1,Welcome to QUEST! 2, Quest is a game in which I am your eyes, ears, hands, etc. The goal 2,of this game is for you to solve the intricate mysteries you find 2,herein and capture all of the treasures safely, bringing them back to 2,home base. When you have successfully done this, something excep- 2,tionally weird will happen. This means that you are in the 2,"END-GAME" and are being given a chance to earn bonus points. 2, You can direct me with short sentences. Each directive should 2,have a verb and a direct object. Sometimes I can determine the 2,subject from what we were just talking about at the time, and 2,sometimes I can infer the action. For example, "INVENTORY" and "TAKE 2,INVENTORY" are the same (both of which list the items currently in 2,your possesion). 2, If you are having trouble doing something it usually means one of 2,two things: 2, 2, 1) You're using words and/or syntax that I don't understand and 2, you need to try something else. 2, 2, or 2, 2, 2) You're trying to do something the game is not set up for (or 2, you're trying to do something beyond your or my capability), 2, in which case you need to give up or try another approach. 2, 2, Please note that this is an advanced adventure game and is NOT for novices. 2,More information can be obtained by typing "HELP". 2,Have fun! 3,You can't climb that! 4,GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! 5,AARRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 6,QUEST Version 4.0-00. 7,You can't go that direction. 8,The door is firmly attached to the wall and cannot be taken. 9,The trees don't have branches low enough to let you climb them. 10, DO NOT leave this path under any 10, conditions.... 11,It is pitch black. If you proceed you will likely damage yourself. 12,Hello. 13,I didn't ask a question. 14,I can't see a thing. 15,I don't understand that. 16,How romantic! 17,I don't see one here. 18,You already have that. 19,Not a chance. 20,You're carrying too much. You need to leave something behind. 21,You aren't carrying anything. 22,You don't have that. 23,You seem to have fallen into a pit and damaged yourself. 24,There is a wall there. 25,It appears that you are dead. 26,Do you want me to repair you? 27,You can see some objects above you. 28,You can see some objects below you. 29,You see: 30,Rank amateur. 31,Beginning adventurer. 32,Novice adventurer. 33,Experienced adventurer. 34,Seasoned adventurer. 35,Junior Master. 36,Grandmaster. 37,Apprentice Dungeon Master. 38,Journeyman Dungeon Master. 39,Dungeon Master. 40,Well, I guess I could repair you, if you wish. 41,What! Again? You should try to be a little more careful. 42,I'm terribly sorry, but our repair man is currently out to lunch. 50,Scum. 51,Please answer YES or NO. 52,Do you want help? 53,You are carrying: 54,The Mountains are too steep for you to climb. 55,The Dam is too steep for you to climb. 56,The Slide is too steep and slippery for you to climb. 57, The Bible falls open to John 3:16 which states, "For God so loved the world 57,that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not 57,perish but have eternal life." 58,You can't open that. 59,It's already open. 60,It's locked. 61,I couldn't find anything. 62,It isn't open. 63,You can't close that! 64,The Window is permanently attached to the house. 65,Don't be silly! 66,The gate is firmly mounted in solid granite. 67,The sign will not budge, try as you might. 68,It's already on. 69,Nothing happens. 70,The dam is too steep to climb. 71,The cliffs are too steep to climb. 72, I daresay that you wouldn't want to swim in these waters as they are rather 72,shark-infested. 73,It's not on. 74,Hmmmm. 75,* sigh * 76,QUEST is * ALWAYS * open, provided that this is your PDP-11. 77,Time passes... 78,Some unseen force prevents you from doing that. 79,I see nothing here to enter. 80,I see nothing here to exit. 81,I see nothing here to board. 82,You must supply a direct object. 83,You will have to drop it first. 84,You're already on it! 85,You will have to disembark first. 86,You can't board that! 87,You aren't on anything. 88,It won't fit. 89,It fell off. 90,There's no writing on it. 91,It's open. 92,It's burning. 93,It's on. 94,RESTRICTED AREA: KEEP EXPLOSIVES AWAY 95,Very well, if you wish. 96,That would be rather difficult in your present condition. 97,You swing but miss. 98,It died. 99,It's carcass disappears. 100,You seem to be dead. 101,Some unseen force prevents you from going that way. 102,It's a long way down. 103, This game was expressly designed for the entertainment and encouragement 103,of my brother, Mike. It was continued as a gift to my wife, Annette. 104, To move, simply type a direction. Abbreviations are allowed. The 104,valid directions are north, south, east, west, up, down, northeast, 104,northwest, southeast, and southwest. Since cave passages tend to turn and 104,twist, leaving a room by going north will not always guarantee that you 104,can return by going south. When lost in the forest or the swamp, you may 104,loose all sense of direction. You are only allowed to carry a certain 104,weight-limit of objects. To get an object use the verb "TAKE" and to 104,leave an object behind, use "LEAVE". When in the dungeon, take note of 104,passages that lead down to lower levels, as they tend to contain some 104,nasty surprises. It is advisable to fully explore one level before going 104,on to the next, as you can gain some experience and strength by doing so. 104, You may save a game by typing "SAVE" and start from the last save by 104,typing "RESTORE". To list your current injuries, you may type "DIAGNOSE". 104,"VERSION" will display the current version of the game and any pertinent 104,information. You are allowed to die a few times. If you are a chronic 104,patient, you may find yourself out of luck, however. Be specific when 104,telling me to do something. I will usually prompt you when you aren't. 104,For example, don't type "USE LAMP", rather, type "TURN THE LAMP ON" or some 104,such thing. Most occupants of QUEST will fight back when attacked, or 104,they may even attack you first! To see your current score, type "SCORE", 104,and to quit, type "QUIT". You may repeat the last command you typed by 104,typing "AGAIN". Hints may be available in certain places, which you can 104,get by typing "HINTS". 104, Normally, you will get a detailed (long) description of a location the 104,first time you arrive. Each time that you arrive thereafter, you will get 104,a short description. To see the long description again, type "LOOK". If 104,you wish to always see the long description, you may type "VERBOSE", and if 104,you wish to always only see the short description, type "SUPERBRIEF". To 104,return to the normal way of doing things, type "BRIEF". 104, When typing in your commands, you may put several on one line, as long 104,as you separate them by a period, exclamation mark, or a question mark. The 104,parser will make assumptions if your commands are not clear, in which case 104,it displays its assumptions in parentheses after your command. 104, Some objects can contain other objects. Many such containers can be 104,opened and closed. They may or may not be transparent. For you to 104,access an item which is in a container, the container must be open, 104,although you can see it if the container is transparent. Containers have 104,a capacity and objects have sizes; the number of objects which will fit 104,therefore depends on their sizes. 104, Points are gathered by finding treasure, exploring, and solving the 104,puzzles in the game. Points are lost with a death. Some items have no 104,point value but may be of use to you in solving the game. Other items 104,may actually hinder you. 104, When fighting, certain items are more adept at inflicting injuries on 104,your opponent. Each creature (and yourself) have a certain number of 104,"hit points" allocated, which indicates roughly what shape you are in. 104,When your hit points are less than 6, you are unconcious. When hit points 104,are less than 1, you die. Each time you attack or are attacked, the number 104,of hit points of damage that are done are listed. When you type "DIAGNOSE", 104,your resilience (in hit points) will be listed. The current number, followed 104,by the normal number in parentheses. You may gather from all this, that 104,immediately after a fight, you may not be in good enough shape to attempt 104,another. Hit points are regained eventually. You have more hit points at 104,higher levels and are therefore more able to attack the more dangerous 104,creatures at lower levels. 104, Of special note are a couple of seedy characters which inhabit various 104,parts of the caverns. One is a pirate who is skilled at mugging wandering 104,adventures and making off with their treasures. Another is a theif (always 104,carrying a large bag) who likes to wander around the dungeon. Since he 104,steals for pleasure and is somewhat sadistic, he only takes things which 104,you have seen (whereas the pirate only takes things within your possesion). 104,Although he prefers valuables, sometimes in his haste he may take something 104,which is worthless. From time to time he examines his take and discards 104,objects which he doesn't like. He may occasionally stop in a room you are 104,visiting, but more often he just wanders through and rips you off (he is a 104,skilled pickpocket). Neither of these individuals has been seen by the 104,light of day. 104, 104, This program was begun in Pascal on a PDP-11 in 1980 as a project for a 104,programming class at SPU. It was then ported to a TRS-80 in BASIC for the 104,hack of it. It was then converted to BASIC-Plus-2 for RSTS/E (on the PDP-11) 104,sometime during 1981 and has been growing every since. 105,That, apparently, was too much for you. 106,Don't be disgusting! 107,There's no answer. 108,Weird!! 109,The Stairs slide open, revealing a passage that leads down into darkness. 110,The Stairs close. 111,The Stairs are open. 112,You hear an explosion and are blasted to smithereens. 113, You hear a distant explosion and the sound of rushing water. When you 113,turn around to look, you see a wall of water descending upon you, which 113,drowns you. 114, You hear a distant explosion and the sound of rushing water. The sound 114,of water rushes past you somewhere in the swamp, and all is quiet. 115,You hear a distant explosion. 116, Your rather indelicate way of handling the package seems to have caused 116,it to blow-up in your face. 117,It won't turn off! 118,The timer begins to tick. 119,The timer is ticking. 120, Upon seeing you, the unicorn neighs and fades out of sight before 120,your very eyes. 121,You must supply a direction. 122,Don't be a cry-baby! 123,Why not? 124,Because! 125,Because why? 126,Don't ask stupid questions! 127, The water of the swamp begins to boil around you as a huge, slime- 127,covered tentacle raises from the depths. The tentacle reaches for you 127,and crushes the life out of you. 128, The water of the swamp begins to boil around you as a huge, slime- 128,covered tentacle raises from the depths. The tentacle reaches for you. 129,You can't go on land in a ship! 130,BURP! 131,You don't seem to be making much (if any) progress. 132,You seem to have dug a hole. 133,Someone seems to have been digging here. 134,It's empty. 135,Digging here uncovers: 136,You're welcome. 137,Ho hum. 138,Nothing happens here. 139,"RESTRICTED AREA:KEEP..." 139,The rest is unreadable. 140,I can't be sure, but they seem to say: 140,JEYiESI JOIAFuYUF - SoNI SNOB 141, The ship is about forty feet long and has a single sail. It appears to 141,be seaworthy. 142,The Bible is a leather-bound NIV. 143, The sword has a sharp double-edge and a clear crystal set into the hilt. 143,I can't be sure of its making, but it looks like it is of great antiquity. 144, The chest is made out of some sort of metal, but seems to be slightly 144,corroded from it's many years of exposure to the elements. 145,The garden is a 4 x 6 foot plot of dirt of no great note. 146,Several sharks, which have been circling you, decide that it's dinner time. 147,Your lamp seems to be getting dim. 148,Your lamp seems to have run out of power. 149,It's too high to reach. 150,It slips through your fingers. 151,As you pull on it, the roof collapses on you. 152,The room seems to be filled with water. 153,Your way is blocked by a recent cave-in. 154,The door is permanently attached to the house. 155,You must supply an indirect object. 156, Be careful about what you say about the most beautiful lady in the entire 156,known universe. 157,The force of the exiting water is too strong to let you enter the hole. 158,STOP! PAY TROLL! 159,The sign is permanently connected to the wall. 160,It looks tame to me... 161, A loud gong sounds and you hear the sounds of many feet running down 161,the small passages toward you. 162,One sharp nasty knife is thrown at you! 163,None of them hit you! 164,One of them gets you! 165,A hollow voice says "PLUGH". 166,You are very cold. 167,I'm game. Would you care to explain how? 168, The bird was unafraid when you entered, but as you approach it becomes 168,disturbed and you cannot catch it. 169,You can catch the bird, but you cannot carry it. 170,This appears to be the end of the line for the stream. 171, The little bird attacks the green snake, and in an astounding flurry 171,drives the snake away. 172,You are very warm. 173, There is no way to get past the bear to unlock the chain, which is 173,probably just as well. 174,There is no stream here to follow. 175,It misses! 176,It gets you! 177, You have crawled around in some little holes and wound up back in the 177,main passage. 178, I don't know where the cave is, but hereabouts no stream can run on 178,the surface for long. I would try the stream. 179, The trees of the forest are large hardwood oak and maple, with an 179,occasional grove of pine or spruce. There is quite a bit of under- 179,growth, largely birch and ash saplings plus nondescript bushes of 179,various sorts. This time of year visibility is quite restricted by 179,all the leaves, but travel is quite easy if you detour around the 179,spruce and berry bushes. 180,Blasting requires dynamite. 181,I'm as confused as you are. 182, Mist is a white vapor, usually water, seen from time to time in 182,caverns. It can be found anywhere but is frequently a sign of a deep 182,pit leading down to water. 183,Your feet are now wet. 184,Thank you, it was delicious! 185,It ignores your gift. 186,Peculiar. Nothing unexpected happens. 187,You can't pour that. 188, It's not hungry (it's merely pinin' for the fjords). Besides, you have no 188,bird seed. 189,The snake has now devoured your bird. 190,There's nothing here it wants to eat (except perhaps you). 191,You fool, dwarves eat only coal! Now you've made him *REALLY* mad!! 192,You can't fill that. 193,Don't be ridiculous! 194,The door is extremely rusty and refuses to open. 195,The plant indignantly shakes the oil off its leaves and asks, "water?" 196,The hinges are quite thoroughly rusted now and won't budge. 197, The oil has freed up the hinges so that the door will now move, although 197,it requires some effort. 198,The plant has exceptionally deep roots and cannot be pulled free. 199,The dwarves' knives vanish as they strike the walls of the cave. 200,Something you're carrying won't fit through the tunnel with you. 201,You can't fit this five-foot clam through that little passage! 202,You can't fit this five-foot oyster through that little passage! 203,I advise you to put down the clam before opening it. >Strain!< 204,I advise you to put down the oyster before opening it. >Wrench!< 205,You don't have anything strong enough to open the clam. 206,You don't have anything strong enough to open the oyster. 207, A glistening pearl falls out of the clam and rolls away. Goodness, this 207,must really be an oyster. (I never was very good at identifying bivalves.) 207,Whatever it is, it has now snapped shut again. 208, The oyster creaks open, revealing nothing but oyster inside. It promptly 208,snaps shut again. 