** README file for MSDOS Kermit V3.0 distribution ** This directory contains all the files which comprise the MS-DOS Kermit V3.0 release (as of March 14, 1990). The following list gives a brief description of each of the files. Refer to the *.HLP for more details about the individ- ual files, and to the file MSKERM.ANN for release details. This release is of interest to RSTS/E users because it adds support for the DEC VT320 terminal type, the DEC LK250 keyboard, and LAT/CTERM connections, allowing users to have a "virtual VT320" on their desk if they have a PC. MSAAAA.HLP An explanation of MS-Kermit file naming conventions MSAUTI.DSK What's on the "Utilities and Technical Doc" diskette MSBAAA.HLP An explanation of the bootstrapping files and procedures MSBPCT.ASM A BOO-file decoder written in Microsoft MASM MSBPCT.BAA A BOO-file decoder written in BASIC, alternate version MSBPCT.BAS A BOO-file decoder written in BASIC MSBPCT.BOO BOO file formed from MSBPCT.EXE based on MSBPCT.C MSBPCT.C A BOO-file decoder written in C MSBPCT.EXE Executable BOO-file decoded (from MSBPCT.C) MSBPCT.FOR A BOO-file decoder written in Fortran MSBPCT.PAS A BOO-file decoder written in Pascal MSBPCT.TXT Cover letter describing MSBPCT.PAS MSBPCX.ASM A BOO-file decoder written in Microsoft MASM, alternate version MSDAAA.HLP An explanation of the graphics demonstration files MSDCAS.BOO Encoded Heath emulation demo (castle) MSDCHA.BOO Encoded VT320 emulation demo (character set) MSDCOL.BOO Encoded VT320 emulation demo (colors) MSDEMO.BOO Encoded Tek emulation demo (colored tiles) MSDFEA.BOO Encoded VT320 emulation demo (VT torture test) MSDPAT.BOO Encoded Heath emulation demo (pattern) MSDUSA.BOO Encoded Tek emulation demo (USA map) MSELAT.C Convert 8-bit Latin-1 charset to 7-bit VT320, C source MSGGRI.C Graphics module for Grid Compass MSGHPX.C Graphics module for HP Portable and Plus MSGIBM.ASM Graphics module for IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 and compatibles MSGTIF.DOC Description of the TIFF file format for saved images MSIEM2.INI Keyboard setups for use with EMACS MSIEMA.INI Keyboard setups for use with EMACS MSIHAY.TAK Hayes (and compatibles) modem dialing script (used w/ DIAL) MSIKEY.HLP Sample VT320 key mappings for IBM PC keyboards MSIWP3.INI New keyboard setup for mainframe WordPerfect MSIXSE.BOO XSEND (send directory trees), ASCII-encoded binary file MSIXSE.C XSEND (send directory trees), source code MSIXSE.EXE XSEND (send directory trees), executable file MSIXSE.HLP XSEND (send directory trees), help file MSKAAA.HLP List of available user documentation MSKERM.ANN Initial announcement of version 3.0 MSKERM.BWR Limitations and known bugs in version 3.0 MSKERM.DOC *OLD* (V2.32/A) documentation file, plain ASCII format MSKERM.ED Detailed edit history of version 3.0 MSKERM.HLP Summary of MS-DOS Kermit 3.0 features & commands MSKERM.MSS *OLD* (V2.32/A) documentation file, Scribe formatter source MSKERM.PS *OLD* (V2.32/A) documentation file, PostScript format MSKERMIT.INI Sample initialization file. Includes DIAL macro MSKERMIT.PCH Automated pachfile with latest bug fixes MSKGER.BOO BOO file of MSKGER.LAT MSKGER.HLP ASCII version of German Kermit documentation MSKGER.LAT Latin-1 verion of German Kermit documentation (view w/ Kermit) MSKPATCH.HLP Documentation for applying Kermit automatic patches MSPAAA.HLP Documentation for graphics print-screen routines. MSPDMP.BOO BOO file for MSPDMP.COM MSPDMP.COM Screen dump to Radio Shack DMP200 printer from EGA MSPE24.BOO BOO file for MSPE24.EXE MSPE24.EXE Screen dump to Epson LQ-2500 from EGA/VGA/Super-VGA MSPEP4.BOO PC CP437-to-Epson translation, ASCII-encoded