** Readme file for [87,16] - System tools from SPC ** This account contains selected tools and utilities from Saint Peter's College. These tools fall into two general classes: DCL 'helper' .COM files, and Basic-Plus (or BP2) utilities. In general the .COM's want to have a global symbol defined to in- voke them, and the .BAS want to be installed as CCL's. EDIT.COM - A sample DCL .COM file showing filename recall for the EDIT/EDT command. Works with the PRINT.COM file. Definition: ED*IT=="@EDIT.COM" PRINT.COM - A sample DCL .COM file which defaults to the last edited file for the filename to print. Definition: PR*INT=="@PRINT.COM" SNARF.COM - A sample DCL .COM file to 'steal' (hence 'snarf' a job away from another KB and attach it to your KB. Of course, you need JOBCTL priv. Definition: SNARF=="@SNARF.COM" DCLMTH.COM - A sample DCL .COM file which uses the simple math capabilities of DCL for expression evaluation. For example, you can say: SAY 3*2 and get '6' for an answer. The answer is stored in a symbol, so you can then say: SAY R/2 and get '3'. Definition: SAY=="@DCLMTH.COM" COMPIL.COM - A sample DCL .COM file which uses BP2 to compile a program of your choice and link it with the RSTS CUSP resident library. Useful for rebuilding RSTS CUSPS. Currently set up to use DV0: for compiler workspace, but can be easily modified. Definition: COM*PILE=="@COMPIL.COM" NEWFAC.COM - A sample DCL .COM file to implement management of faculty accounts in an academic environment. Works with ACCT.COM to generate student accounts. Definition: NEWFAC=="@NEWFAC.COM" ACCT.COM - A sample DCL .COM file which allows a faculty account (created with NEWFAC) to create/modify/list/delete rosters of student accounts. Definition: ACCT=="@ACCT.COM" [Note to the above two utilities - at SPC we give out very little space on the system disk, and force users to store files on another disk. This (other) disk can vary by instructor, and is referenced in the two .COM files as the 'U:' disk. You may wish to modify this.] BAKDSK.COM - A sample DCL .COM file to back up all system disks to tape. It is used by a captive OPERATOR account. CONFIG.BAS - A BASIC program which is used by students to custom- ize accounts created with the ACCT utility. It allows the student to change either his password and/or his account name. Definition: DEF/COM/SYS CONFIG = CONFIG.* MODEM?.BAS - Two programs which implement the XMODEM send and re- ceive protocols. Useful to talk to other sites which do not yet have KERMIT. BASIC.BAS - A BASIC program which forces a user to say either BASIC/BPLUS or BASIC/BP2, instead of letting the system default to BP2. Definition: DEF/COM/SYS BAS*IC = BASIC.*/LINE=CCL ERROR.BAS - A BASIC program to display the error message text for a RSTS error code. Useful when a program gives you a message like '?Error 12 at line 1234' - Just say ERROR 12 to get the message text. Definition: DEF/COM/SYS ERROR = ERROR.*/LINE=CCL INFO.* - A BASIC program to perform 'directory assistance' func- tions for DECmail-11 V3.x. Supports multiple RSTS sys- tems connected via DECNET. DECNET support requires BP2 for compilation, otherwise B+ is fine. See comments in program source for more information. Definition: DEF/COM/SYS INFO = INFO.*/LINE=CCL SAMPLE.DAT - An example annotated NAMES.DAT to show the format the INFO program expects. HBKILL.BAS - A BASIC program to kill hibernating jobs. Also keeps frequently-used files open to speed access.