209, You have crawled around in some little holes and found your way blocked by 209,a recent cave-in. You are now back in the main passage. 210,There are faint rustling noises from the darkness around you. 211, Out from the shadows behind you pounces a bearded pirate! "HAR, HAR," he 211,chortles, "I'LL JUST TAKE ALL THIS BOOTY AND HIDE IT AWAY DEEP IN ME MAZE!" 211,He snatches your treasure and vanishes into the gloom. 212,You are shaking uncontrollably. 213,You are sweating profusely. 214,You seem to be frozen. 215,You seem to have dehydrated. 216,But what do you want to say? 217,How cannibalistic! 218,I don't think it would agree with you. 219,Oh, leave the poor unhappy bird alone. 220,You are being followed by a very large, tame bear. 221,The sudden change in temperature has delicately shattered the vase. 222,It is beyond your power to do that. 223,I don't know how. 224,It is too far up for you to reach. 225,I don't recall which direction it left in. 226,The shell is very strong and is impervious to attack. 227,What's the matter, can't you read? Now you'd best start over. 228,The axe bounces harmlessly off the dragon's thick scales. 229,The dragon looks rather nasty. You'd best not try to get by. 230, The little bird attacks the green dragon, and in an astounding flurry 230,gets burnt to a cinder. The ashes blow away. 231,Known bugs: 231, There are no known bugs in this version of QUEST. 232, Trolls are close relatives with the rocks and have skin as tough as 232,that of a rhinoceros. The troll fends off your blows effortlessly. 233, The troll deftly catches the axe, examines it carefully, and tosses it 233,back, declaring, "GOOD WORKMANSHIP, BUT IT'S NOT VALUABLE ENOUGH." 234,The troll takes your treasure and scurries away out of sight. 235,The troll refuses to let you cross. 236,There is no longer any way across the chasm. 237, Just as you reach the other side, the bridge buckles beneath the 237,weight of the bear, which was still following you around. You 237,scrabble desperately for support, but as the bridge collapses you 237,stumble back and fall into the chasm. 238, The bear lumbers toward the troll, who lets out a startled shriek and 238,scurries away. The bear soon gives up the pursuit and wanders back. 239,The axe misses and lands near the bear where you can't get at it. 240,With what? Your bare hands? Against *his* bear hands?? 241,The bear is confused; he only wants to be your friend. 242,It gobbles it down. 243, The bear eagerly wolfs down your food, after which he seems to calm 243,down considerably and even becomes rather friendly. 244,A crystal bridge now spans the fissure. 245,A crystal bridge appears and spans the fissure. 246,The crystal bridge has vanished. 247,The bird is now in the cage. 248,There is nothing here to which the chain can be locked. 249,It didn't agree with you. 250,Gluttony is not one of the troll's vices. Avarice, however, is. 251, There are faint rustling noises from the darkness behind you. As you 251,turn toward them, your light falls across a bearded pirate. He is carrying 251,a large chest. "SHIVER ME TIMBERS!" He cries, "I'VE BEEN SPOTTED! I'D 251,BEST HIE MESELF OFF TO THE MAZE TO HIDE ME CHEST!" With that, he vanishes 251,into the gloom. 252,I'm afraid the magazine is written in dwarvish. 253,"THIS IS NOT THE MAZE WHERE THE PIRATE LEAVES HIS TREASURE CHEST." 254,"CONGRATULATIONS ON BRINGING LIGHT INTO THE DARK-ROOM!" 255,Time passes and you wake up. 256,You have taken the vase and hurled it delicately to the ground. 257,You can't do that. 258,The opening is too far above you to reach. 259,You don't fit through two-inch slits! 260,Too many noun phrases. 261,Too many verbs. 262,Too many prepositions. 263,You must supply a verb. 264,You're already at the top. 265,The nest of golden eggs has vanished! 266,It's written in dwarvish. 267,You can't reach it. 268,Too many conjunctions. 269,Your hand passes through it. 270,The ALL clause is not allowed in this context. 271,"OUT TO LUNCH" 272,In the swamp? Ick! 273,The brook is too small to swim in. 274,Swimming is not allowed in the reservior (it's bad for the water quality). 275,In a pool of oil? Yuk! 276, The water is much too cold. No sooner do you step in then you have to 276,leave. 277,There is no place here for you to swim. 278,Without a shovel it is very difficult, but you eventually suceed. 279,I would suggest that you dig a hole first. 280,You can't climb that. 281,It's very dim here, but you can make out most of your surroundings. 282,Wheeeeee! 283, Hmmmm. You seem to have found a bottomless pit. Days without food and 283,water take their toll... 284,Long descriptions on first time only. 285,Brief descriptions always. 286,Long descriptions always. 287,It isn't locked. 288,You must be around here somewhere... 289,I suppose you have a theory on how to do that. 290,It doesn't seem to work. 291,The crack is much too small for you to fit through. 292,It disappears out of sight. 293,You have attained the highest possible level. 294,There is a slight earthquake. 295,You hear a distant rumbling sound. 296,The horizon begins to become light. 297,The sun begins to rise. 298,The sun is high in the sky. 299,The sun begins to set. 300,Night sets in. 301,The crystal set into the hilt of the sword begins to glow brightly. 302,The crystal set into the hilt of the sword is glowing dimly. 303,The crystal in the sword is no longer glowing. 304,It seems to be clearing up. 305,It seems to be clouding up. 306,It begins to rain. 307,It has stopped raining. 308,Starvation takes its toll. 309,You are very hungry now. 310,Pew! 311,I can't seem to remember how you got here. Please use compas points. 312,The sailing ship slowly sails away and out of sight. 313, A rickety wooden bridge extends across the chasm, vanishing into the 313,mist. 314, The wreckage of a bridge (and a dead bear) can be seen at the bottom 314,of the chasm. 315,THIS IS NOT THE MAZE WHERE THE PIRATE LEAVES HIS TREASURE CHEST. 316,There is a tiny little plant in the pit, murmuring "water, water, ..." 317,The plant spurts into furious growth for a few seconds. 318,There is a 12-foot-tall beanstalk stretching all the way up to the hole. 319,The plant grows explosively, almost filling the bottom of the pit. 320,There is a gigantic beanstalk stretching all the way up to the hole. 321,You've over-watered the plant! It's shriveling up! It's, it's... 322,The top of a 12-foot-tall beanstalk is poking out of the west pit. 323,There is a huge beanstalk growing out of the west pit up to the hole. 324,The shadowy figure seems to be trying to attract your attention. 325,The troll insists you give him a treasure before you may cross. 326,The troll steps out from beneath the bridge and blocks your way. 327,The emerald is the size of a plover's egg. 328, The runes glow a brilliant green and the ground begins to tremble 328,slightly. Then there is the sound of some machinery breaking and 328,grinding to a stop. A thudering voice cries out, "That's an unimplemented 328,feature!" 329,The stairs are open, revealing a passage that leads down into darkness. 330,I see nothing to sit on here. 331,A loud gong sounds and you find that your surroundings have changed. 332,I think you've already suceeded at that. 333,The manticore strains against the chain toward you. 334, The manticore is chained to the wall with a long chain that disappears 334,into a small chain-size hole in the north wall. 335, The manticore is chained to the wall with a short chain that disappears 335,into a small chain-size hole in the north wall. 336, The manticore is chained to the wall with a very short chain that 336,disappears into a small chain-size hole in the north wall. 337, The chain is not that short! The Manticore blocks your way. You could 337,only get by if you were very small and hugged the wall. 338,Your attack brought you within range of the manticore. 339,A huge spider web blocks the way north. 340,A huge shreaded spider web hangs from the ceiling. 341, A little dwarf came around a corner, saw you, threw a little axe at you, 341,which missed, cursed and ran away. 342, More than a hundred gremlins rush into the room and attack you. You 342,fight valiantly but are overcome. 343,You regain conciousness and jump to your feet. 344,I don't know what you're referring to. 345,#: 346,Taken. 347,It's attached to the #. 348,It's locked to the #. 349,It's tied to the #. 350,Dropped. 351,The # blocks your way. 352,Opened. 353,Opening the # reveals: 354,Closed. 355,You must tell me how to do that to #. 356,The # is now on. 357,The # is now off. 358,Done. 359,Waving # around doesn't seem to doing anything useful. 360,The # breaks instead! 361,You are on the #. 362, (which is floating in mid-air) 363, (which is burning) 364, (which is on) 365, (which is locked) 366, (which is open) 367, (which is closed) 368,The # contains: 369,Upon seeing you the unicorn neighs and gallops 370, north, into the forest. 371,I don't see # here. 372,Pulling # doesn't seem to do anything useful. 373,Done! 374,(THRONE) 375,I've heard of strange people, but attacking #? 376,Knocking on # doesn't seem to do anything useful. 377,Filename: 378,Saved. 379,Can't save: Save aborted 380,Incorrect version: Restore aborted 381,Illegal format: Restore aborted 382,Restored. 383,On the # you see: 384,Unlocked. 385,You see # here. 386,It smells just like #. 387,The # is crushed beneath the weight. 388,I see nothing special about the #. 389,Current injuries: 390,None. 391,You aren't on the #! 392,Using # doesn't seem to be effective. 393,#. 394,Under the # you see: 395,You pass out from the injury. 396,Being unconcious, you cannot defend yourself. 397,You can't get at it. 398,You got burned in the process. 399,I can't help you here. 400,Do you want the hint? 401, The stream flows out through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. It 401,would be advisable to use the exit. 402,The snake coils in preparation for an attack. 403,The snake strikes at you, barely missing you. 404,The snake coils around you, squeezing your breath away. 405,The snake bites you! 406,The snake attacks you. 407,You need to get off of the # first. 408,The # is burning. 409,The # is consumed. 410,It's already burning. 411,Unfortunately you were holding it at the time. 412,The # refuses your generous gift. 413,I think it's pretty pyschotic to water #. 414,The door is extremely rusty and refuses to close. 415,The ming vase drops with a delicate crash. 415,The floor is littered with worthless shards of pottery. 416,I don't see # here. 417,I don't think the # will let you do that. 418,I don't see how. 419,The unconcious # cannot defend itself. 420,OK. 421,The oil splatters onto the floor and soaks in, out of sight. 422,The water spills to the floor and evaporates immediately. 423,The # ignores you. 424,I've heard of strange people, but waving at #? 425,You're already wearing that. 426,You're not wearing that. 427,It's not broken! 428,I can't get at it. 12387,There is a shiny brass lamp here. 12393,There is a small sailing ship in the cove. 12394,There is a Holy Bible here. 12395,There is a sword here. 12398,There is a plastic bottle here. 12402,There is a timer attached to a package here. 12403,You see a metal chest. 12404,You see a brilliant gem! 12405,There is a shovel here. 12406,There are some coins here! 12408,There is an emerald here the size of a plover's egg! 12409,There is some gold here! 12410,There is a gigantic spider's web here. 12413,There is a shield here. 12422,There is a lamp here. 12423,There is a bed here. 12424,There is a bed here. 12425,There is a huge piece of bedrock here. 12426,There is a sapphire on the pedestal! 12427,There is a throne here. 12428,There is a jeweled sceptre here! 12434,There are some keys here. 12437,There is a wicker cage discarded nearby. 12438,There is a rod with a rusty star on one end here. 12442,A massive rusty door opens to a south passage. 12443,There is a massive rusty door blocking the way north here. 12444,There is a velvet pillow lying here. 12447,There is an enormous clam here with its shell tightly closed. 12448,There is a copy of "spelunker today" magazine here. 12449,There is some tasty food here. 12451,There is a mirror here. 12452,There is a mirror here. 12453,There is a mirror here. 12454,There is a little dwarf's axe lying here. 12471,There are some diamonds here! 12472,There are bars of silver here! 12473,There is some precious jewelry here! 12474,The pirate's treasure chest is here! 12475,There is a nest full of golden eggs here! 12476,There is a jewel-encrusted trident here! 12477,There is a precious ming vase here! 12478,There is a platinum pyramid here, eight inches on a side! 12479,There is a glistening pearl here! 12480,There is a persian rug lying here! 12481,There are some rare spices here! 12482,There is a golden chain lying here! 12483,There is a cheerful little bird, sitting here singing. 12522,There is a jewel here! 12541,A brown sack is here. 12542,There is a clove of garlic here. 12543,A hot pepper sandwich is here. 12544,There is a small piece of vitreous slag here. 12545,There is a small heap of coal here. 12546,There is an exquisite jade figurine here. 12547,There is an enormous diamond (perfectly cut) here. 12548,A clear glass bottle is here. 12549,There is a large coil of rope here. 12550,There is a nasty-looking knife lying here. 12551,There is a broken brass lantern here. 12552,There is a pile of leaves on the ground. 12553,There is a bloody axe here. 12554,There is a rusty knife here. 12555,There is a burned-out lantern here. 12556,There is a set of skeleton keys here. 12557,A skeleton, probably the remains of a luckless adventurer, lies here. 12558,An old leather bag, bulging with coins, is here. 12559,There is a large platinum bar here. 12560,There is a pearl necklace here with hundreds of large pearls. 12561,A mass of ice fills the western half of the room. 12562,There is a moby ruby lying here. 12563,Neptune's own crystal trident is here. 12564,There is a solid gold coffin, used for the burial of Ramses II, here. 12565,There is an ivory torch here. 12566,At the end of the chain is a basket. 12567,There is a sapphire-encrusted bracelet here. 12568,There is a pile of wooden timbers here. 12569,There is a dented steel box here. 12570,There is a Stradivarius here. 12571,There are old engravings on the walls here. 12572,There is an extremely valuable (perhaps original) grail here. 12573,There is an old trunk here, bulging with assorted jewels. 12574,There is a small brass bell here. 12575,There is a large black book here. 12576,There are two candles here. 12577,There is a tour guidebook here. 12578,There is a matchbook whose cover says, "VISIT BEAUTIFUL FCD NUMBER 3", here. 12579,There is a small mailbox here. 12580,There is an object which looks like a tube of toothpaste here. 12581,There is some gunk here. 12582,There is a wrench here. 12583,There is a screwdriver here. 12584,There is a silver chalice, intricately engraved, here. 12585,A masterpiece by a neglected genius is here. 12586,There is a vicious-looking stilletto here. 12587,There is a pot of gold here. 12588,There is a beautiful statue here. 12589,There is a folded pile of plastic here which has a small valve attached. 12590,There is a pile of plastic here with a large hole in it. 12591,There is a small pump here. 12592,There is an inflated boat here. 12593,There is a tan label here. 12594,There is a sharp broken stick here. 12595,There is a red buoy here (probably a warning). 12596,There is a large emerald here. 12597,There is a large shovel here. 12598,There is a hunk of bat guano here. 12599,There is a very large and extremely heavy wicker basket with a cloth 12599,bag here. Inside the basket is a metal receptacle of some kind. 12599,Attached to the basket on the outside is a piece of wire. 12600,There is a small hook attached to the rock here. 12601,There is a small hook attached to the rock here. 12602,There is an engraved Zorkmid coin here. 12603,There is a card with writing on it here. 12604,Lord Dimwit's crown is here. 12605,There is a square brick here which feels like clay. 12606,There is a coil of thin shiny wire here. 12607,There is a nervous volcano gnome here. 12608,There is a blue label here. 12609,There is a balloon here, broken into pieces. 