.MACRO CD CD Changes the default device (UCL+ command) SYNTAX CD [dev] SEMANTICS "CD dev" is equivalent to "ASSIGN dev DK:". If you just type "CD", you get "ASSIGN SY: DK:". Note that the colon (:) at the end of the device mnemonic is not required, thus, "CD DY1" has the same effect as "CD DY1:". OPTIONS None EXAMPLES CD DY1: CD LD2 CD .ENDM .MACRO CHAIN CHAIN Sets up UCL+ exit chaining SYNTAX [NO]CHAIN program-name SEMANTICS The CHAIN command allows you to specify a program for UCL+ to chain to if it is unable to interpret a given command. The original command string is passed to the specified program in the same form and fashion that the string was originally given to UCL+. NOCHAIN disables chaining; a subsequent CHAIN command with no argument restores it. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES CHAIN SY:BADWRD.SAV NOCHAIN CHAIN INSULT CHAIN UCL.DEC .ENDM .MACRO DISPLAY DISPLAY Displays a string or UCL+ command/symbol expansion SYNTAX DISPLAY[/options] command-string or DISPLAY[/options] "string["] SEMANTICS The DISPLAY command outputs the expansion of the specified UCL+ command or symbol or, if you enclose the argument with quotation marks, the indicated string is simply output "as-is", followed by a carriage-return/line-feed. If the trailing quote is omitted, no carriage control is appended (this is the preferred method for sending escape sequences to a device). OPTIONS EXECUTE Prints the expanded command and then executes it (not valid if DISPLAYing a string) FORM0 Enables formfeed before first output page to printer (default; has no effect if "SET LP FORM0" command not in effect) NOEXECUTE Suppresses command execution (default) NOFORM0 Suppresses first page formfeed action to printer PRINTER Causes output to be sent to the printer (device LP:) OUTPUT:file-spec Directs output to the specified device/file TERMINAL Directs output to the console (default) EXAMPLES DISPLAY CD DY1 BELL==_display/printer/noform0 "^G DISPLAY "HI THERE..." .ENDM .MACRO ERASE ERASE Deletes one or more UCL+ symbols SYNTAX ERASE[/options] symbol[,...,symbol] SEMANTICS The ERASE command allows you to delete a symbol or symbols that have been previously defined via UCL+. If you specify the entire symbol name, it is deleted with no verification prompt. If you only type enough of the name to be unambiguous, you will get an "Are you sure?" prompt. Typing "ERASE *" erases all of the symbols. OPTIONS NOQUERY Causes the verification prompt to be omitted QUERY Forces verification for every deletion (default if /ALL used) EXAMPLES ERASE TEST ERASE * ERASE/NOQUERY REB,NASTY,IBM .ENDM .MACRO LIST LIST Lists the current UCL+ commands/symbols/status SYNTAX LIST[/options] [arguments] SEMANTICS The UCL+ LIST command lists the program version, "hard-wired" commands, currently defined symbols, CHAIN assignment/status, UC handler status, and run-by-name path to a specified device or file. If you type a LIST command with no arguments, the symbols are listed. If you omit the output specification, output is directed to the console. OPTIONS FORM0 Enables formfeed before first output page to printer (default; has no effect if "SET LP FORM0" command not in effect) NOFORM0 Suppresses first page formfeed action to printer OUTPUT:filespec Sends output to the specified device/file PRINTER Sends output to the printer (device LP:) TERMINAL Sends output to the console (default) ARGUMENTS ALL Lists commands, symbols, chain data, and path list (same as LIST *) CHAIN Lists the chain data COMMANDS Lists the "hard-wired" commands PATH Lists the current "run-by-name" path SYMBOLS Lists the current symbol definitions (default) UC_STATUS Lists the contents of the UC handler's text buffer VERSION Lists the program name and version EXAMPLES LIST/PRINTER ALL LIST LIST COMMANDS,SYMBOLS .ENDM .MACRO NOSL NOSL Turns the single-line editor off (UCL+ command) SYNTAX NOSL SEMANTICS The NOSL