EDIRTN is a screen editing subroutine that implements only the most common functions of KED/EDT. We have found it useful for many applications. The subroutine requires a VT100-type terminal and the EIS instruction set, but could be changed to match other configurations. Also included is a set of routines (VT100.MAC) which attempt to provide most of the VT100 features to the high-level programmer. Full documentation is provided in comments at the beginning of the file. Program ENTER is a sample program showing how EDIRTN and VT100 are used. We use it to enter test questions into a computer assisted test construction system which we have developed. CONTENTS EDIRTN.RNO RUNOFF documentation file EDIRTN.DOC documentation listing file EDIRTN.MAC source file for screen edit subroutine VT100 .MAC source file for VT100 dependent routines ENTER .FOR source file for sample main program ENTER .SAV executable main program (EIS required) README.TXT this file Author: Paul Lustgraaf Test and Evaluation Service 32 Carver Hall Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 515-294-1832