12610,There is a blue book here. 12611,There is a green book here. 12612,There is a purple book here. 12613,There is a white book here. 12614,There is a flathead commemorative stamp here. 12615,There are four heads here, mounted securely on poles. 12616,Many empty Coke bottles are here. Alas, they can't hold water. 12617,There is an enormous stack of line-printer paper here. It is barely 12617,readable and totally unintelligable. 12618,There is a mangled cage here. 12619,There is an steel cage in the middle of the room. 12620,There is a beautiful crystal sphere here. 12621,A stoppered glass flask with skull-and-crossbones markings is here. 12621,The flask is filled with some clear liquid. 12622,The leak has submerged the depressed area in a pool of sewage. 12623,There is a tin of rare spices here. 12624,There is a wooden bucket here, three feet in diameter and three feet 12624,high. 12625,There is a piece of cake here with the words "EAT ME" on it. 12626,There is a piece of cake with orange icing here. 12627,There is a piece of cake with red icing here. 12628,There is a piece of cake with blue (ecch) icing here. 12629,There is a robot here. 12630,There is a green piece of paper here. 12631,200 neatly stacked Zorkmid bills are here. 12632,A portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead is here. 12633,There is a Gnome of Zurich here. 12634,There is a small birds nest here. 12635,There is a jewel-encrusted egg here. 12636,There is a somewhat ruined egg here. 12637,There is a beautiful brass bauble here. 12638,There is a golden clockwork canary here. 12639,There is a non-functional canary here. 12640,There is a piece of paper on the ground here. 12641,There is a solid gold engraved card here. 12889,There is a beautiful white unicorn standing here! 12890,There is a giant spider sitting here, guarding her eggs! 12891,There is a huge red dragon here, guarding its gold! 12894,There is a manticore here! 12897,There is a fierce green snake here! 12898,There is a burly troll standing next to the bridge. 12899,There is a threatening little dwarf in the room with you! 12900,There is a threatening little dwarf in the room with you! 12901,There is a threatening little dwarf in the room with you! 12902,There is a threatening little dwarf in the room with you! 12903,There is a threatening little dwarf in the room with you! 12904,There is a huge cave bear eyeing you here. He is chained to the wall with 12904,a golden chain! 12905, A nasty-looking troll, brandishing a bloody axe, blocks all passages out 12905,of the room. 12906, There is a suspicious-looking individual, holding a bag, leaning against 12906,one wall. He is armed with a vicious-looking stilletto. 12909,There is a Gnome of Zurich here. 13387,lamp 13388,A shiny brass lamp 13390,door 13391,A front door 13393,window 13394,A window 13396,stairs 13397,Some stairs 13399,shed 13400,A shed 13402,gate 13403,A gate 13404,gate 13405,ship 13406,A small sailing ship 13407,bible 13408,A Holy Bible 13410,sword 13411,A sword 13413,sign 13414,A sign 13416,water 13417,Some water 13419,bottle 13420,A plastic bottle 13422,mountains 13423,Some mountains 13425,dam 13426,A dam 13427,A dam with a large hole in it 13428,table 13429,A hand-crafted table 13431,timer 13432,A timer attached to a package 13434,chest 13435,A metal chest 13437,gem 13438,A brilliant gem 13440,shovel 13441,A shovel 13443,coins 13444,Some coins 13446,rope 13447,Some rope 13449,emerald 13450,A large emerald 13452,gold 13453,Some gold 13455,web 13456,A spider web 13457,A broken spider web 13458,slide 13459,A stone slide 13461,steps 13462,Some stone steps 13464,shield 13465,A large shield 13466,A piece of slag 13467,garden 13468,A garden 13470,runes 13471,Some strange runes 13473,pillars 13474,Some pillars 13476,window 13477,An attic window 13479,window 13480,A window 13482,shed 13483,A shed 13485,door 13486,A front door 13488,lamp 13489,A genie's lamp 13491,bed 13492,A bed 13494,bed 13495,A bed 13497,rock 13498,Some bedrock 13500,sapphire 13501,A sapphire 13503,throne 13504,A throne 13506,sceptre 13507,A jeweled sceptre 13509,wheel 13510,A metal wheel 13512,chain 13513,A metal chain 13515,sign 13516,A sign 13518,stairs 13519,Some stone stairs 13521,keys 13522,Some keys 13524,grate 13525,A grate 13527,cage 13528,A small wicker cage 13530,rod 13531,A black rod 13533,head 13534,A head 13536,steps 13537,Some rough stone steps 13539,steps 13540,Some rough stone steps 13542,door 13543,A massive rusty door 13545,door 13546,A massive rusty door 13548,pillow 13549,A velvet pillow 13551,volcano 13552,A volcano 13554,tablet 13555,A massive stone tablet 13557,clam 13558,A clam 13559,An oyster 13560,magazine 13561,A "Spelunker Today" magazine 13563,food 13564,Some tasty food 13566,oil 13567,Some oil 13569,mirror 13570,A mirror 13572,mirror 13573,A mirror 13575,axe 13576,A dwarf's axe 13578,stream 13579,A stream 13581,house 13582,A white house 13584,bridge 13585,A crystal bridge 13587,bridge 13588,A crystal bridge 13590,plant 13591,A plant 13593,plant 13594,A beanstalk 13596,bridge 13597,A wooden bridge 13599,bridge 13600,A wooden bridge 13602,Cathedral 13603,A cathedral 13605,cathedral 13606,A cathedral 13608,reservior 13609,A reservior 13611,sign 13612,A sign 13614,road 13615,A road 13617,canyon 13618,A canyon 13620,diamonds 13621,Some diamonds 13623,silver 13624,Some bars of silver 13626,jewelry 13627,Some precious jewelry 13629,chest 13630,A treasure chest 13632,eggs 13633,Some golden eggs 13635,trident 13636,A jeweled trident 13637,shards 13638,vase 13639,A ming vase 13640,Some worthless shards 13641,pyramid 13642,A platinum pyramid 13644,pearl 13645,A glistening pearl 13647,rug 13648,A persian rug 13650,spices 13651,Some rare spices 13653,chain 13654,A golden chain 13656,bird 13657,A cheerful little bird 13658,A dead little bird 13659,north wall 13660,The north wall 13662,south wall 13663,The south wall 13665,east wall 13666,the east wall 13668,west wall 13669,the west wall 13671,swamp 13672,A swamp 13674,forest 13675,A forest 13677,tree 13678,A tree 13680,ocean 13681,An ocean 13683,lake 13684,A lake 13686,field 13687,A field 13689,neck 13690,A neck 13692,arm 13693,A left arm 13695,arm 13696,A right arm 13698,leg 13699,A left leg 13701,leg 13702,A right leg 13704,foot 13705,A left foot 13707,foot 13708,A right foot 13710,hand 13711,A left hand 13713,hand 13714,A right hand 13716,finger 13717,A finger 13719,toe 13720,A toe 13722,chest 13723,A chest 13725,gut 13726,A gut 13728,face 13729,A face 13731,hair 13732,Some hair 13734,back 13735,A back 13737,nose 13738,A nose 13740,eye 13741,A right eye 13743,eye 13744,A left eye 13746,mouth 13747,A mouth 13749,ear 13750,A right ear 13752,ear 13753,A left ear 13755,teeth 13756,A set of teeth 13758,tongue 13759,A tongue 13761,bridge 13762,A stone bridge 13764,bridge 13765,A stone bridge 13767,bridge 13768,A stone bridge 13770,message 13771,A message 13773,jewel 13774,A large jewel 13776,passage 13777,A passage 13779,cobbles 13780,Some cobbles 13782,crack 13783,A small crack 13785,dome 13786,A dome 13788,floor 13789,The floor 13791,slits 13792,Some slits 13794,carpet 13795,A carpet 13797,depression 13798,A depression 13800,cave 13801,A cave 13803,mist 13804,Some mist 13806,moss 13807,Some moss 13809,drawing 13810,A drawing 13812,figure 13813,A shadowy figure 13815,stalagtite 13816,A stalagtite 13818,knife 13819,A dwarf's knife 13822,pedestal 13823,A stone pedestal 13824,debris 13825,Some debris 13852,sack 13853,A brown sack 13855,clove of garlic 13856,A clove of garlic 13858,lunch 13859,A lunch 13861,vitreous slag 13862,A piece of vitreous slag 13864,coal 13865,A small pile of coal 13867,figurine 13868,A jade figurine 13870,machine 13871,A machine 13873,diamond 13874,A huge diamond 13876,rope 13877,A rope 13879,knife 13880,A knife 13882,broken lamp 13883,A broken lamp 13885,carpet 13886,A carpet 13888,leaves 13889,A pile of leaves 13891,axe 13892,A bloody axe 13894,knife 13895,A rusty knife 13897,lantern 13898,A burned-out lantern 13900,keys 13901,A set of skeleton keys 13903,skeleton 13904,A skeleton 13906,bag of coins 13907,A bag of coins 13909,platinum 13910,A platinum bar 13912,necklace 13913,A pearl necklace 13915,mirror 13916,A mirror 13918,mirror 13919,A mirror 13921,glacier 13922,A glacier 13924,ruby 13925,A ruby 13927,trident 13928,A crystal trident 13930,coffin 13931,A gold coffin 13933,torch 13934,An ivory torch 13936,basket 13937,A basket 13939,bracelet 13940,A sapphire bracelet 13942,timbers 13943,A pile of timbers 13945,steel box 13946,A steel box 13948,violin 13949,A fancy violin 13951,engravings 13952,Some engravings 13954,grail 13955,A grail 13957,prayer 13958,A prayer 13960,trunk 13961,A trunk with jewels 13963,bell 13964,A bell 13966,book 13967,A book 13969,candles 13970,A pair of candles 13972,guidebook 13973,A tour guidebook 13975,matchbook 13976,A matchbook 13978,mailbox 13979,A mailbox 13981,tube 13982,A tube 13984,viscous material 13985,Some viscous material 13987,wrench 13988,A wrench 13990,screwdriver 13991,A screwdriver 13993,chalice 13994,A chalice 13996,painting 13997,A painting 13999,stilletto 14000,A stilletto 14002,window 14003,A window 14005,bolt 14006,A bolt 14008,grating 14009,A grating 14011,door 14012,A door 14014,door 14015,A door 14017,door 14018,A door 14020,door 14021,A door 14023,switch 14024,A switch 14026,head 14027,A head on a pole 14029,corpses 14030,A pile of corpses 14032,bodies 14033,A pile of bodies 14035,dam 14036,A dam 14038,railing 14039,A railing 14041,gate 14042,A gate 14044,bubble 14045,A bubble 14047,leak 14048,A leak 14050,button 14051,A button 14053,button 14054,A button 14056,button 14057,A button 14059,button 14060,A button 14062,rainbow 14063,A rainbow 14065,pot of gold 14066,A pot of gold 14068,statue 14069,A statue 14071,boat 14072,A plastic inflatable boat 14074,boat 14075,A holed plastic boat 14077,pump 14078,A hand-held air pump 14080,boat 14081,A magic boat 14083,label 14084,A tan label 14086,stick 14087,A sharp broken stick 14089,barrel 14090,A barrel 14092,buoy 14093,A red buoy 14095,emerald 14096,A large emerald 14098,shovel 14099,A shovel 14101,guano 14102,Some bat guano 14104,basket 14105,A basket 14107,receptacle 14108,A receptacle 14110,bag 14111,A cloth bag 14113,wire 14114,A braided wire 14116,hook 14117,A hook 14119,hook 14120,A hook 14122,zorkmid 14123,A gold zorkmid 14125,box 14126,A box 14128,card 14129,A card 14131,hole 14132,A hole 14134,crown 14135,A crown 14137,brick 14138,A brick 14140,wire coil 14141,A wire coil 14146,label 14147,A blue label 14149,balloon 14150,A broken balloon 14152,book 14153,A blue book 14155,book 14156,A green book 14158,book 14159,A purple book 14161,book 14162,A white book 14164,stamp 14165,A stamp 14167,tomb 14168,A tomb 14170,heads 14171,A set of poled heads 14173,Coke bottles 14174,A bunch of Coke bottles 14176,listings 14177,A stack of listings 14182,cage 14183,A mangled cage 14185,cage 14186,A steel cage 14188,crystal sphere 14189,A crystal sphere 14191,button 14192,A button 14194,button 14195,A button 14197,button 14198,A button 14200,wall 14201,A wall with etchings 14203,wall 14204,A wall with etchings 14206,flask 14207,A glass flask 14209,sewage 14210,A pool of sewage 14212,spices 14213,A tin of spices 14215,table 14216,A large oblong table 14218,posts 14219,A group of wooden posts 14221,bucket 14222,A wooden bucket 14224,cake 14225,A piece of "EAT ME" cake 14227,cake 14228,A piece of cake with orange icing 14230,cake 14231,A piece of cake with red icing 14233,cake 14234,A piece of cake with blue icing 14236,robot 14237,A robot 14239,paper 14240,A green piece of paper 14242,tree 14243,A large tree 14245,tree 14246,A large tree 14248,cliff 14249,A cliff 14251,cliff 14252,A white cliff 14254,bills 14255,A stack of Zorkmid bills 14257,portrait 14258,A portrait of J. Pierpont Flathead 14260,stone cube 14261,A large stone cube 14263,curtain 14264,A shimmering curtain of light 14269,nest 14270,A bird's nest 14272,egg 14273,A jewel-encrusted egg 14275,egg 14276,A broken jewel-encrusted egg 14278,bauble 14279,A beautiful brass bauble 14281,canary 14282,A clockwork canary 14284,canary 14285,A broken clockwork canary 14287,panel 14288,A yellow panel 14290,panel 14291,A white panel 14293,panel 14294,A red panel 14296,panel 14297,A black panel 14299,wall 14300,A mahogany wall 14302,wall 14303,A pine wall 14305,bar 14306,A wooden bar 14308,pole 14309,A long pole 14311,pole 14312,A short pole 14314,T-bar 14315,A T-bar 14317,compass arrow 14318,A compass arrow 14320,button 14321,A red button 14323,beam of light 14324,A red beam of light 14326,door 14327,A bronze door 14329,door 14330,A wooden door 14332,door 14333,A locked door 14335,door 14336,A cell door 14338,button 14339,A large button 14341,sundial 14342,A sundial 14344,numeral 1 14345,The numeral 1 14347,numeral 2 14348,The numeral 2 14350,numeral 3 14351,The numeral 3 14353,numeral 4 14354,The numeral 4 14356,numeral 5 14357,The numeral 5 14359,numeral 6 14360,The numeral 6 14362,numeral 7 14363,The numeral 7 14365,numeral 8 14366,The numeral 8 14368,slit 14369,A small slit 14371,card 14372,A gold card 14374,door 14375,A steel door 14377,valuables 14378,Some valuables 14380,sailor 14381,A sailor 14383,grue 14384,A lurking grue 14386,breath 14387,Some breath 14389,bird 14390,A bird 14392,tree 14393,A tree 14395,Guardian 14396,A Guardian of Zork 14398,compass rose 14399,A compass rose 14401,mirror 14402,A mirror 14404,panel 14405,A panel 14407,channel 14408,A stone channel 14410,ladder 14411,A ladder 14413,ceiling 14414,A ceiling 14416,hedge 14417,A hedge 15883,A player 15884,A tentacle 15885,A unicorn 15886,A spider 15887,A dragon 15888,Some spider eggs 15889,A shark 15890,A manticore 15891,A gremlin 15892,A pirate 15893,A fierce green snake 15894,A burly troll 15895,A little dwarf 15896,A cave bear 16384, You are standing in a large field, to the east of which is forest and to 16384,the south is a wooded hill. To the north is a tall hedge and to the west 16384,is a road, which travels north/south. 16385, You are standing on a road that runs north/south. To either side 16385,is a field. To the north is a house. To the south, the road bends 16385,east around a hill. 16386, You are standing in the middle of a large field. To the east 16386,is a road that runs north/south. To the west (in the distance) are 16386,high mountains. 16387, You are at the end of a road, which goes south from here. To the 16387,north and west is dense forest. You are standing on the west side 16387,of a white house, with a large window and a door in view. 16388, You are at a bend in the road around a wooded hill. The road 16388,continues north and east here through deep green forest. To the 16388,east appears to be a small town. 16389, You are on a wooded hill which overlooks the surrounding area. To 16389,the west and south is a road. To the north is some sort of a white 16389,structure. To the southeast are several buildings. As far as you 16389,can see in all other directions is dense forest. 16390, You are on a paved road which bends north around a small wooded 16390,hill. To the east is a small town. 16391,You are on the north side of a white house. There is a window here. 16392, You are behind a white house. On the second floor is a window, 16392,but there are no entrances on the ground level here. To the east 16392,is a small shed. To the south is a tall hedge. There is a small garden 16392,here. 16393, You are in an old abandoned tool shed. The only exit is the way you 16393,came in. 16394, You are in a living room with a door and window to the west and a 16394,staircase leading up on the south wall. To the east is a dark doorway 16394,and to the north is another doorway. 16395,You are in dense forest. 16396,You are in dense forest. 16397,You are in dense forest. 16398, You are in dense forest. There is a ravine going north and down, and a 16398,slight rise along the ravine. The ravine is filled with an eerie fog. 16399, You are in dense forest. To the west are some high mountains. 