command can have either a "global" or "local" effect. If you run UCL+ directly (i.e., you have a "UCL>" prompt), the single-line editor is only turned off within the UCL+ program. This is particularly handy if you need to include characters in a symbol definition that would be intercepted by the single-line editor. If you type the NOSL command at the monitor level, it is equivalent to a "SET SL OFF" command. (See also the SLON command.) OPTIONS None EXAMPLES NOSL .ENDM .MACRO PASS_ON PASS_ON Passes a command string to a program "UCL-style" SYNTAX PASS_ON[/TO:program-name] command-string SEMANTICS This command tells UCL+ to pass the specified command-string on to the program that you specified via the CHAIN command. If you include a "program-name", then the command is passed to this program instead. Note that the command is passed "UCL-style". OPTIONS TO:program-name Causes the command-string to be passed to the specified program EXAMPLES PASS_ON XYZZY PASS_ON REMARK==DISPLAY "HELLO SAILOR" PASS_ON/TO:BADWRD LIST SYMBOLS .ENDM .MACRO PATH PATH Sets up the UCL+ "run-by-name" path SYNTAX [NO]PATH device[,...,device] SEMANTICS If UCL+ does not know a given command, it follows the device list set up with the PATH command in attempting a "run-by- name". You can establish a list of up to about 20 device mnemonics. NOPATH disables "run-by-name"; a subsequent PATH command with no argument restores it. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES PATH DK:,DY1: PATH DZ0,LD1 NOPATH .ENDM .MACRO PROMPT PROMPT Sets the UCL+ command-line prompt string SYNTAX PROMPT ["]prompt-text["] SEMANTICS Changes the prompt string issued by UCL+ when it is run directly. The maximum length of the prompt is eight characters. The prompt- text may optionally be enclosed with quotes. A PROMPT command issued with no prompt-text argument restores the default prompt ("UCL> "). OPTIONS None EXAMPLES PROMPT "MYSTUF> " PROMPT PROMPT $ .ENDM .MACRO RECALL RECALL Loads symbol definition and status tables into UCL+ SYNTAX RECALL[/options] filespec SEMANTICS Recalls (loads) the UCL+ symbol definition and status area from a file that has previously been created with the STORE command. The default device for this file is DK: and the default extension is .UCL (.UCX if using the special XM version of UCL+). If the /JOURNAL option is used, the default extension is .UCJ. OPTIONS BINARY Recall a binary format file (default) JOURNAL Recall a file created in "journal" mode QUIET Used with /JOURNAL to suppress output to the console EXAMPLES RECALL SY:UCL RECALL/JOURNAL BADWRD .ENDM .MACRO RELOAD RELOAD Reloads a UCL+ global region SYNTAX RELOAD SEMANTICS The RELOAD command is valid only for the XM version of UCL+. It forces a reload of the UCL+ executable image into the applicable global region in extended memory. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES RELOAD .ENDM .MACRO RNO RNO Invokes the RUNOFF program (UCL+ command) SYNTAX RNO[/options] filespec SEMANTICS The UCL+ RNO command implements a "RUNOFF" command for RT-11. It requires a copy of DECUS RUNOFF M02.4 (or the equivalent) on the system device (SY:). The default extension for input files is .RNO, and the default output device is the printer (LP:). The default extension for output files is .DOC. OPTIONS BEGIN:n Starts output with page number n; same as /START DEFAULTS Sends output to the printer using the default options for output formatting. The effect of /DEFAULTS can be changed by patching the UCL+ program (see the "Application Notes" section in the UCL+ documentation). END:n Ends output with page number n FORMLENGTH[:n] If no n specified, simulates formfeeds with 66 lines/page; otherwise, simulates formfeeds with n lines/page HELP Displays information on switches; same as /INFORMATION HYPHENATION Enables hyphenation (default) INFORMATION Displays information on switches; same as /HELP NOHYPHENATION