Welcome to Erskine College RASCAL V0.0-00 Be sure you know the introductory material in volumes I - IX of the RASCAL documentation. Pay particular attention to sections K - Q of chapter 38, pages 852 - 1,921. You should memorize the material in volumes XII - XIV. The information in volumes XXI - XXXIV will not be needed until next week. Note: The RASCAL "compiler" performs 256 passes on your source code. This turns the source code of your program into compact psuedo-code. For example, after one pass, the following program requires 1,042 blocks of storage for the pseudo-code. After the 256th pass, the pseudo-code needs only 168 blocks. Here is the program: START HERE//@ ASSIGN THE VALUE *2* TO THE VARIABLE :A://@ ASSIGN THE VALUE *2* TO THE VARIABLE :B://@ ACCUMULATE THE SUM OF THE VARIABLE :A: AND THE VARIABLE :B://@ REVEAL ACCUMULATED SUM//@ STOP//@ QUIT//@ END//@ GOBACK *1* INSTRUCTION PLEASE//@ Note also that since the RASCAL run-time system takes 27K words, user pro- grams must not exceed 4K words. This can be easily accomplished by using no more than four variables in any one program. Programs over 8 or 9 lines usually do not compile anyway. RASCAL requires a new disk directory structure and must DELETE all disk files currently in your account. Please wait...