16400,You are in dense forest. 16401,You are in dense forest. 16402,You are in dense forest. 16403,You are in dense forest. 16404,You are in dense forest. 16405, You are in dense forest. Directly to the west is a large tunnel 16405,going straight into the mountains. A light can be seen at the far 16405,western end. There is a gate mounted in front of the tunnel, made 16405,out of heavy iron. 16406, You are in a nice little attic. There is a small window looking 16406,out on the back-yard and the only exit is down a staircase on the 16406,south side of the room. 16407, You are in a plush study. There used to be many trophies and 16407,valuables here, but someone has removed them. The only exit is to 16407,the west. 16408, You are in the middle of a small town with several buildings that 16408,are empty and desolate. The only structure that seems to be still 16408,in-tact is a huge cathedral on the north side of the town. A road leads 16408,west around a small wooded hill to the northwest. To the south is a 16408,swamp with a babbling brook flowing out of it and to the east. A dirt 16408,path leads into the swamp and a sign posted next to it says: 16408, DO NOT leave this path under ANY 16408, conditions.... 16408, 16409, You are along side of a babbling brook which travels to the east. 16409,All around you is lush green forest. 16410, You are on a beach where a babbling brook runs into the ocean. To 16410,the north and south are cliffs that prevent you from leaving this part 16410,of the beach. The ocean stretches east as far as the eye can see. 16411, You are in a beautiful huge cathedral with many stained-glass windows 16411,high above you. There is an ornately hand-crafted table here. 16412, You are on a path that runs through a large swamp. To the north 16412,is a town. The path runs to the south here. 16413,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your chest. 16414,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your waist. 16415,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your knees. 16416,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your knees. 16417, You are on a path that runs through a large swamp. The path runs north 16417,and south here. 16418,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your ankles. 16419,You are standing in a swamp. The water is up to your knees. 16420, You are on a path that runs through a large swamp. The path runs north 16420,and south and also forks to the east. 16421, You are on a path that runs through a large swamp. The path runs east 16421,and west here. 16422, You are in a protected cove. The ocean stretches far into the east. 16422,In the distance you think you can see a little piece of land (maybe an 16422,island). A path leads west into a swamp and to the north and south are 16422,high cliffs, which prevent you from leaving this part of the beach. 16423, You are at the base of flood control dam number 4. Behind it is a huge 16423,reservoir. A dirt path leads north in a swamp. As far as I can tell, 16423,there is no way around (or over) the dam. High on the dam is a message 16423,which says, "RESTRICTED AREA: KEEP EXPLOSIVES AWAY" 16424, You are on the ocean. To the west is a cove with deep water. In the 16424,east, an island can be seen. 16425, You are standing in mud up to your waist. The mud is so deep, in 16425,fact, that you can only move north. This apparently used to be a large 16425,reservior but the dam has a hole in it. 16426, You are on the ocean. To the west is a beach, where a small brook 16426,runs into the ocean. To the east is an island. 16427, You are on the ocean. Directly to the east is an island. To the 16427,southwest is a cove and to the northwest is a beach. Directly to the 16427,west are high cliffs. 16428,You are on the ocean. To the northeast is an island. 16429,You are on the ocean. To the southeast is an island. 16430, You are on the beach of a very small island. There is a slight rise 16430,to the east. 16431, You are on the eastern beach of a very small island. To the east is a 16431,distant roaring sound. 16432, You are on the ocean. To the southwest is an island. A distinct roar 16432,can be heard to the east. 16433, You are on the ocean. To the northwest is an island. A distinct roar 16433,can be heard to the east. 16434, You are at the edge of the world. Here the water from the ocean plunges 16434,over the edge with a thunderous roar. 16435,My! You seem to have fallen over the side of the world. 16436, You are in a small room with some sort of wooden structure overhead. 16436,A passage leads south. There is a note carved into the rock wall, 16436,which says: "OPEN SESAME" 16437,You are in a sinkhole. A passage leads north. 16438, You are in a room with high, arched pillars, which go up to a roof far 16438,above you. To the south the room seems to open up into an even larger 16438,area. To the west is a hallway. 16439, You are in a hallway. The walls are covered in beautifully carved oak. 16439,There are stone steps going down here. 16440,You are on a set of stone steps. The steps go both up and down here. 16441, You are at the base of some stone steps. A small square tunnel leads 16441,south. 16442,You are in a small square tunnel (obviously made for dwarves). 16443, You are in a large room with a small square tunnel leading north. The 16443,walls and ceiling are covered with soot. 16444,You are in a secret room. A very small hole leads north. 16445, You are on the north side of a huge cavern. To the north is a room. 16445,To the west is another (but smaller) room. In the middle of the cavern, 16445,stretching all the way across is a wide chasm. A stone bridge leads 16445,across the abyss to the south. 16446,You are in a side room. The only exit is to the east. 16447,You are on a stone bridge, which stretches across a large chasm. 16448, You are on the south side of a huge cavern. To the south is a narrow 16448,passage. To the west is a small room. To the north is a wide chasm. A 16448,stone bridge spans the chasm. 16449, You are in a room that appears to have undergone a serious calamity, 16449,as the walls and ceiling are full of cracks and chunks of rock lie 16449,scattered about on the floor. Passages lead east and west. 16450, You are in a narrow passage. The passage runs east/west and also forks 16450,to the north. 16451,You are on a ledge that runs along a high cliff. 16452, You are on a ledge that runs along a high cliff. There is a hole in 16452,the cliff wall, with a passage that leads north into the cliff wall. 16453, You are on a ledge that runs alongs a high cliff. From here you have 16453,a view of a volcano, which periodically belches large chunks of molten 16453,rock out of its top. Rivers of lava flow around the mountain, and slosh 16453,against the base of the cliff. 16454,You are in a narrow tunnel that leads north and south. 16455, You are in a narrow tunnel that leads north and south. A passage 16455,leads to the east. 16456, You are in a narrow tunnel that leads north and south. Large cobwebs 16456,(I mean BIG) hang from the ceiling to the floor. 16457, You are in a room at the end of a narrow tunnel. The only exit is 16457,to the south. 16458, You are in a small round room with smooth walls and ceiling. The walls 16458,floor, and ceiling are covered with huge cobwebs. 16459, You are standing at a gateway in a high (and wide) stone wall. A 16459,passage leads east and there is a bridge to the west. 16460, You are on a bridge that crosses a river with black water. To the 16460,east is a stone gateway and to the west is a large fortress. 16461, You are in a black river that flows south here. The water is very 16461,cold. There is a bridge that goes over the river here. 16462, You are at the source of the black river. The water gushes out of a 16462,hole in a cliff and runs south. 16463, You are standing at the entrance to a large underground fortress. A 16463,bridge leads to the east. 16464, You are in a black river that flows south here. To the south you hear a 16464,roaring sound. 16465,Oh no! You have fallen into a deep abyss. 16466, You are in a round room with a thick rope hanging from the ceiling. 16466,Passages go east and west from here. 16467, You are at a junction of several tunnels. They lead off in all 16467,directions. 16468, You are in a steep crawl. Down to the west is a small tunnel. Up 16468,and to the east is a larger tunnel. 16469, You have slidden down a stone slide. You are now sitting somewhere in 16469,its middle. 16470, You are in a small canyon. Passages lead to the north (and down) and 16470,to the south (and up). 16471, You are in a weird room. Due to its strange structure, I cannot 16471,guarantee that you will go the direction you select. 16472, You are on the edge of a ravine (to the west). Here it is pleasant 16472,and sunny, but in the ravine is an eerie mist. On a nearby tree there 16472,is intricate carving. The carving says: 16472, "Alan loves ..." 16472,The rest is unintellegible, as was Alan. 16473, You are in a ravine which slopes down and north. There is an eerie fog 16473,surrounding you. On the east bank of the ravine are strange runes carved 16473,into the rock. 16474, You are at the base of flood control dam number 4, which has a huge hole 16474,in it. The reservior that used to be behind the dam seems to have run 16474,out. A badly damaged sign on the dam says: "RESTRICTED AREA:KEEP..." 16474,The rest is unreadable. 16475, You are on the edge of a sinkhole, which was probably caused by a 16475,large amount of water passing this way. Along the perimeter are the 16475,remains of a small town. There are some empty and desolate buildings 16475,and a huge cathedral on the north side of the site. South of here is a 16475,large swamp, a stream flows out of the swamp and to the east. A road leads 16475,from the edge of the sinkhole to the west. On the south side of the sinkhole, 16475,there is a sign posted next to a dirt path that leads south. The sign reads: 16475, DO NOT leave this path under ANY 16475, conditions.... 16475, 16476, You are in the bottom of a sinkhole. Along the perimeter above you, 16476,you can see several old buildings. There is a narrow passage leading 16476,northeast. 16477, You are in a room with high, arched pillars, which go up to a roof far 16477,above you. To the south the room seems to open up into an even larger 16477,area. To the west is a hallway. There is a narrow passage leading 16477,southwest, which appears to be much newer than the other passages. 16478,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16479,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16480,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16481,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16482,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16483,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16484,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16485,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16486,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16487,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16488,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16489,You are in a maze of twisting passages. 16490,You are in a dead end. 16491,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16492,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16493,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16494,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16495,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16496,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16497, You are in the midst of a dense mist. There seem to be walls to the 16497,north and south. 16498,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16499,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16500,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16501,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16502,You are in the midst of a dense mist. 16503, You are in the midst of a dense mist. There is a road here, heading 16503,west. 16504, You are in the entrance hall of a large underground fortress. The 16504,ceiling rises out of sight above you. A stone staircase leads up from 16504,here. The exit is to the east and a passage leads west. 16505, You are at the top of a stone staircase in a large underground fortress. 16505,A hallway leads north from here. 16506, You are in a north/south hallway. There is a dark doorway to the west. 16506,There are stairs that lead down to the south. 16507, You are in the north side of a north/south hallway. A dark doorway leads 16507,west. 16508,You are in a bedchamber. The only exit is a dark doorway to the east. 16508,There is a large bed here. 16509, You are in a bedchamber. The only exit is a dark doorway to the east. 16509,There is a large bed here. 16510,You are in an featureless east/west passage, carved from the living rock. 16511, You are in a secret passage that leads north and south. There is a 16511,rusty steel wheel on the wall. 16512, You are in an alcove where passages lead north and west. To the north 16512,you can hear what sounds like a chain being moved. 16513, You are in a room with exits to the south and west. There are the bones 16513,of many adventurers scattered about here. There is a manticore here! 16514, You are in a hall that goes east/west. There is a doorway to the north, 16514,through which can be seen a treasure room. The room is piled high with 16514,treasure of all kinds. There is a particularly large pile of coins, upon 16514,which is an arabian-style lamp. 16515, You are in a hall that goes east/west. There is a doorway to the south, 16515,through which can be seen a treasure room. The room is piled high with 16515,treasure of all kinds. There is a particularly large pile of coins, upon 16515,which is an arabian-style lamp. 16516, You are in a slightly domed, round room with a myriad of small tunnels 16516,leading off in all directions. The tunnels are much too small for you to 16516,fit through. In the center of the room is a pedestal with gremlin symbols 16516,on it. 16517, You are in a closet. There is a room to the north and a hall leads to the 16517,east. 16518,You are in a room with a large throne. Exits are to the north and south. 16519, You are in the entrance to a dungeon. To enter, go down. There is a room 16519,to the south, and a hallway leads east. 16520, You are above a small featureless cell. Once you get down, I cannot 16520,guarantee that you can get back up. A passage leads up from here. 16521, You are in a strangely shaped room with no apparent exits. Outside of 16521,this room, you can see large golden disks through some small windows. Up 16521,on the wall is a sign, which reads "OUT TO LUNCH". 16522, You are in a small featureless cell. There is an opening far above you 16522,and quite out of reach. There are no other exits here. It looks as if you're 16522,trapped here. 16523, You are in a cave with small stalagmites and stalagtites all around you. 16523,Passages lead east and down. 16524,You are in a downward sloping corridor. It is very moist here. 16525, You are in a huge cavern. Your light does not reach the ceiling or any 16525,walls except the western one. At your feet the water from a huge lake laps 16525,lazily against the shore. A small path between the wall and the water leads 16525,north. 16526, You are in a huge cavern. Your light does not reach the ceiling or any 16526,walls except the western one. At your feet the water of a large lake 16526,quietly laps the shore. A path between the wall and the water's edge 16526,leads north and south. A passage leads up from here. 16527, You are in a huge cavern. Your light does not reach the ceiling or any 16527,walls except the western one. At your feet the water of the lake splashes 16527,quietly against the shore. A small path leads south between the lake and 16527,the wall. 16528, You are on a lake in a huge cavern. You can see nothing but water in all 16528,directions. The only sound is that of the water lapping against the side 16528,of the boat. 16529, You are on a lake in a huge cavern. You can see nothing but water all 16529,around you. 16530, You are on a lake in a huge cavern. You cannot see the shore from here 16530,nor the walls of the cavern. All is very quiet. 