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Making configure Scripts

The configuration scripts that Autoconf produces are by convention called configure. When run, configure creates several files, replacing configuration parameters in them with appropriate values. The files that configure creates are:

To create a configure script with Autoconf, you need to write an Autoconf input file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') and run autoconf on it. If you write your own feature tests to supplement those that come with Autoconf, you might also write files called `aclocal.m4' and `acsite.m4'. If you use a C header file to contain #define directives, you might also run autoheader, and you will distribute the generated file `config.h.in' with the package.

Here is a diagram showing how the files that can be used in configuration are produced. Programs that are executed are suffixed by `*'. Optional files are enclosed in square brackets (`[]'). autoconf and autoheader also read the installed Autoconf macro files (by reading `autoconf.m4').

Files used in preparing a software package for distribution:

your source files --> [autoscan*] --> [configure.scan] --> configure.ac

configure.ac --.
               |   .------> autoconf* -----> configure
[aclocal.m4] --+---+
               |   `-----> [autoheader*] --> [config.h.in]
[acsite.m4] ---'

Makefile.in -------------------------------> Makefile.in

Files used in configuring a software package:

                       .-------------> [config.cache]
configure* ------------+-------------> config.log
[config.h.in] -.       v            .-> [config.h] -.
               +--> config.status* -+               +--> make*
Makefile.in ---'                    `-> Makefile ---'

Writing `configure.ac'

To produce a configure script for a software package, create a file called `configure.ac' that contains invocations of the Autoconf macros that test the system features your package needs or can use. Autoconf macros already exist to check for many features; see section Existing Tests, for their descriptions. For most other features, you can use Autoconf template macros to produce custom checks; see section Writing Tests, for information about them. For especially tricky or specialized features, `configure.ac' might need to contain some hand-crafted shell commands; see section Portable Shell Programming. The autoscan program can give you a good start in writing `configure.ac' (see section Using autoscan to Create `configure.ac', for more information).

Previous versions of Autoconf promoted the name `configure.in', which is somewhat ambiguous (the tool needed to produce this file is not described by its extension), and introduces a slight confusion with `config.h.in' and so on (for which `.in' means "to be processed by configure"). Using `configure.ac' is now preferred.

A Shell Script Compiler

Just as for any other computer language, in order to properly program `configure.ac' in Autoconf you must understand what problem the language tries to address and how it does so.

The problem Autoconf addresses is that the world is a mess. After all, you are using Autoconf in order to have your package compile easily on all sorts of different systems, some of them being extremely hostile. Autoconf itself bears the price for these differences: configure must run on all those systems, and thus configure must limit itself to their lowest common denominator of features.

Naturally, you might then think of shell scripts; who needs autoconf? A set of properly written shell functions is enough to make it easy to write configure scripts by hand. Sigh! Unfortunately, shell functions do not belong to the least common denominator; therefore, where you would like to define a function and use it ten times, you would instead need to copy its body ten times.

So, what is really needed is some kind of compiler, autoconf, that takes an Autoconf program, `configure.ac', and transforms it into a portable shell script, configure.

How does autoconf perform this task?

There are two obvious possibilities: creating a brand new language or extending an existing one. The former option is very attractive: all sorts of optimizations could easily be implemented in the compiler and many rigorous checks could be performed on the Autoconf program (e.g. rejecting any non-portable construct). Alternatively, you can extend an existing language, such as the sh (Bourne shell) language.

Autoconf does the latter: it is a layer on top of sh. It was therefore most convenient to implement autoconf as a macro expander: a program that repeatedly performs macro expansions on text input, replacing macro calls with macro bodies and producing a pure sh script in the end. Instead of implementing a dedicated Autoconf macro expander, it is natural to use an existing general-purpose macro language, such as M4, and implement the extensions as a set of M4 macros.

The Autoconf Language

The Autoconf language is very different from many other computer languages because it treats actual code the same as plain text. Whereas in C, for instance, data and instructions have very different syntactic status, in Autoconf their status is rigorously the same. Therefore, we need a means to distinguish literal strings from text to be expanded: quotation.

When calling macros that take arguments, there must not be any blank space between the macro name and the open parenthesis. Arguments should be enclosed within the M4 quote characters `[' and `]', and be separated by commas. Any leading spaces in arguments are ignored, unless they are quoted. You may safely leave out the quotes when the argument is simple text, but always quote complex arguments such as other macro calls. This rule applies recursively for every macro call, including macros called from other macros.

