
sprintf3.5.24 `sprintf' - format a string
stack3.4.31 `stack' - make list of AutoGen values
STACKCT_OPT8.5.17 STACKCT_OPT( <NAME> ) - Stacked Arg Count
STACKLST_OPT8.5.18 STACKLST_OPT( <NAME> ) - Argument Stack
START_OPT8.5.19 START_OPT - Restart Option Processing
STATE_OPT8.5.20 STATE_OPT( <NAME> ) - Option State
string->c-name!3.5.46 `string->c-name!' - map non-name chars to underscore
string-capitalize3.5.25 `string-capitalize' - capitalize a new string
string-capitalize!3.5.26 `string-capitalize!' - capitalize a string
string-contains-eqv?3.5.27 `string-contains-eqv?' - caseless substring
string-contains?3.5.28 `string-contains?' - substring match
string-downcase3.5.29 `string-downcase' - lower case a new string
string-downcase!3.5.30 `string-downcase!' - make a string be lower case
string-end-eqv-match?3.5.31 `string-end-eqv-match?' - caseless regex ending
string-end-match?3.5.32 `string-end-match?' - regex match end
string-ends-eqv?3.5.33 `string-ends-eqv?' - caseless string ending
string-ends-with?3.5.34 `string-ends-with?' - string ending
string-equals?3.5.35 `string-equals?' - string matching
string-eqv-match?3.5.36 `string-eqv-match?' - caseless regex match
string-eqv?3.5.37 `string-eqv?' - caseless string match
string-has-eqv-match?3.5.38 `string-has-eqv-match?' - caseless regex contains
string-has-match?3.5.39 `string-has-match?' - contained regex match
string-match?3.5.40 `string-match?' - regex match
string-start-eqv-match?3.5.41 `string-start-eqv-match?' - caseless regex start
string-start-match?3.5.42 `string-start-match?' - regex match start
string-starts-eqv?3.5.43 `string-starts-eqv?' - caseless string start
string-starts-with?3.5.44 `string-starts-with?' - string starting
string-substitute3.5.45 `string-substitute' - multiple global replacements
string-tr3.5.47 `string-tr' - convert characters with new result
string-tr!3.5.48 `string-tr!' - convert characters
string-upcase3.5.49 `string-upcase' - upper case a new string
string-upcase!3.5.50 `string-upcase!' - make a string be upper case
sub-shell-str3.5.51 `sub-shell-str' - back quoted (sub-)shell string
suffix3.4.32 `suffix' - get the current suffix
sum3.5.52 `sum' - sum of values in list

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