16531, You are on the beach of an island in the middle of the lake. The lake 16531,stretches out of sight to the west. 16532, You are in the beach of an island in the middle of the lake. The lake 16532,stretches out of sight to the west. 16533, You are on the beach of an island in the middle of the lake. The lake 16533,stretches out of sight to the east. 16534, You are on the beach of an island near a small lagoon, the water in the 16534,lagoon is separated from the lake by island. The air is salty here. 16535,You are in the lagoon of an underground island. 16536, You are on the beach of an island in the middle of the lake. The lake 16536,stretches out of sight to the east. 16537,You are in an underwater tunnel. The tunnel travels up and east here. 16538,You are at the entrance to an underwater tunnel. The tunnel goes west. 16539,You are underneath the ocean, above a trench. 16540,You are underneath the ocean in a trench. 15541, You are deep within a trench underneath the surface of the ocean. The 15541,pressure here seems to have caused the hull of the submarine to be smashed 16541,with you inside! 16542,You are underneath the ocean. Many schools of fish swim by the porthole. 16543,You are underneath the ocean. Colorful fish play among the coral. 16544,You are underneath the ocean. Dangerous man-eating sharks swim slowly by. 16545,You are underneath the ocean. Playful seals swim around the submarine. 16546,You are underneath the ocean. Jellyfish rise slowly from the depths. 16547,You are underneath the ocean. Dolphins swim in the distance. 16548,You are underneath the ocean. The current washes plankton past the porthole. 16549,You are underneath the ocean. Here you can see a tunnel leading west. 16550,You are in an underwater tunnel that leads east/west. 16551,You are in an underwater tunnel that leads east and also goes up here. 16552, You are in an underwater dome. Here there is an air pocket which makes it 16552,possible to get out. 16553, You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. 16553,Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and 16553,down a gully. 16554, You are on a hill, in a forest. The road slopes down both sides of the 16554,hill. There is a building in the distance to the east. To the west is 16554,an eerie mist. 16555,You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring. 16556, You are in a valley in the forest beside a stream tumbling along a 16556,rocky bed. 16557,You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side. 16558,You are in open forest near both a valley and a road. 16559, At your feet all the water of the stream splashes into a 2-inch slit 16559,in the rock. Downstream the streambed is bare rock. 16560, You are in a 20-foot depression floored with bare dirt. Set into the 16560,dirt is a strong steel grate mounted in concrete. A dry streambed 16560,leads into the depression. 16561, You are in a small chamber beneath a 3x3 steel grate to the surface. 16561,A low crawl over cobbles leads inward to the west. 16562, You are crawling over cobbles in a low passage. There is a dim light 16562,at the east end of the passage. 16563, You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. 16563,A low wide passage with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris 16563,here, but an awkward canyon leads upward and west. A note on the wall 16563,says "MAGIC WORD XYZZY". 16564,You are in an awkward sloping east/west canyon. 16565, You are in a splendid chamber thirty feet high. The walls are frozen 16565,rivers of orange stone. An awkward canyon and a good passage exit 16565,from east and west sides of the chamber. 16566, At your feet is a small pit breathing traces of white mist. An east 16566,passage ends here except for a small crack leading on. Rough stone steps 16566,lead down the pit. 16567, You are at one end of a vast hall stretching forward out of sight to 16567,the west. There are openings to either side. Nearby, a wide stone 16567,staircase leads downward. The hall is filled with wisps of white mist 16567,swaying to and fro almost as if alive. A cold wind blows up the 16567,staircase. There is a passage at the top of a dome. Rough stone steps 16567,lead up the dome. 16568, You are in the kitchen of the white house. A table seems to have been 16568,used recently for the preparation of food. A passage leads to the south 16568,and a window looks north upon a forest. 16569, You are on the east bank of a fissure slicing clear across the hall. 16569,The mist is quite thick here, and the fissure is too wide to jump. 16570, This is a low room with a crude note on the wall. The note says, 16570,"YOU WON'T GET IT UP THE STEPS". 16571, You are in the hall of the mountain king, with passages off in all 16571,directions. 16572,You are at the bottom of the pit with a broken neck. 16573,You didn't make it. 16574,The dome is unclimbable. 16575, You are at the west end of the twopit room. There is a large hole in 16575,the wall above the pit at this end of the room. 16576, You are at the bottom of the eastern pit in the twopit room. There is 16576,a small pool of oil in one corner of the pit. 16577, You are at the bottom of the western pit in the twopit room. There is 16577,a large hole in the wall about 25 feet above you. 16578,You clamber up the plant and scurry through the hole at the top. 16579,You are on the west side of the fissure in the hall of mists. 16580, You are in a low north/south passage at a hole in the floor. The hole 16580,goes down to an east/west passage. 16581,You are in the south side chamber. 16582, You are in the west side chamber of the hall of the mountain king. 16582,A passage continues west and up here. 16583,You can't get by the snake. 16584, You are in a large room, with a passage to the south, a passage to the 16584,west, and a wall of broken rock to the east. There is a large "Y2" on 16584,a rock in the room's center. 16585,You are in a jumble of rock, with cracks everywhere. 16586, You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of 16586,sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of 16586,white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the right. 16586,Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that 16586,someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 16586,25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A 16586,shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you. 16587, You are in a dirty broken passage. To the east is a crawl. To the 16587,west is a large passage. Above you is a hole to another passage. 16588, You are on the brink of a small clean climbable pit. A crawl leads 16588,west. 16589, You are in the bottom of a small pit with a little stream, which 16589,enters and exits through tiny slits. 16590, You are in a large room full of dusty rocks. There is a big hole in 16590,the floor. There are cracks everywhere, and a passage leading east. 16591, You have crawled through a very low wide passage parallel to and north 16591,of the hall of mists. 16592, You are at the west end of hall of mists. A low wide crawl continues 16592,west and another goes north. To the south is a little passage 6 feet 16592,off the floor. 16593,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16594,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16595,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16596,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16597,You're at a dead end. 16598,You're at a dead end. 16599,You're at a dead end. 16600,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16601,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16602,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16603,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16604,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16605,You're at a dead end. 16606,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16607,You're at a dead end. 16608, You are on the brink of a thirty foot pit with a massive orange column 16608,down one wall. You could climb down here but you could not get back 16608,up. The maze continues at this level. 16609,You are at a Dead end. 16610, You have crawled through a very low wide passage parallel to and north 16610,of the hall of mists. 16611, You are at the east end of a very long hall apparently without side 16611,chambers. To the east a low wide crawl slants up. To the north a 16611,round two foot hole slants down. 16612, You are at the west end of a very long featureless hall. The hall 16612,joins up with a narrow north/south passage. 16613,You are at a crossover of a high north/south passage and a low east/west one. 16614,You're at a dead end. 16615, You are at a complex junction. A low hands and knees passage from the 16615,north joins a higher crawl from the east to make a walking passage 16615,going west. There is also a large room above. The air is damp here. 16616, You are in bedquilt, a long east/west passage with holes everywhere. 16616,To explore at random select north, south, up, or down. 16617, You are in a room whose walls resemble swiss cheese. Obvious passages 16617,go west, east, ne, and nw. Part of the room is occupied by a large 16617,bedrock block. 16618, You are at the east end of the twopit room. The floor here is 16618,littered with thin rock slabs, which make it easy to descend the pits. 16618,There is a path here bypassing the pits to connect passages from east 16618,and west. There are holes all over, but the only big one is on the 16618,wall directly over the west pit where you can't get to it. 16619, You are in a large low circular chamber whose floor is an immense slab 16619,fallen from the ceiling (slab room). East and west there once were 16619,large passages, but they are now filled with boulders. Low small 16619,passages go north and south, and the south one quickly bends west 16619,around the boulders. 16620,You are in a secret north/south canyon above a large room. 16621,You are in a secret north/south canyon above a sizable passage. 16622, You are in a secret canyon at a junction of three canyons, bearing 16622,north, south, and se. The north one is as tall as the other two 16622,combined. 16623,You are in a large low room. Crawls lead north, se, and sw. 16624,You're at a dead end crawl. 16625, You are in a secret canyon which here runs east/west. It crosses over a 16625,very tight canyon 15 feet below. If you go down you may not be able 16625,to get back up. 16626,You are at a wide place in a very tight north/south canyon. 16627,The canyon here becomes too tight to go further south. 16628, You are in a tall east/west canyon. A low tight crawl goes 3 feet north 16628,and seems to open up. 16629,The canyon runs into a mass of boulders -- dead end. 16631,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16632,You're at a dead end. 16633,You're at a dead end. 16634,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16635,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16636,You're at a dead end. 16637,You're at a dead end. 16638,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16639, You are in a long, narrow corridor stretching out of sight to the 16639,west. At the eastern end is a hole through which you can see a 16639,profusion of leaves. 16640,There is nothing here to climb. Use "UP" or "OUT" to leave the pit. 16641,You have climbed up the plant and out of the pit. 16642, You are at the top of a steep incline above a large room. You could 16642,climb down here, but you would not be able to climb up. There is a 16642,passage leading back to the north. 16643, You are in the giant room. The ceiling here is too high up for your 16643,light to show it. Cavernous passages lead east, north, and south. On 16643,the west wall is scrawled the inscription, "FEE FIE FOE FOO" [sic]. 16644,The passage here is blocked by a recent cave-in. 16645,You are at one end of an immense north/south passage. 16646, You are in a magnificent cavern with a rushing stream, which cascades 16646,over a sparkling waterfall into a roaring whirlpool which disappears 16646,through a hole in the floor. Passages exit to the south and west. 16647, You are in the soft room. The walls are covered with heavy curtains, 16647,the floor with a thick pile carpet. Moss covers the ceiling. 16648, This is the oriental room. Ancient oriental cave drawings cover the 16648,walls. A gently sloping passage leads upward to the north, another 16648,passage leads se, and a hands and knees crawl leads west. 16649, You are following a wide path around the outer edge of a large cavern. 16649,Far below, through a heavy white mist, strange splashing noises can be 16649,heard. The mist rises up through a fissure in the ceiling. The path 16649,exits to the south and west. 16650, You are in an alcove. A small NW path seems to widen after a short 16650,distance. An extremely tight tunnel leads east. It looks like a very 16650,tight squeeze. An eerie light can be seen at the other end. 16651, You're in a small chamber lit by an eerie green light. An extremely 16651,narrow tunnel exits to the west. A dark corridor leads ne. 16652,You're in the dark-room. A corridor leading south is the only exit. A 16652,massive stone tablet imbedded in the wall reads "CONGRATULATIONS ON 16552,BRINGING LIGHT INTO THE DARK ROOM!" 16653, You are in an arched hall. A coral passage once continued up and east 16653,from here, but is now blocked by debris. The air smells of sea water. 16654, You're in a large room carved out of sedimentary rock. The floor and 16654,walls are littered with bits of shells imbedded in the stone. A 16654,shallow passage proceeds downward, and a somewhat steeper one leads 16654,up. A low hands and knees passage enters from the south. 16655,You are in a long sloping corridor with ragged sharp walls. 16656,You are in a cul-de-sac about eight feet across. 16657, You are in an anteroom leading to a large passage to the east. Small 16657,passages go west and up. The remnants of recent digging are evident. 16657,A sign in midair here says "CAVE UNDER CONSTRUCTION BEYOND THIS POINT. 16657,PROCEED AT OWN RISK. [WITT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY]" 16658,you are in a maze of twisty little passages, all different. 16659,You are at witt's end. Passages lead off in *all* directions. 16660, You are in a north/south canyon about 25 feet across. The floor is 16660,covered by white mist seeping in from the north. The walls extend 16660,upward for well over 100 feet. Suspended from some unseen point far 16660,above you, an enormous two-sided mirror is hanging parallel to and 16660,midway between the canyon walls. (The mirror is obviously provided 16660,for the use of the dwarves, who as you know, are extremely vain.) A 16660,small window can be seen in either wall, some fifty feet up. 16661, You're at a low window overlooking a huge pit, which extends up out of 16661,sight. A floor is indistinctly visible over 50 feet below. Traces of 16661,white mist cover the floor of the pit, becoming thicker to the left. 16661,Marks in the dust around the window would seem to indicate that 16661,someone has been here recently. Directly across the pit from you and 16661,25 feet away there is a similar window looking into a lighted room. A 16661,shadowy figure can be seen there peering back at you. 16662, A large stalagtite extends from the roof and almost reaches the floor 16662,below. You could climb down it, and jump from it to the floor, but 16662,having done so you would be unable to reach it to climb back up. 16663,You are in a little maze of twisting passages, all different. 16664, You are at the edge of a large underground reservoir. An opaque cloud 16664,of white mist fills the room and rises rapidly upward. The lake is 16664,fed by a stream, which tumbles out of a hole in the wall about 10 feet 16664,overhead and splashes noisily into the water somewhere within the 16664,mist. The only passage goes back toward the south. 