For instance:

                [AC_MSG_ERROR([Sorry, can't do anything for you])])

is quoted properly. You may safely simplify its quotation to:

                [AC_MSG_ERROR([Sorry, can't do anything for you])])

Notice that the argument of AC_MSG_ERROR is still quoted; otherwise, its comma would have been interpreted as an argument separator.

The following example is wrong and dangerous, as it is underquoted:

                AC_MSG_ERROR([Sorry, can't do anything for you]))

In other cases, you may have to use text that also resembles a macro call. You must quote that text even when it is not passed as a macro argument:

echo "Hard rock was here!  --[AC_DC]"

which will result in

echo "Hard rock was here!  --AC_DC"

When you use the same text in a macro argument, you must therefore have an extra quotation level (since one is stripped away by the macro substitution). In general, then, it is a good idea to use double quoting for all literal string arguments:

AC_MSG_WARN([[AC_DC stinks  --Iron Maiden]])

You are now able to understand one of the constructs of Autoconf that has been continually misunderstood... The rule of thumb is that whenever you expect macro expansion, expect quote expansion; i.e., expect one level of quotes to be lost. For instance:

AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([char b[10];],, [AC_MSG_ERROR([you lose])])

is incorrect: here, the first argument of AC_COMPILE_IFELSE is `char b[10];' and will be expanded once, which results in `char b10;'. (There was an idiom common in Autoconf's past to address this issue via the M4 changequote primitive, but do not use it!) Let's take a closer look: the author meant the first argument to be understood as a literal, and therefore it must be quoted twice:

AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([[char b[10];]],, [AC_MSG_ERROR([you lose])])

Voil`a, you actually produce `char b[10];' this time!

The careful reader will notice that, according to these guidelines, the "properly" quoted AC_CHECK_HEADER example above is actually lacking three pairs of quotes! Nevertheless, for the sake of readability, double quotation of literals is used only where needed in this manual.

Some macros take optional arguments, which this documentation represents as @ovar{arg} (not to be confused with the quote characters). You may just leave them empty, or use `[]' to make the emptiness of the argument explicit, or you may simply omit the trailing commas. The three lines below are equivalent:

AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdio.h, [], [], [])

It is best to put each macro call on its own line in `configure.ac'. Most of the macros don't add extra newlines; they rely on the newline after the macro call to terminate the commands. This approach makes the generated configure script a little easier to read by not inserting lots of blank lines. It is generally safe to set shell variables on the same line as a macro call, because the shell allows assignments without intervening newlines.

You can include comments in `configure.ac' files by starting them with the `#'. For example, it is helpful to begin `configure.ac' files with a line like this:

# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.

Standard `configure.ac' Layout

The order in which `configure.ac' calls the Autoconf macros is not important, with a few exceptions. Every `configure.ac' must contain a call to AC_INIT before the checks, and a call to AC_OUTPUT at the end (see section Outputting Files). Additionally, some macros rely on other macros having been called first, because they check previously set values of some variables to decide what to do. These macros are noted in the individual descriptions (see section Existing Tests), and they also warn you when configure is created if they are called out of order.

To encourage consistency, here is a suggested order for calling the Autoconf macros. Generally speaking, the things near the end of this list are those that could depend on things earlier in it. For example, library functions could be affected by types and libraries.

Autoconf requirements
AC_INIT(package, version, bug-report-address)
information on the package
checks for programs
checks for libraries
checks for header files
checks for types
checks for structures
checks for compiler characteristics
checks for library functions
checks for system services

Using autoscan to Create `configure.ac'

The autoscan program can help you create and/or maintain a `configure.ac' file for a software package. autoscan examines source files in the directory tree rooted at a directory given as a command line argument, or the current directory if none is given. It searches the source files for common portability problems and creates a file `configure.scan' which is a preliminary `configure.ac' for that package, and checks a possibly existing `configure.ac' for completeness.

When using @command{autoscan} to create a `configure.ac', you should manually examine `configure.scan' before renaming it to `configure.ac'; it will probably need some adjustments. Occasionally, autoscan outputs a macro in the wrong order relative to another macro, so that autoconf produces a warning; you need to move such macros manually. Also, if you want the package to use a configuration header file, you must add a call to AC_CONFIG_HEADERS (see section Configuration Header Files). You might also have to change or add some #if directives to your program in order to make it work with Autoconf (see section Using ifnames to List Conditionals, for information about a program that can help with that job).

