Date: Tue, 8 Dec 87 13:45 PST From: Subject: dec10%"BPA" originated mail follows:- To: fdccu@cuvma . From BPA . Postmark:08-Dec-87:13:31:52 . To MAILER . Expires:07-Jan-88:13:31:08 . Subject: jnet%"fdccu@cuvma" Subject: CP/M KERMIT FOR THE HP-125 BUSINESS COMPUTER I have a version of CP/M Kermit for the Hewlett-Packard HP-125 (a short- lived CP/M machine produced in the early 1980's and intended for the business office.) It is based on version 4.05 of 1985. It will send/receive files over both Data Comm Port 1 and Data Comm Port 2 (although the latter can only be done in 7-bit bytes -- HP's restriction) and will emulate a VT52 as well as responding to HP terminal escape sequences with VT52-Emulation OFF. Would you be interested in this version, even though it is not current? If so, is there any way I could submit the appropriate files to you via dial-up connection. I do not have direct access to Bitnet. I can send mail indrectly through mail between a DECsystem-10 at the University of Washington and one of its VAXes which is on Bitnet. I can also receive mail this way. Would you like the files in .LBR form? If so, should they be "squeezed" or "crunched" (via CRUNCH24)? Would .ARC format be preferred? I can provide the files in this format but the compression wouldn't be as good since the as yet primitive implementation of ARC in the CP/M environment will not admit of LZW compression in a 48K machine. If you would prefer, I will wait until CP/M Kermit stabilizes (presumably at 4.08 or 4.09) and modify those files (though I am not sure that I will have the time.) You will notice that I have not placed any notice of my authorship or date-of-modication in any of the files. I shall leave that up to you should you decide to use them. By the way, I am using an HP-125 because a company called Maryland Computer Services (now part of a company called Enabling Technologies) modified it for voice-access with special software for the blind. I am a blind systems programmer on a DECsystem-10 here. Please send any reply to MAILER@UWALOCKE. Please place on the subject- line of your message the phrase dec10%"bpa" This will get the message to me. My phone is (206)690-2307 and my address is: Michael Freeman-MORF Bonneville Power administration P.O. Box 491 Vancouver, Wa 98666 The suffix MORF is my routing within B.P.A. P.S. Also have a couple of corrections to Kermit-10 and some comments on "Kermit and the Disabled" -- will send them in separate messages. Thanks! ------------------------------ Date: Wed 9 Dec 87 11:51:07-EST From: Frank da Cruz Subject: dec10%"bpa" To: MAILER@UWALOCKE Hi, thanks for the message about HP-125 Kermit. What we've been doing in cases like this is to just install the system-dependent hex file, and forget about the sources, since apparently the 4.08/4.09 version is still being developed. When that comes out, you're certainly free (and encouraged) to add HP-125 support to it. Meanwhile, you might want to send a diskette with your code on it to the developer. Probably an IBM PC DOS diskette is best (skip the arc'ing and sqz'ing, just straight files). He's Bertil Schou Computer Centre Loughborough University of Technology Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU ENGLAND - Frank ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Dec 87 10:38 PST From: Subject: dec10%"BPA" originated mail follows:- To: fdccu@cuvma . From BPA . Postmark:10-Dec-87:10:26:36 . To MAILER . Expires:09-Jan-88:10:24:55 . Subject: jnet%"fdccu@cuvma" From: Mike Freeman Re: Kermit for the HP-125 Thanks for the suggestions/message replies. Will send a diskette to Mr. Schou shortly. Meanwhile, below you will find the .HEX file for the HP-125 implementation of CP4TYP.HEX, delimited by lines of asterisks. Naturally enough, I would suggest naming it CP4HP125.HEX. You probably won't get any takers for it but since I needed it and adapted it, you ought to have it. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Cheers!! Mike Freeman (MORF) Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 491 Vancouver, Wa 98666 (206)690-2307 Reply via BITNET to MAILER@UWALOCKE with subject dec10%"bpa"