16665,You're at a dead end. 16666, You are at the northeast end of an immense room, even larger than the 16666,giant room. It appears to be a repository for the "ADVENTURE" 16666,program. Massive torches far overhead bathe the room with smoky 16666,yellow light. Scattered about you can be seen a pile of bottles (all 16666,of them empty), a nursery of young beanstalks murmuring quietly, a bed 16666,of oysters, a bundle of black rods with rusty stars on their ends, and 16666,a collection of brass lanterns. Off to one side a great many dwarves 16666,are sleeping on the floor, snoring loudly. A sign nearby reads: "DO 16666,NOT DISTURB THE DWARVES!" An immense mirror is hanging against one 16666,wall, and stretches to the other end of the room, where various other 16666,sundry objects can be glimpsed dimly in the distance. 16667, You are at the southwest end of the repository. To one side is a pit 16667,full of fierce green snakes. On the other side is a row of small 16667,wicker cages, each of which contains a little sulking bird. In one 16667,corner is a bundle of black rods with rusty marks on their ends. A 16667,large number of velvet pillows are scattered about on the floor. A 16667,vast mirror stretches off to the northeast. At your feet is a large 16667,steel grate, next to which is a sign which reads, "TREASURE VAULT. 16667,KEYS IN MAIN OFFICE." 16668, You are on one side of a large, deep chasm. A heavy white mist rising 16668,up from below obscures all view of the far side. A SW path leads away 16668,from the chasm into a winding corridor. There is a sign posted here, 16668,which says "STOP! PAY TROLL!" 16669, You are in a long winding corridor sloping out of sight in both 16669,directions. 16670,You are in a secret canyon which exits to the north and east. 16671,You are in a secret canyon which exits to the north and east. 16672,You are in a secret canyon which exits to the north and east. 16673, You are on the far side of the chasm. A NE path leads away from the 16673,chasm on this side. 16674, You're in a long east/west corridor. A faint rumbling noise can be 16674,heard in the distance. 16675, The path forks here. The left fork leads northeast. A dull rumbling 16675,seems to get louder in that direction. The right fork leads southeast 16675,down a gentle slope. The main corridor enters from the west. 16676, The walls are quite warm here. From the north can be heard a steady 16676,roar, so loud that the entire cave seems to be trembling. Another 16676,passage leads south, and a low crawl goes east. 16677, You are on the edge of a breath-taking view. Far below you is an 16677,active volcano, from which great gouts of molten lava come surging 16677,out, cascading back down into the depths. The glowing rock fills the 16677,farthest reaches of the cavern with a blood-red glare, giving every- 16677,thing an eerie, macabre appearance. The air is filled with flickering 16677,sparks of ash and a heavy smell of brimstone. The walls are hot to 16677,the touch, and the thundering of the volcano drowns out all other 16677,sounds. Embedded in the jagged roof far overhead are myriad twisted 16677,formations composed of pure white alabaster, which scatter the murky 16677,light into sinister apparitions upon the walls. To one side is a deep 16677,gorge, filled with a bizarre chaos of tortured rock which seems to 16677,have been crafted by the devil himself. An immense river of fire 16677,crashes out from the depths of the volcano, burns its way through the 16677,gorge, and plummets into a bottomless pit far off to your left. To 16677,the right, an immense geyser of blistering steam erupts continuously 16677,from a barren island in the center of a sulfurous lake, which bubbles 16677,ominously. The far right wall is aflame with an incandescence of its 16677,own, which lends an additional infernal splendor to the already 16677,hellish scene. A dark, foreboding passage exits to the south. 16678, You are in a small chamber filled with large boulders. The walls are 16678,very warm, causing the air in the room to be almost stifling from the 16678,heat. The only exit is a crawl heading west, through which is coming 16678,a low rumbling. 16679, You are walking along a gently sloping north/south passage lined with 16679,oddly shaped limestone formations. 16680, You are standing at the entrance to a large, barren room. A sign 16680,posted above the entrance reads: "CAUTION! BEAR IN ROOM!" 16681, You are inside a barren room. The center of the room is completely 16681,empty except for some dust. Marks in the dust lead away toward the 16681,far end of the room. The only exit is the way you came in. 16682,You are in a maze of twisting little passages, all different. 16683,You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different. 16684,You are in a twisting maze of little passages, all different. 16685,You are in a twisting little maze of passages, all different. 16686,You are in a twisty little maze of passages, all different. 16687,You are in a twisty maze of little passages, all different. 16688, You are in a little twisty maze of passages, all different. There is a 16688,message scrawled in the dust in a flowery script, reading "THIS IS NOT THE 16688,MAZE WHERE THE PIRATE LEAVES HIS TREASURE CHEST." 16689,You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different. 16690,You are in a maze of little twisty passages, all different. 16691,You're at a dead end. 16692, You are in an office, without any exits, except for a gaping hole in the 16692,south wall. 16693, You are in a narrow east-west passageway. There is a narrow staircase 16693,leading down at the north end of the room. 16694, You are in a small room with passages off in all directions. Bloodstains 16694,and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls. 16695,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16696,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16697,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16698,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16699,Dead end. 16700,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16701,Dead end. 16702,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16703,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16704,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16705,Dead end. 16706,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16707,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16708,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16709,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16710,Dead end. 16711,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16712,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16713,You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 16714,You are in a forest, with trees in all directions around you. 16715, You are in a dimly lit forest, with large trees all around. To the east, 16715,there appears to be sunlight. 16716, You are in a dimly lit forest, with large trees all around. One 16716,particularly large tree with some low branches stands here. 16717, You are in a large forest, with trees obstructing all views except to the 16717,east, where a small clearing may be seen. 16718,You are in a forest, with trees in all directions around you. 16719, You are in a deep ravine at a crossing with an east-west crawlway. Some 16719,stone steps are at the south of the ravine and a steep staircase descends. 16720, You are in a crawlway with a three foot high ceiling. Your footing is 16720,very unsure here due to the assortment of rocks undefoot. Passages can be 16720,seen in the east, west, and northwest corners of the crawlway. 16721, You are standing on a path beside a gently flowing stream. The path 16721,travels to the north and the east. 16722, You are on the gently flowing stream. The upstream route is too narrow to 16722,navigate, and the downstream route is invisible due to twisting walls. 16722,There is a narrow beach to land on. 16723, You are in a room which looks like an Egyptian tomb. There is an 16723,ascending staircase in the room as well as doors east and south. 16724, You are in a small chamber behind the remains of the great glacier. To 16724,the south and west are small passageways. 16725, You are in an ancient room, long buried by the reservoir. There are exits 16725,to the southeast and upward. 16726, You are on the south edge of a deep canyon. Passages lead off to the 16726,east, south, and northwest. You can hear the sound of flowing water below. 16727, You are in a large room with a ceiling which cannot be detected from the 16727,ground. There is a narrow passage from east to west and a stone stairway 16727,leading upward. The room is extremely noisy. In fact, it is difficult to 16727,hear yourself think. 16728, You are in a small cave with an entrance to the north and a stairway 16728,leading down. 16729, You are in a tiny cave with entrances west and north, and a dark, 16729,forbidding staircase leading down. 16730, You are in a steep and narrow crawlway. There are two exits nearby to 16730,the south and southwest. 16731, You are in a narrow crawlway. The crawlway leads from north to south, 16731,However, the south passage divides to the south and southwest. 16732, You are in a cold and damp corridor where a long east-west passageway 16732,intersects with a northward path. 16733, You are in a winding passage. It seems that there is only an exit on the 16733,east end, although the whirring from the round room can be heard faintly to 16733,the north. 16734, You are in a small chamber, which appears to have been part of a coal 16734,mine. On the south wall of the chamber the letters "GRANITE WALL" are 16734,etched in the rock. To the east is a long passage, and there is a steep 16734,metal slide twisting downward. From the appearance of the slide, an 16734,attempt to climb up it would be impossible. To the north is a small 16734,opening. 16735, You are standing at the entrance of what might have been a coal mine. To 16735,the northeast and the northwest are entrances to the mine, and there is 16735,another exit on the south end of the room. 16736, You are in a small room. Strange squeaky sounds may be hear coming from 16736,the passage at the west end. You may also escape to the south. 16737, You are in a large room, in the middle of which is a small shaft 16737,descending through the floor into darkness below. To the west and the 16737,north are exits from this room. Constructed over the top of the shaft is a 16737,metal framework to which a heavy iron chain is attached. 16738, You are in a narrow tunnel with large wooden beams running across the 16738,ceiling and around the walls. A path from the south splits into paths 16738,running west and northeast. 16739, You are in a small non-descript room. However, from the direction of a 16739,small descending staircase a foul odor can be detected. To the east is a 16739,narrow path. 16740,You are in a small room which smells strongly of coal gas. 16741, You are in a very small room. In the corner is a rickety wooden ladder, 16741,leading downward. It might be safe to descend. There is also a staircase 16741,leading upward. 16742,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16743,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16744,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16745,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16746,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16747,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16748,You are in a non-descript part of a coal mine. 16749, You are in a rather wide room. On one side is the bottom of a narrow 16749,wooden ladder. To the northeast and the south are passages leaving the 16749,room. 16750,Dead end. 16751, You are in a long and narrow passage, which is cluttered with broken 16751,timbers. A wide passage comes from the north and turns at the southwest 16751,corner of the room into a very narrow passageway. 16752, You are in a small square room which is at the bottom of a long shaft. 16752,To the east is a passageway and to the northeast a very narrow passage. In 16752,the shaft can be seen a heavy iron chain. 16753, You are in a north-south crawlway; a passage also goes to the east. 16753,There is a hole above, but it provides no opportunities for climbing. 16754, You are on the west edge of a chasm, the bottom of which cannot be seen. 16754,The east side is sheer rock, providing no exits. A narrow passage goes 16754,west. The path you are on continues to the north and south. 16755,You are in a high north-south passage, which forks to the northeast. 16756, A chasm runs southwest to northeast. You are on the south edge. The path 16756,exits to the south and to the east. 16757, You are in a cave. Passages exit to the south and to the east, but the 16757,cave narrows to a crack to the west. The earth is particularly damp here. 16758, A chasm, evidently produced by an ancient river, runs through the cave 16758,here. Passages lead off in all directions. 16759,Dead end. 16760,Dead end. 16761,You have entered a cave with passages leading north and southeast. 16762, This is a room which is bare on all sides. There is an exit down. To 16762,the east is a great door made of stone. Above the door, the following 16762,words are written: "No man shall enter this room without solving this 16762,riddle-- 16762, What is tall as a house, 16762, Round as a cup, 16762, And all the king's horses can't draw it up?". 16763,This is a former broom closet. The exits are to the east and west. 16764, You are standing in a small circular room with a pedestal. A set of 16764,stairs leads up, and passages leave the the east and west. 16765, You are in the west end of a large temple. On the south wall is an 16765,ancient inscription, probably a prayer in a long-forgotten language. The 16765,north wall is solid granite. The entrance at the west end of the room is 16765,through huge marble pillars. 16766, You are in the east end of a large temple. In front of you is what 16766,appears to be an altar. 16767, This room appears to have been the waiting room for groups touring the 16767,dam. There are exits here to the north and east marked "PRIVATE", though 16767,the doors are open, and an exit to the south. 16768, You are in what appears to have been the maintenance room for flood 16768,control dam number 3, judging by the assortment of tool chests around the 16768,room. Apparently, this room has been ransacked recently, for most of the 16768,valuable equipment is gone. On the wall in front of you is a panel of 16768,buttons, which are labelled in EBCDIC. However, they are of different 16768,colors: blue, yellow, brown, and red. The doors to this room are in the 16768,west and south ends. 16769, You are in a long passage. To the south is one entrance. On the east 16769,there is an old wooden door with a large hole in it (about cyclops sized). 16770, This is a large room, whose north wall is solid granite. A number of 16770,discarded bags, which crumble at your touch, are scattered about on the 16770,floor. There is an exit down and a passage to the east. 16771, You are in what appears to have been an artist's studio. The walls and 16771,floors are splattered with paints of 69 different colors. Strangely enough, 16771,nothing of value is hanging here. At the north and northwest of the room 16771,are open doors (also covered with paint). An extremely dark and narrow 16771,chimney leads up from a fireplace. Although you might be able to get up 16771,the chimney, it seems unlikely that you could get back down. 16772, You are in an art gallery. Most of the paintings which were here have 16772,been stolen by vandals with exceptional taste. The vandals left through 16772,the north, south, or west exits. 16773, You are at the base of flood control dam number 3, which looms above you 16773,and to the north. The Frigid River is flowing by here. Across the river 16773,are the white cliffs, which seem to form a giant wall stretching from north 16773,to south along the east shore of the river as it winds its way downstream. 