binary file MSPEP4.C PC CP437-to-Epson translation, source code MSPEP4.EXE PC CP437-to-Epson translation, executable file MSPEP4.HLP PC CP437-to-Epson translation, help file MSPEPS.ASM Epson printer driver source for EGA graphics screens MSPEPS.BOO Epson printer driver, ASCII-encoded binary file MSPEPS.COM Epson printer driver, executable file MSPEPS.HLP Epson printer driver, help file MSPUPC.NR Nroff documentation source for MSPUPC.SH MSPUPC.SH PCPRINT (transparent PC printing) for Unix MSPVPC.COM PCPRINT (transparent PC printing) for VAX/VMS MSR300.UPD Description of new features in version 3.0 MSSAAA.HLP How to build MS-Kermit 3.0 from sources MSSCMD.ASM System-independent source module MSSCOM.ASM System-independent source module MSSDEF.H System-independent header module MSSFIL.ASM System-independent source module MSSIBM.DSK What's on the source diskettes MSSKER.ASM System-independent source module MSSRCV.ASM System-independent source module MSSSCP.ASM System-independent source module MSSSEN.ASM System-independent source module MSSSER.ASM System-independent source module MSSSET.ASM System-independent source module MSSSHO.ASM System-independent source module MSSTER.ASM System-independent source module MSTGRI.ANN Announcement of MS-Kermit 3.0 for the Grid Compass family MSTGRI.BOO BOO file of MSTGRI.EXE MSTGRI.EXE MS-Kermit V3.0 for the Grid Compass family, executable MSTGRI.HLP Help file for Grid Kermit MSTGRI.LNK Linker command file for Grid Kermit MSTHPX.ANN Announcement of MS-Kermit 3.0 for the HP Portable and Plus MSTHBX.BOO BOO file of MSTHPX.EXE MSTHPX.EXE MS-Kermit V3.0 for the HP Portable and Plus, executable MSTHPX.HLP Help file for HP Kermit MSTHPX.LNK Linker command file for HP Kermit MSTRB1.BOO BOO file of MSTRB1.EXE MSTRB1.EXE MS-Kermit V3.0 for the DEC Rainbow, executable MSTRB1.LNK Linker command file for Rainbow Kermit MSUCHK.BOO SCANCHEK utility for keyboard, ASCII-encoded binary file MSUCHK.C SCANCHEK utility for keyboard, source code MSUCHK.EXE SCANCHEK utility for keyboard, executable file MSUCHK.HLP SCANCHEK utility for keyboard, help file MSUGRI.ASM Keyboard module for Grid Compass MSUHPX.ASM Keyboad module for HP Portable and Plus MSUIBM.ASM Keyboard module for IBM PC/XT/AT and compatibles MSULK2.ASM DEC LK250 keyboard driver source for IBM AT and compatibles MSULK2.BOO DEC LK250 keyboard driver, ASCII-encoded binary file MSULK2.COM DEC LK250 keyboard driver, executable file MSULK2.HLP DEC LK250 keyboard driver, help file MSURB1.ASM Keyboard module for DEC Rainbow MSVIBB.MAK A makefile for building 3.0 with Borland TASM MSVIBM.BAT DOS batch program for building 3.0 MSVIBM.BOO BOO-encoded (printable) version of MSVIBM.EXE MSVIBM.DBG Debugger commands to correct reported problems (obsolete) MSVIBM.DSK What's on the binary distribution diskette MSVIBM.EXE Executable version of MS-Kermit 3.0 MSVIBM.LNK Link command file for 3.0 MSVIBM.MAK A makefile for building 3.0 under DOS with Microsoft MASM MSVIBM.PCH Dummy patchfile referring user to MSKERMIT.PCH MSVIBM.PIF Hints for running MS-Kermit 3.0 under Microsoft Windows MSVIBM.TC Sample TERMCAP entries for VT3xx / MS-Kermit 3.0 MSVIBM.TEK Tektronix graphics summary MSVIBM.VT VT52/102/320/340/H19 terminal emulation summary MSVIBX.MAK A makefile for building 3.0 under Xenix MSXIBM.ASM Communications module for IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 and compatibles MSXRB1.ASM Communications module for DEC Rainbow computer MSYIBM.ASM Terminal module #1 for IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 and compatibles MSZIBM.ASM Terminal module #2 for IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 and compatibles