sion the integer array and initialize the string to the specified text. The text string is a standard FORTRAN literal and embedded single quotes (') may be represented as usual by two single quotes (''). String declarations of either type may appear separated by commas in the same statement, but the STRING statement, like all FLECS statements, may not be continued to a new line--only one line of text is allowed per STRING statement. FLECS System Commands: _____ ______ ________ $ [ ] $TRUE Sets the value of the specified argument, a conditional translation flag, to TRUE (maximum 10 flags). $FALSE Sets the value of the specified argument to FALSE. $IF Turns on translation of subsequent input source lines only if the specified argument is TRUE. $UNLESS Turns on translation of subsequent input source lines only if the specified argument is FALSE. $FIN Cancels effect of most recent $IF or $UNLESS, restores the decision to translate or not to its previous value. $DEFINE Defines its first argument as a symbol which is to be replaced by its second argument whenever found in the input file. $PAGE Output a form feed to the listing file (does not take an argument). $[NO]LIST Turn off (on) output to the listing file. FLECS Restrictions _____ ____________ 1. Do not use statement numbers of the form 3xxxx or variables of the form I3xxxx, as these are created and used by FLECS. 2. FLECS structured statements may not be continued to a second line. Statements not processed by FLECS, however, may be continued in the normal manner of FORTRAN-IV. 3. Blanks are NOT TRANSPARENT to FLECS. This means that while "D O" is valid for the keyword "DO" in FORTRAN-IV, it is not valid in FLECS. All FLECS keywords are reserved and may not be used as variable names. 4. Any statements which are not recognized by FLECS (eg., assignments, FORMATs, ENCODE/DECODEs, PARAMETERs, etc.) are passed unchanged to FORTRAN. Such statements are assumed to be executable by FLECS and must be placed only where executable statements may appear. For example, the following code is in error... WHEN (X.EQ.0) TYPE 1 1 FORMAT (1X,'Division by Zero') ELSE Z=Y/X ...since the ELSE statement must be the first "executable" statement after the scope of the preceding WHEN statement. The correct code, in this case, would be... WHEN (X.EQ.0) . TYPE 1 1 . FORMAT (1X,'Division by Zero') ...FIN ELSE Z=Y/X 5. FLECS control phrases may not contain parentheses inside Hollerith literals. Z=Y/X ...since the ELSE statement must be the first "executable" statement after the scope of the preceding WHEN statement. The correct code, in this case, would be... WHEN (X.EQ.0) Below is a brief description of the files contained in this distribution kit for RT-11 FLECS. FLXRT .TXT - This file. FLECS .SAV - RT-11 FLECS. [ This save file was created under version 4.0 or RT-11 and has been used under versions 3, 3B & 4 of RT-11 on both LSI-11/02 and LSI-11/23 CPU's. ] FLECS SOURCES _____________ FLMAIN.FLX This file contains the author history of RT-11 FLECS and the main program for FLECS. The main program does nothing but