16774, You are on the Frigid River in the vicinity of the dam. The river flows 16774,quietly here. There is a landing on the west shore. 16775, The river turns a corner here making it impossible to see the dam. The 16775,white cliffs loom on the east bank, and large rocks prevent landing on the 16775,west. 16776, The river descends here into a valley. There is a narrow beach on the 16776,east below the cliffs, and there is some shore on the west which may be 16776,suitable. In the distance a faint rumbling can be heard. 16777, You are on a narrow strip of beach which runs along the base of the 16777,white cliffs. The only path here is a narrow one, heading south along the 16777,cliffs. 16778, You are on a rocky, narrow strip of beach beside the cliffs. A narrow 16778,path leads north along the shore. 16779, The river is running faster here, and the sound ahead appears to be that 16779,of rushing water. On the west shore is a sandy beach. A small area of 16779,beach can also be seen below the cliffs. 16780, The sound of rushing water is nearly unbearable here. On the west shore 16780,is a large landing area. 16781, You are on the shore of the river. The river here seems somewhat 16781,treacherous. A path travels from north to south here, the south end 16781,quickly turning around a sharp corner. 16782, You are on a large sandy beach at the shore of the river, which is 16782,flowing quickly by. A path runs beside the river to the south here. 16783, You are on the west shore of the river. An entrance to a cave is to the 16783,northwest. The shore is very rocky here. 16784,You are in a small cave whose exits are on the south and northwest. 16785, You are in a barrel. Congratulations. Etched into the side of the 16785,barrel is the word "GERONIMO!". 16786, You are on top of a rainbow (I bet you never thought you would walk on a 16786,rainbow), with a magnificent view of the falls. The rainbow travels 16786,east-west here. 16787, You are on a small beach on the continuation of the Frigid River past the 16787,falls. The beach is narrow due to the presence of the white cliffs. The 16787,river canyon opens here, and sunlight shines in from above. A rainbow 16787,crosses over the falls to the west, and a narrow path continues to the 16787,southeast. 16788, You are beneath the walls of the river canyon, which may be climbable 16788,here. There is a small stream here, which is the lesser part of the runoff 16788,of Aragain Falls. To the north is a narrow path. 16789, You are on a ledge about halfway up the wall of the river canyon. You can 16789,see from here that the main flow from Aragain Falls twists along a passage 16789,which it is impossible to enter. Below you is the canyon bottom. Above you 16789,is more cliff, which still appears climbable. 16790, You are at the top of the great canyon on its south wall. From here there 16790,is a marvelous view of the canyon and parts of the Frigid River upstream. 16790,Across the canyon, the walls of the white cliffs still appear to loom far 16790,above. Following the canyon upstream (north and northwest), Aragain Falls 16790,may be seen, complete with rainbow. Fortunately, my vision is better than 16790,average, and I can discern the top of flood control dam number 3 far to the 16790,distant north. To the west and south can be seen an immense forest, 16790,stretching for miles around. It is possible to climb down into the canyon 16790,from here. 16791, You are at the bottom of a large dormant volcano. High above you light 16791,may be seen entering from the cone of the volcano. The only exit here is 16791,to the north. 16792, You are about one hundred feet above the bottom of the volcano. The top 16792,of the volcano is clearly visible here. 16793, You are about two hundred feet above the volcano floor. Looming above 16793,is the rim of the volcano. There is a small ledge on the west side. 16794, You are high above the floor of the volcano. From here the rim of the 16794,volcano looks very narrow, and you are quite near it. To the east is what 16794,appears to be a viewing ledge, too thin to land on. 16795, You are near the rim of the volcano, which is only about fifteen feet 16795,across. To the west, there is a place to land with a wide ledge. 16796, You are on a narrow ledge overlooking the inside of an old dormant 16796,volcano. This ledge appears to be about in the middle between the floor 16796,below and the rim above. There is an exit here to the south. 16797, You are on a ledge in the middle of a large volcano. Below you the 16797,volcano bottom can be seen and above is the rim of the volcano. A couple 16797,of ledges can be seen on the other side of the volcano; it appears that 16797,this ledge is intermediate in elevation between those on the other side. 16797,The exit from this room is to the east. 16798, You are in a room which must have been a large library, probably for the 16798,royal family. All of the shelves appear to have been gnawed to pieces by 16798,unfriendly gnomes. To the north is an exit. 16799, You are in a small room, whose walls are formed by an old lava flow. 16799,There are exits here to the west and the south. 16800, You are in a large room full of assorted heavy machinery. The room 16800,smells of burned resistors. The room is noisy from the whirring sounds 16800,of the machines. Along one wall of the room are three buttons which are, 16800,respectivelly, round, triangular, and square. Naturally, above the 16800,buttons are instructions written in EBCDIC. A large sign above all the 16800,buttons says in English: 16800, 16800, DANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE 16800, 16800,There are exits to the west and the south. 16801, You are in a dingy closet adjacent to the machine room. On one wall is a 16801,small sticker which reads: 16801, 16801, Protected by 16801, FROBOZZ 16801, Magic Alarm Company 16801, (Hello, footpad!). 16802,You are trapped inside an steel cage. 16803, You are at the top of the well. Well done. There are etchings on the 16803,side of the well. There is a small crack across the floor at the entrance 16803,to a room on the east, but it can be crossed easily. 16804, You are in a damp circular room, whose walls are made of brick and 16804,mortar. The roof of this room is not visible, but there appear to be 16804,some etchings on the walls. There is a passageway to the west. 16805, You are in a small square room, in the center of which is a large oblong 16805,table, no doubt set for afternoon tea. It is clear from the objects on 16805,the table that the users were indeed mad. In the eastern corner of this 16805,room is a small hole no more than four inches high. There are passageways 16805,leading away to the west and the northwest. 16806, You are in an enormous room, in the center of which are four wooden 16806,posts delineating a rectangular area, above which is what appears to be a 16806,wooden roof. In fact, all objects in this room appear to be abnormally 16806,large. To the east is a passageway. There is a large chasm on the west 16806,and the northwest. 16807, You are in a large room, one half of which is depressed. There is a 16807,large leak in the ceiling through which brown colored goop is falling. 16807,The only exit from this room is to the west. 16808, You are in the large entrance hall of the Bank of Zork, the largest 16808,banking institution of the Great Underground Empire. A partial account 16808,of its history is in "The Lives of the Twelve Flatheads" with the chapter 16808,on J. Pierpont Flathead. A more detailed history (albeit less objective) 16808,may be found in Flathead's outrageous autobiography "I'm Rich and You 16808,Aren't - So There!". Most of the furniture has been ravaged by passing 16808,scavengers. All that remains are two signs at the northwest and northeast 16808,corners of the room, which say 16808, 16808, <-- WEST VIEWING ROOM EAST VIEWING ROOM --> 16809, You are in a small square room, which was used by a bank officer whose 16809,job it was to retrieve safety desposit boxes for the customer. On the 16809,north side of the room is a sign which reads "Viewing Room". On the west 16809,side of the room, above an open door, is a sign reading 16809, 16809, BANK PERSONNEL ONLY 16810, You are in a small square room, which was used by a bank officer whose 16810,job it was to retrieve safety desposit boxes for the customer. On the 16810,north side of the room is a sign which reads "Viewing Room". On the east 16810,side of the room, above an open door, is a sign reading 16810, 16810, BANK PERSONNEL ONLY 16811, You are in a room used by holders of safety deposit boxes to view their 16811,contents. On the north size of the room is a sign which says 16811, 16811, REMAIN HERE WHILE THE BANK OFFICER RETRIEVES YOUR DEPOSIT BOX 16811, WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, LEAVE THE BOX, AND EXIT TO THE SOUTH 16811, AN ADVANCED PROTECTIVE DEVICE PREVENTS ALL CUSTOMERS FROM 16811, REMOVING ANY SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX FROM THIS VIEWING AREA! 16811, Thank you for banking at the Zork! 16812, You are in a room used by holders of safety deposit boxes to view their 16812,contents. On the north size of the room is a sign which says 16812, 16812, REMAIN HERE WHILE THE BANK OFFICER RETRIEVES YOUR DEPOSIT BOX 16812, WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED, LEAVE THE BOX, AND EXIT TO THE SOUTH 16812, AN ADVANCED PROTECTIVE DEVICE PREVENTS ALL CUSTOMERS FROM 16812, REMOVING ANY SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX FROM THIS VIEWING AREA! 16812, Thank you for banking at the Zork! 16813, You are in a small bare room with no distinguishing features. There are 16813,no exits from this room. 16814,You are in the Vault of the Bank of Zork, in which there are no doors. 16815, You are in a large rectangular room. The east and west walls here were 16815,used for storing safety deposit boxes. As might be expected, all have 16815,been carefully removed by evil persons. To the east, west, and south of 16815,the room are large doorways. The northern "wall" of the room is a 16815,shimmering curtain of light. In the center of the room is a large stone 16815,cube, about 10 feet on a side. Engraved on the side of the cube is some 16815,lettering. 16816, This room was the office of the Chairman of the Bank of Zork. Like the 16816,other rooms here, it has been extensively vandalized. The lone exit is to 16816,the north. 16817, You are standing at the top of a flight of stairs that lead down to a 16817,passage below. Dim light, as from torches, can be seen in the passage. 16817,Behind you the stairs lead into untouched rock. 16818, You are standing near one end of a long dimly lit hall. To the south, 16818,stone stairs ascend. To the north, the corridor is illuminated by torches 16818,set high in the wall, out of reach. On one wall is a red button. 16819, You are in a corridor with polished marble walls. The corridor widens 16819,into larger areas as it turns east at its northern and southern ends. 16820, You are in a corridor with polished marble walls. The corridor widens 16820,into larger areas as it turns west at its northern and southern ends. 16821, You are in a room of large size, richly appointed and decorated in a 16821,style that bespeaks exquisite taste. To judge from its contents, it is 16821,the ultimate storehouse of the treasures of Zork. 16821, There are chests here containing precious jewels, mountains of 16821,Zorkmids, rare paintings, ancient statuary, and beguiling curios. 16821, In one corner of the room is a bookcase boasting such volumes as 16821,"The History of the Great Underground Empire", "The Lives of the Twelve 16821,Flatheads", "The Wisdom of the Implementers", and other informative and 16821,inspiring works. 16821, On one wall is a completely annotated map of the Dungeon of Zork, 16821,showing points of interest and various troves of treasure, and indicating 16821,the locations of several superior scenic views. 16821, On the desk at the far end of the room may be found stock certificates 16821,representing a controlling interest in FrobozzCo International, the 16821,multinational conglomerate and parent company of the Frobozz Magic Boat 16821,Co., etc. 16822, You are in a small square room, in the middle of which is a recently 16822,created hole through which you can barely discern the floor some ten feet 16822,below. It doesn't seem likely you could climb back up. There are exits 16822,to the west and south. 16823, You are inside a rectangular box of wood whose structure is rather 16823,complicated. Four sides and the roof are filled in, and the floor is open. 16823, As you face the side opposite the entrance, two short sides of carved 16823,and polished wood are to your left and right. The left panel is mahogany, 16823,the right pine. The wall you face is red on its left half and black on its 16823,right. On the entrance side, the wall is white opposite the red part of the 16823,wall it faces, and yellow opposite the black section. The painted walls are 16823,at least twice the length of the unpainted ones. The ceiling is painted 16823,blue. 16823, In the floor is a stone channel about six inches wide and a foot deep. 16823,The channel is oriented in a north-south direction. In the exact center of 16823,the room the channel widens into a circular depression perhaps two feet 16823,wide. Incised in the stone around this area is a compass rose. 16823, Running from one short wall to the other at about waist height is a 16823,wooden bar, carefully carved and drilled. This bar is pierced in two 16823,places. The first hole is in the center of the bar (and thus in the center 16823,of the room). The second is at the left end of the room (as you face 16823,opposite the entrance). Through each hole runs a wooden pole. 16824, You are in a small room, with narrow passages exiting to the north and 16824,south. A narrow red beam of light crosses the room at the north end, 16824,inches above the floor. 16825, You are in a small room, with narrow passages exiting to the north and 16825,south. A narrow red beam of light crosses the room at the north end, inches 16825,above the floor. The beam is stopped halfway across the room by a # lying 16825,on the floor. 16826, You are in an east-west corridor which turns north at its eastern and 16826,western ends. The walls of the corridor are marble. An additional passage 16826,leads south at the center of the corridor. 16827, You are in a narrow north-south corridor. At the south end is a door and 16827,at the north end is an east-west corridor. The door is #. 16828,You are in a north-south hallway which ends in a large wooden door. 16829, You are in a large east-west corridor which opens out to a northern 16829,parapet at its center. You can see flames and smoke as you peer towards 16829,the parapet. The corridor turns south at its east and west ends, and due 16829,south is a massive wooden door. In the door is a small window barred with 16829,iron. The door is #. 16830, You are standing behind a stone retaining wall which rims a large parapet 16830,overlooking a fiery pit. It is difficult to see through the smoke and 16830,flame which fills the pit, but it seems to be more or less bottomless. It 16830,also extends upwards out of sight. The pit itself is of roughly dressed 16830,stone and is circular in shape. It is about two hundred feet in diameter. 16830,The flames generate considerable heat, so it is rather uncomfortable 16830,standing here. 16830, There is an object here which looks like a sundial. On it are an 16830,indicator arrow and (in the center) a large button. On the face of the 16830,dial are numbers "one" through "eight". The indicator points to the number 16831,"#". 16832, You are in a featureless prison cell. You can see only the flames and 16832,smoke from the pit out of the small window in the closed door in front of 16832,you. 16833, You are in a featureless prison cell. You can see the east-west 16833,corridor outside the open wooden door in front of you. 16834, You are in a featureless prison cell. Its wooden door is securely 16834,fastened, and you can see only the flames and smoke of the pit out its small 16834,window. 