[87,2] README.TXT 1987 RSTS SIG TAPE The following programs are from Erskine College's PDP-11/84 V9 RSTS/E computer system. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- 1. PBSTOP.COM & PBSTRT.CMD The PBS work file PBS$:PBS.SYS grows larger and larger as PBS is used. This file is compressed when the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command is issued at system startup time. The DCL command file PBSTOP.COM and the ATPK command file PBSTRT.CMD stop (STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER) and start (START- /QUEUE/MANAGER) PBS once a week via BATCH job so PBS will compress its work file which in turn allows PBS to run more efficently. After over 800 hours of system up-time with about 9,000 batch jobs, Erskine's PBS$:PBS.SYS had grown to over 1,400 blocks. After stoping and starting the queue manager, PBS$:PBS.SYS required only 32 blocks and all PBS operations (SUBMITs, SHOW ENTRY, etc.) were much faster! 2. LOGOFF.COM & LOGOFF.BAS/B2S This program monitors a RSTS/E system and logs off any idle users. LOGOFF.COM runs via BATCH job in 30 minute cycles. If a user has not consumed any CPU time for one hour, a warning message is broadcast. If this user is still idle 30 minutes later, "proper" exit/log off characters are forced to the job's terminal. (I.E., EX BYE is forced to a TECO job where CTRL/Z EXIT BYE is forced to a job running EDT, etc.) 3. SETPAS.BAS This BASIC+ program allows group managers ([nnn,0]) to adjust both the password and account name of any account within their account group ([nnn,*]). No special privileges are required in the group manager's account since SETPAS.BAC is compiled <232>. This program works with NO LOOKUP passwords only. 4. MAIL A simple electronic mail system. (Works in V8 as well as V9!) ------ 5. PLEASE This is a substitute PLEASE program for the OPSER$: account that forwards DCL REQUESTs to KB0:. Use this program if you are not using the OPSER spool/batch package and still want REQUESTs to arrive on KB0:. (The only program in Erskine's OPSER$: account is this PLEASE program since we only use PBS for spool/batch activity!) 6. W11REN.BAS This BASIC+ program can be used to renumber WORD-11 documents on a particluar disk. As documents are created and deleted, the document numbering becomes scattered. This utility "removes the holes." I.E., if an account has documents 2, 8, and 10, this utility would renumber them to 1, 2, and 3 respectively. (V8 & V9) 7. ANSI.BAS & ANSI.DAT This BASIC+ program and data file allow one to make a mixed DOS/ ANSI tape. The results is similar to what DEC does to make V9.x DOS/ANSI distribution tapes. 8. VTLAX This BASIC+ program allows one to control a LA50/LA75 or Apple ImageWriter II on a VT220's printer port. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Questions and comments are welcome. Send them to: W. Franklin Mitchell, Jr. Director of Computer Services Erskine College CS7 1 Washington Street Box 86 Due West, SC 29639