GENERAL RSTS V9.x UTILITIES Michael Mayfield, Northwest Digital Software, Inc. FSTOPN.BAS Preopens any number of specified files so that they can be "reopened" without requiring disk overhead in FIP. REORDR.COM Automatically reorders all files each night. STRETC.BAS Utility to determine wall and clock stretch times. Useful for system tuning. ASYIO.MAC Asynchronous I/O subroutines callable from BP2. Includes ASYGET, ASYPUT, and ASYDON. FILCPY.B2S Example program using ASYIO subroutines to copy from one file to another using asynchronous I/O. PRESET.BAS Generates a patch control file for ONLPAT that presets terminal characteristics, date and time format, and magtape density and labeling format defaults in the monitor SIL so that they do not need to be set during system startup. This makes system startup substantially faster. TAPCOP.BAS Duplicates a magtape. The tape may have any label format and use any character format (eg. ASCII or EBCDIC). The density may be changed on the output tape. The tape may be copied to itself when changing density, if desired. RD1TRC.BAS Shows the number of disk accesses required to open or create a file on an RDS1 format disk. MTDIR.BAS Prints a directory listing of a magtape. The magtape may be a combination of ANSI and/or DOS formats, such as found on the RSTS/E V9.x Installation tapes. SILSYM.BAS Displays a list of the global symbols in each phase of a SIL file. Useful for displaying a link map for an existing monitor SIL or other SIL format files. SUBMIT.COM Generates and submits a temporary batch control file to perform specified commands. Very useful for background processing and compiling while you do something else. SYSDO.COM Automatically submits all appropriate daily, weekly, and monthly batch command files defined by all users to batch each day during the early morning hours. Useful for system and account management. XMODEM.BAS File transfer utility using the XMODEM protocol.