When using @command{autoscan} to maintain a `configure.ac', simply consider adding its suggestions. The file `autoscan.log' will contain detailed information on why a macro is requested.

autoscan uses several data files (installed along with Autoconf) to determine which macros to output when it finds particular symbols in a package's source files. These data files all have the same format: each line consists of a symbol, whitespace, and the Autoconf macro to output if that symbol is encountered. Lines starting with `#' are comments.

autoscan is only installed if you already have Perl installed. autoscan accepts the following options:

Print a summary of the command line options and exit.
Print the version number of Autoconf and exit.
Print the names of the files it examines and the potentially interesting symbols it finds in them. This output can be voluminous.
@option{-A dir}
Override the location where the installed Autoconf data files are looked for. You can also set the AC_MACRODIR environment variable to a directory; this option overrides the environment variable. This option is rarely needed and dangerous; it is only used when one plays with different versions of Autoconf simultaneously.

Using ifnames to List Conditionals

ifnames can help you write `configure.ac' for a software package. It prints the identifiers that the package already uses in C preprocessor conditionals. If a package has already been set up to have some portability, ifnames can thus help you figure out what its configure needs to check for. It may help fill in some gaps in a `configure.ac' generated by autoscan (see section Using autoscan to Create `configure.ac').

ifnames scans all of the C source files named on the command line (or the standard input, if none are given) and writes to the standard output a sorted list of all the identifiers that appear in those files in #if, #elif, #ifdef, or #ifndef directives. It prints each identifier on a line, followed by a space-separated list of the files in which that identifier occurs.

ifnames accepts the following options:

Print a summary of the command line options and exit.
Print the version number of Autoconf and exit.

Using autoconf to Create configure

To create configure from `configure.ac', run the autoconf program with no arguments. autoconf processes `configure.ac' with the m4 macro processor, using the Autoconf macros. If you give autoconf an argument, it reads that file instead of `configure.ac' and writes the configuration script to the standard output instead of to configure. If you give autoconf the argument @option{-}, it reads from the standard input instead of `configure.ac' and writes the configuration script to the standard output.

The Autoconf macros are defined in several files. Some of the files are distributed with Autoconf; autoconf reads them first. Then it looks for the optional file `acsite.m4' in the directory that contains the distributed Autoconf macro files, and for the optional file `aclocal.m4' in the current directory. Those files can contain your site's or the package's own Autoconf macro definitions (see section Writing Autoconf Macros, for more information). If a macro is defined in more than one of the files that autoconf reads, the last definition it reads overrides the earlier ones.

autoconf accepts the following options:

Print a summary of the command line options and exit.
Print the version number of Autoconf and exit.
Report processing steps.
Don't remove the temporary files.
@option{-A dir}
Override the location where the installed Autoconf data files are looked for. You can also set the AC_MACRODIR environment variable to a directory; this option overrides the environment variable. This option is rarely needed and dangerous; it is only used when one plays with different versions of Autoconf simultaneously.
@option{-l dir}
Look for the package file `aclocal.m4' in directory dir instead of in the current directory.
@option{-o file}
Save output (script or trace) to file. The file @option{-} stands for the standard output.
@option{-W category}
Report the warnings related to category (which can actually be a comma separated list). See section Reporting Messages, macro AC_DIAGNOSE, for a comprehensive list of categories. Special values include:
report all the warnings
report none
treats warnings as errors
disable warnings falling into category
Warnings about `syntax' are enabled by default, and the environment variable WARNINGS, a comma separated list of categories, is honored. @command{autoconf -W category} will actually behave as if you had run:
autoconf --warnings=syntax,$WARNINGS,category
If you want to disable @command{autoconf}'s defaults and WARNINGS, but (for example) enable the warnings about obsolete constructs, you would use @option{-W none,obsolete}. @command{autoconf} displays a back trace for errors, but not for warnings; if you want them, just pass @option{-W error}. For instance, on this `configure.ac':


you get:
$ autoconf -Wcross
configure.ac:8: warning: AC_TRY_RUN called without default \
to allow cross compiling
$ autoconf -Wcross,error
configure.ac:8: error: AC_TRY_RUN called without default \
to allow cross compiling
acgeneral.m4:3044: AC_TRY_RUN is expanded from...
configure.ac:2: INNER is expanded from...
configure.ac:5: OUTER is expanded from...
configure.ac:8: the top level
@option{-t macro[:format]}
Do not create the configure script, but list the calls to macro according to the format. Multiple @option{--trace} arguments can be used to list several macros. Multiple @option{--trace} arguments for a single macro are not cumulative; instead, you should just make format as long as needed. The format is a regular string, with newlines if desired, and several special escape codes. It defaults to `$f:$l:$n:$%'; see below for details on the format.
By default, @option{--trace} does not trace the initialization of the Autoconf macros (typically the AC_DEFUN definitions). This results in a noticeable speedup, but can be disabled by this option.