16835, You are in a featureless prison cell. Its wooden door is securely 16835,fastened, and you can see only the flames and smoke of the pit out its small 16835,window. On the other side of the cell is a bronze door which seems to be #. 16836, You are in a small room near the maze. There are twisty passages in the 16836,immediate vicinity. 16837,You are in a clearing, with a forest surrounding you on the west and south. 16838,You are in a long room on the south shore of a large reservoir. 16839, You are in a long room, to the north of which was formerly a reservoir. 16839,However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running 16839,through the center of the room. 16840, You are on the reservoir. Beaches can be seen north and south. Upstream 16840,a small stream enters the reservoir through a narrow cleft in the rocks. 16840,The dam can be seen downstream. 16841, You are on what used to be a large reservoir, but which is now a large mud 16841,pile. There are 'shores' to the north and south. 16842,You are in a large cavernous room, north of a large reservoir. 16843, You are in a large cavernous room, to the south of which was formerly a 16843,reservoir. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide 16843,stream running through the center of the room. 16844, You are in a large room with giant icicles hanging from the walls and 16844,ceiling. There are passages to the north and east. 16845, You are in a large square room with tall ceilings. There are exits on the 16845,north, east, and west sides of the room. On the south wall is an enormous 16845,mirror which fills the entire wall. 16846, You are in large room which seems to be air conditioned. In one corner 16846,there is a machine (?) which is shaped somewhat like a clothes dryer. On 16846,the 'panel' there is a switch which is labelled in an obscure dialect of 16846,Swahili. Fortunately, I know this dialect, and the label translates to 16846,"START". The switch does not appear to be manipulable by any human hand 16846,(unless the fingers are about 1/16 by 1/4 inch). On the front of the 16846,machine is a large lid, which is #. 16847,You are in a small room that has only one door, to the east. 16848, You are at the periphery of a large dome, which forms the ceiling of 16848,another room below. Protecting you from a precipitous drop is a wooden 16848,railing which circles the dome. 16849, You are in a large room with a prominent doorway leading to a down 16849,staircase. To the west is a narrow twisting tunnel. Above you is a large 16849,dome painted with scenes depicting elvish hacking rites. Up around the edge 16849,of the dome (20 feet up) is a wooden railing. In the center of the room 16849,there is a white marble pedestal. 16850,You are in a circular room with passages off in eight directions. 16851, You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed: 16851, 16851, "Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here." 16851, 16851, The gate is open. Through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of 16851,mangled corpses in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous 16851,fate, can be heard. 16852, You have entered the land of the living dead, a large desolate room. 16852,Although it is apparently uninhabited, you can hear the sounds of thousands 16852,of lost souls weaping and moaning. In the east corner are stacked the 16852,remains of dozens of previous adventurers who were less fortunate than 16852,yourself. To the east is an ornate passage. 16853, You are standing on the top of flood control dam number 3, which was quite 16853,a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to the north, 16853,south, east, and down. 16854, You are at the top of Aragain Falls, an enormous waterfall with a drop of 16854,about 450 feet. The only path here is on the north end. There is a 16854,man-sized barrel here which you could fit into. 16855, You are on a wide ledge high into the volcano. The rim of the volcano is 16855,about 200 feet above and there is a precipitous drop below to the floor. 16856, You are in a dusty old room which is virtually featureless, except for an 16856,exit on the north size. 16857, You are in a room with a low ceiling which is circular in shape. There 16857,are exits to the east and southeast. 16858, You are in a room with an exit on the west side, and a staircase leading 16858,up. 16859, You are in a dark and damp cellar with a narrow passageway leading east, 16859,and a crawlway to the south. To the west is the bottom of a steep metal 16859,ramp which is unclimbable. 16860,You are in a room with an exit to the north and a steel door to the east. 16861,You are in a room with an exit to the north and a passage to the east. 16862, You are in the Tomb of the Unknown Implementer. A hollow voice says, 16862,"That's not a bug, it's a feature!" 16862, In the north wall of the room is the Crypt of the Implementers. It is 16862,made of the finest marble and is apparently large enough for four headless 16862,corpses. The crypt is #. Above the entrance is the cryptic inscription: 16862, 16862, "Feel Free". 16863, You are in a small square room bounded to the north and west with marble 16863,walls and to the east and south with sandstone walls. 24576,East field. 24577,Road between fields. 24578,West field. 24579,End of road. 24580,Bend in road. 24581,Small hill. 24582,Road. 24583,North of house. 24584,Behind house. 24585,Tool shed. 24586,Living room. 24587,Forest. 24588,Forest. 24589,Forest. 24590,Forest at ravine. 24591,Forest. 24592,Forest. 24593,Forest. 24594,Forest. 24595,Forest. 24596,Forest. 24597,Mountain entrance. 24598,Attic. 24599,Study. 24600,Town. 24601,Babbling brook. 24602,Brook at ocean. 24603,Cathedral. 24604,Path. 24605,Swamp. 24606,Swamp. 24607,Swamp. 24608,Swamp. 24609,Path. 24610,Swamp. 24611,Swamp. 24612,Fork in path. 24613,Path. 24614,Cove. 24615,Dam. 24616,Ocean. 24617,Reservior. 24618,Ocean. 24619,Ocean. 24620,Ocean. 24621,Ocean. 24622,West island. 24623,East island. 24624,Ocean. 24625,Ocean. 24626,Edge of world. 24627,Over the edge. 24628,Small room. 24629,Sinkhole. 24630,Pillar room. 24631,Oak hallway. 24632,Steps. 24633,Base of steps. 24634,Small square tunnel. 24635,Dragon's lair. 24636,Secret room. 24637,North side of huge cavern. 24638,Side room. 24639,Stone bridge. 24640,South side of huge cavern. 24641,Broken room. 24642,Narrow passage. 24643,Ledge on cliff. 24644,Ledge at hole in cliff. 24645,Volcano view. 24646,Narrow tunnel. 24647,Fork in narrow tunnel. 24648,Narrow tunnel. 24649,Treasure room. 24650,Spider's lair. 24651,Stone gateway. 24652,Bridge over black river. 24653,Black river under bridge. 24654,Source of black river. 24655,Entrance to fortress. 24656,Black river. 24657,Abyss. 24658,Rope room. 24659,Junction. 24660,Steep crawl. 24661,Slide. 24662,Small canyon. 24663,Weird room 24664,Edge of ravine. 24665,Ravine. 24666,Dam. 24667,Edge of sinkhole. 24668,In sinkhole. 24669,Pillar room. 24670,Maze of twisting passages. 24671,Maze of twisting passages. 24672,Maze of twisting passages. 24673,Maze of twisting passages. 24674,Maze of twisting passages. 24675,Maze of twisting passages. 24676,Maze of twisting passages. 24677,Maze of twisting passages. 24678,Maze of twisting passages. 24679,Maze of twisting passages. 24680,Maze of twisting passages. 24681,Maze of twisting passages. 24682,Dead end. 24683,Mist. 24684,Mist. 24685,Mist. 24686,Mist. 24687,Mist. 24688,Mist. 24689,Mist between walls. 24690,Mist. 24691,Mist. 24692,Mist. 24693,Mist. 24694,Mist. 24695,Mist at road. 24696,Entrance hall. 24697,Top of stairs. 24698,South side of north/south hall. 24699,North side of north/south hall. 24700,Bed chamber. 24701,Bed chamber. 24702,East/west hall. 24703,Secret passage. 24704,ALcove. 24705,Manticore room. 24706,South of treasure room. 24707,North of treasure room. 24708,Sapphire room. 24709,Closet. 24710,Throne room. 24711,Dungeon entrance. 24712,Above cell. 24713,Inside genie's lamp. 24714,Cell. 24715,Small stalagtite cave. 24716,Downward sloping corridor. 24717,Edge of lake. 24718,Edge of lake. 24719,Edge of lake. 24720,Lake. 24721,Lake. 24722,Lake. 24723,Island. 24724,Island. 24725,Island. 24726,Island. 24727,Lagoon. 24728,Island. 24729,Underwater Tunnel. 24730,Entrance to underwater tunnel. 24731,Above trench. 24732,In trench. 24733,Deep in trench. 24734,Underwater. 24735,Underwater. 24736,Underwater. 24737,Underwater. 24738,Underwater. 24739,Underwater. 24740,Underwater. 24741,Entrance to underwater tunnel. 24742,Underwater tunnel. 24743,Underwater tunnel. 24744,Underwater dome. 24745,End of road. 24746,Hill in road. 24747,Building. 24748,Valley. 24749,Forest. 24750,Forest. 24751,Slit in streambed. 24752,Outside grate. 24753,Below the grate. 24754,Cobble crawl. 24755,Debris room. 24756,Awkward sloping east/west canyon. 24757,Bird chamber. 24758,Top of small pit. 24759,Hall of mists. 24760,Kitchen. 24761,East bank of fissure. 24762,Nugget of gold room. 24763,Hall of mt king. 24764, 24765,Bottom of pit. 24766,Dome. 24767,West end of twopit room. 24768,East pit. 24769,West pit. 24770,Hole. 24771,West of fissure. 24772,Low north/south passage at hole. 24773,South side chamber. 24774,West side chamber. 24775,Snake. 24776,"Y2". 24777,Jumble of rocks. 24778,Window on pit. 24779,Dirty passage. 24780,Brink of pit. 24781,Bottom of pit. 24782,Dusty rock room. 24783,Low wide passage. 24784,West end of hall of mists. 24785,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24786,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24787,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24788,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24789,Dead end. 24790,Dead end. 24791,Dead end. 24792,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24793,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24794,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24795,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24796,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24797,Dead end. 24798,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24799,Dead end. 24800,Brink of pit. 24801,Dead end. 24802,Low wide passage. 24803,East end of long hall. 24804,West end of long hall. 24805,Crossover of high north/south and low east/west passages. 24806,Dead end. 24807,Complex junction. 24808,Bedquilt. 24809,Swiss cheese room. 24810,East end of twopit room. 24811,Slab room. 24812,Secret north/south canyon. 24813,Secret north/south canyon. 24814,Junction of three secret canyons. 24815,Large low room. 24816,Dead end. 24817,Secret east/west canyon above tight canyon. 24818,Wide place. 24819,Canyon. 24820,Canyon. 24821,Dead end. 24822,Sewer pipes. 24823,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24824,Dead end. 24825,Dead end. 24826,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24827,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24828,Dead end. 24829,Dead end. 24830,Maze of twisty little passages, all alike. 24831,Narrow corridor. 24832,Pit. 24833,Brink of pit. 24834,Steep incline above large room. 24835,Giant room. 24836,Blocked passage. 24837,End of giant north/south passage. 24838,Cavern with waterfall. 24839,Soft room. 24840,Oriental room. 24841,Misty cavern. 24842,Alcove. 24843,Plover room. 24844,Dark-room. 24845,Arched hall. 24846,Shell room. 24847,Long sloping corridor. 24848,Cul-de-sac. 24849,Anteroom. 24850,Maze of twisty little passages, all different. 24851,Witt's end. 24852,Mirror canyon. 24853,Window on pit. 24854,Top of stalagtite. 24855,Little maze of twisting passages, all different. 24856,Reservoir. 24857,Dead end. 24858,NE end. 24859,SW end. 24860,SW side of chasm. 24861,Sloping corridor. 24862,Secret canyon. 24863,Secret canyon. 24864,Secret canyon. 24865,NE side of chasm. 24866,Corridor. 24867,Fork in path. 24868,Junction with warm walls. 24869,Breath-taking view. 24870,Chamber of boulders. 24871,Limestone passage. 24872,Front of barren room. 24873,Barren room. 24874,Maze of twisting little passages, all different. 24875,Little maze of twisty passages, all different. 24876,Twisting maze of little passages, all different. 24877,Twisting little maze of passages, all different. 24878,Twisty little maze of passages, all different. 24879,Twisty maze of little passages, all different. 24880,Little twisty maze of passages, all different. 24881,Maze of little twisting passages, all different. 24882,Maze of little twisty passages, all different. 24883,Dead end. 24884,Main office. 24885,East-West passage. 24886,Troll room. 24887,Maze of twisty little passages. 24888,Maze of twisty little passages. 24889,Maze of twisty little passages. 24890,Maze of twisty little passages. 24891,Dead end. 24892,Maze of twisty little passages. 24893,Dead end. 24894,Maze of twisty little passages. 24895,Maze of twisty little passages. 24896,Maze of twisty little passages. 24897,Dead end. 24898,Maze of twisty little passages. 24899,Maze of twisty little passages. 24900,Maze of twisty little passages. 24901,Maze of twisty little passages. 24902,Dead end. 24903,Maze of twisty little passages. 24904,Maze of twisty little passages. 24905,Maze of twisty little passages. 24906,Forest. 24907,Forest. 24908,Forest. 24909,Forest. 24910,Rocky crawl. 24911,Stream view. 24912,Stream. 24913,Egyptian room. 24914,Ruby room. 24915,Atlantis room. 24916,Deep Canyon. 24917,Loud room. 24918,Cave. 24919,Cave. 24920,Steep crawlway. 24921,Narrow crawlway. 24922,Cold passage. 24923,Winding passage. 24924,Slide room. 24925,Mine entrance. 24926,Squeaky room. 24927,Shaft room. 24928,Wooden tunnel. 24929,Smelly room. 24930,Gas room. 24931,Ladder top. 24932,Coal mine. 24933,Coal mine. 24934,Coal mine. 24935,Coal mine. 24936,Coal mine. 24937,Coal mine. 24938,Coal mine. 24939,Coal mine. 24940,Ladder bottom. 24941,Dead end. 24942,Timber room. 24943,Lower shaft. 24944,North-south crawlway. 24945,West of chasm. 24946,North-south passage. 24947,Chasm. 24948,Damp cave. 24949,Ancient chasm. 24950,Dead end. 24591,Dead end. 24592,Engravings cave. 24593,Riddle room. 24594,Pearl room. 24595,Round room. 24596,Temple. 24597,Altar. 24598,Dam lobby. 24599,Maintenance room. 24600,Strange passage. 24601,Treasure room. 24602,Studio. 24603,Gallery. 24604,Dam base. 24605,Frigid river. 24606,Frigid river. 24607,Frigid river. 24608,White cliffs beach. 24609,White cliffs beach. 24610,Frigid river. 24611,Frigid river. 24612,Shore. 24613,Sandy beach. 24614,Rocky beach. 24615,Small cave. 24616,Barrel. 24617,Rainbow room. 24618,White cliffs beach. 24619,Canyon bottom. 24620,Rocky ledge. 24621,Canyon view. 24622,Volcano bottom. 24623,Volcano core. 24624,Volcano near small ledge. 24625,Volcano near viewing ledge. 24626,Volcano near wide ledge. 24627,Narrow ledge. 24628,Volcano view. 24629,Library. 24630,Lava room. 24631,Machine room. 24632,Dingy closet. 24633,Cage. 24634,Top of well. 24635,Bottom of well. 24636,Tea room. 24637,Posts room. 24638,Pool room. 24639,Bank entrance. 24640,West teller's room. 24641,East teller's room. 24642,Viewing room. 24643,Viewing room. 24644,Small room. 24645,Vault. 24646,Safety depository. 24647,Chairman's office. 24648,Top of stairs. 24649,Hallway. 24650,Hallway. 24651,Hallway. 24652,Nirvana. 24653,Small room. 24654,Small room. 24655,South corridor. 24656,West corridor. 24657,East corridor. 24658,North corridor. 24659,Parapet. 24661,Prison cell. 24662,Prison cell. 24663,Prison cell. 24664,Prison cell. 24665,Small room. 24666,Clearing. 24667,Reservoir south. 24668,reservoir south. 24669,Reservoir. 24670,Reservoir north. 24671,Reservoir north. 24672,Glacier room. 24673,Mirror room. 24674,Machine room. 24675,Small room. 24676,Periphery of dome. 24677,Torch room. 24678,Round room. 24679,Entrance to Hades. 24680,Land of the living dead. 24681,Dam. 24682,Aragain falls. 24683,Wide ledge. 24684,Dusty room. 24685,Low room. 24686,Cyclops room. 24687,Cellar. 24688,Side room. 24689,Side room. 24690,Tomb of the unknown implementor. 24691,Small square room. 24692,Room in a puzzle. 32767,END OF TEXT FILE