Disables hyphenation NOSTRIP Does not strip out raw text (default) NOUNDERLINE Disables underlining; same as /UNDERLINE:NONE ONLY:n Outputs only page number n; same as /PAGE OUTPUT:filespec Sends output to specified file PAGE:n Outputs only page number n; same as /ONLY PRINTER Sends output to printer (default) START:n Starts output with page number n; same as /BEGIN STRIP Strips off raw text TERMINAL Sends output to console UNDERLINE[:value] Enables underlining (default). If no value is specified, overprint-underscore underlining is used. Values are: BACKSPACE - underline with space-backspace control SIMULATED - simulate with hyphen on next line NONE - suppress underlining; same as /NOUNDERLINE VERSION Displays version of RUNOFF in use WAIT Waits for carriage-return between pages EXAMPLES RNO/OUTPUT:MYFILE MYFILE RNO MNTHLY.JUL RNO/TERMINAL/NOUNDERLINE TEST RNO/OUTPUT:LS:/WAIT LETTER.2U .ENDM .MACRO SLON SLON Turns the single-line editor on (UCL+ command) SYNTAX SLON SEMANTICS The UCL+ SLON command is equivalent to typing "SET SL ON". (See also the NOSL command.) OPTIONS None EXAMPLES SLON .ENDM .MACRO STORE STORE Saves the UCL+ symbol definition and status tables SYNTAX STORE[/option] FILESPEC SEMANTICS Causes the UCL+ program's symbol/status blocks to be written to the specified file. The default device for this file is DK: and the default extension is .UCL (.UCX if using the special XM version of UCL+). If the /JOURNAL option is used, the default extension is .UCJ. OPTIONS BINARY Store the symbol/status data in binary form (default) JOURNAL Store the symbol/status data in "journal" format EXAMPLES STORE SY:UCL STORE/JOURNAL BADWRD .ENDM .MACRO UCI_MODE UCI_MODE Set UCL+ "pass-line-to-KMON" mode (TSX-Plus only) SYNTAX [NO]UCI_MODE ["]prompt-text["] SEMANTICS Causes UCL+ to pass unrecognized lines to the keyboard monitor. I.e., UCL+ acts as a "User Command Interpreter" (UCI). Replacement text for the UCL+ command line prompt may be included. The default is to use/restore the normal prompt (see also the PROMPT command). NOUCI_MODE restores the previously set CHAINing mode. When UCI_MODE is in effect, hard-wired commands must be preceded by a "prefix character" (the default is a ".") to be recognized by UCL+. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES UCI_MODE "MYUCI> " UCI_MODE .NOUCI_MODE .NOUCI_MODE $ .ENDM .MACRO UCL+ UCL+ User Command Linkage-plus program SYNTAX command or symbol-definition or UCL command or symbol-definition or UCL UCL> command or symbol-definition SEMANTICS The UCL+ program allows on-line creation of user-defined commands (or "symbols"). It also implements a number of useful "hard-wired" commands. Symbols are defined using the format: symbol==definition If UCL+ is run directly, lower-case letters and control- characters can be included in the symbol definition. (See the UCL+ documentation and the Software Support Manual for usage and operational details.) COMMANDS (hard-wired; type "HELP command" for more details) CD Changes the default device assignment CHAIN/NOCHAIN Sets up CHAINing to an additional "UCL" DISPLAY Displays a string or command expansion ERASE Deletes a symbol or symbols LIST Lists symbol definitions and various UCL+ parameters NOSL Turns the single-line editor off PASS_ON Targets a command to a specific "UCL" PATH/NOPATH Sets up the "run-by-name" path PROMPT Sets the UCL+ command-line prompt string RECALL Loads a previously STOREd set of symbol definitions and parameters RELOAD Reloads a UCL+ global region RNO Invokes the RUNOFF program SLON Turns the single-line editor on STORE Saves the current UCL+ symbol definitions and program parameters UCI_MODE/NOUCI_MODE Causes UCL+ to pass unrecognized lines to the keyboard monitor (TSX-Plus only) EXAMPLES LIST COMMANDS REBOOT==BOOT SY: UCI_MODE "MYKMON> " UCL UCL> bill==$@wrk:bill UCL> nosl UCL> bell==_display "^G UCL> ^C .ENDM .MACRO .99999 .ENDM