It is often necessary to check the content of a `configure.ac' file, but parsing it yourself is extremely fragile and error-prone. It is suggested that you rely upon @option{--trace} to scan `configure.ac'.

The format of @option{--trace} can use the following special escapes:

The character `$'.
The filename from which macro is called.
The line number from which macro is called.
The depth of the macro call. This is an M4 technical detail that you probably don't want to know about.
The name of the macro.
The numth argument of the call to macro.
All the arguments passed to macro, separated by the character sep or the string separator (`,' by default). Each argument is quoted, i.e. enclosed in a pair of square brackets.
As above, but the arguments are not quoted.
As above, but the arguments are not quoted, all new line characters in the arguments are smashed, and the default separator is `:'. The escape `$%' produces single-line trace outputs (unless you put newlines in the `separator'), while `$@' and `$*' do not.

For instance, to find the list of variables that are substituted, use:

$ autoconf -t AC_SUBST
More traces deleted

The example below highlights the difference between `$@', `$*', and $%.

$ cat configure.ac
AC_DEFINE(This, is, [an
$ autoconf -t 'AC_DEFINE:@: $@
*: $*
$: $%'
@: [This],[is],[an
*: This,is,an
$: This:is:an [example]

The format gives you a lot of freedom:

$ autoconf -t 'AC_SUBST:$$ac_subst{"$1"} = "$f:$l";'
$ac_subst{"ECHO_C"} = "configure.ac:2";
$ac_subst{"ECHO_N"} = "configure.ac:2";
$ac_subst{"ECHO_T"} = "configure.ac:2";
More traces deleted

A long separator can be used to improve the readability of complex structures, and to ease its parsing (for instance when no single character is suitable as a separator)):

$ autoconf -t 'AM_MISSING_PROG:${|:::::|}*'
More traces deleted

Using autoreconf to Update configure Scripts

If you have a lot of Autoconf-generated configure scripts, the autoreconf program can save you some work. It runs autoconf (and autoheader, where appropriate) repeatedly to remake the Autoconf configure scripts and configuration header templates in the directory tree rooted at the current directory. By default, it only remakes those files that are older than their `configure.ac' or (if present) `aclocal.m4'. Since autoheader does not change the timestamp of its output file if the file wouldn't be changing, this is not necessarily the minimum amount of work. If you install a new version of Autoconf, you can make autoreconf remake all of the files by giving it the @option{--force} option.

If you give autoreconf the @option{--autoconf-dir=dir} or @option{--localdir=dir} options, it passes them down to autoconf and autoheader (with relative paths adjusted properly).

autoreconf does not support having, in the same directory tree, both directories that are parts of a larger package (sharing `aclocal.m4' and `acconfig.h') and directories that are independent packages (each with their own `aclocal.m4' and `acconfig.h'). It assumes that they are all part of the same package if you use @option{--localdir}, or that each directory is a separate package if you don't use it. This restriction may be removed in the future.

See section Automatic Remaking, for `Makefile' rules to automatically remake configure scripts when their source files change. That method handles the timestamps of configuration header templates properly, but does not pass @option{--autoconf-dir=dir} or @option{--localdir=dir}.

autoreconf accepts the following options:

Print a summary of the command line options and exit.
Print the version number of Autoconf and exit.
Print the name of each directory where autoreconf runs autoconf (and autoheader, if appropriate).
Don't remove the temporary files.
Remake even `configure' scripts and configuration headers that are newer than their input files (`configure.ac' and, if present, `aclocal.m4').
Copy missing auxiliary files. This option is similar to the option --add-missing in automake.
Instead of copying missing auxiliary files, install symbolic links.
@option{-l dir}
Have autoconf and autoheader look for the package files `aclocal.m4' and (autoheader only) `acconfig.h' (but not `file.top' and `file.bot') in directory dir instead of in the directory containing each `configure.ac'.
@option{-A dir}
Override the location where the installed Autoconf data files are looked for. You can also set the AC_MACRODIR environment variable to a directory; this option overrides the environment variable. This option is rarely needed and dangerous; it is only used when one plays with different versions of Autoconf simultaneously.
@option{-M dir}
Specify location of additional macro files (`m4' by default).

Additionally, the following options are recognized and passed to automake:

Assume program is part of Cygnus-style tree.
Set strictness to foreign.
Set strictness to gnits.
Set strictness to gnu.
Include generated dependencies in `Makefile.in'.

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