RSTS SIG Tape Submitted by Michael Mayfield Northwest Digital Software Inc. Box 2-743 Spring Valley Road Newport, WA 99156 USA 509-447-5631 1. TAPCOP == TAPE DUPLICATION UTILITY TAPCOP will make a copy of the entire contents of a magnetic tape. The tape may be in any format (DOS, ANSII, EBCDIC, non-standard, etc.). The density of the output tape can be specified. A tape can be copied back onto itself to allow changing densities. Multiple copies of a tape can be made with one read of the original. Sufficient disk space is required to allow the entire tape to be copied to disk before being transferred to a new tape. RSTS V7.0 or later 2. FSTOPN == PREOPEN FILES FOR FAST OPENS Opens a list of files and accounts (UFDs) in the background so that subsequent opens of the files or UFD lookups will not require disk I/O. File and account specification are listed in a data statement within the program. Virtually any number of files may be specified. Multiple copies of the program will be spawned as necessary. Each group of up to 12 files requires one job slot. Each file requires two small buffers, but one small buffer is shared with a subsequent opener. This program was originally published in the RSTS Professional magazine. RSTS V7.0 or later. Large file option must be used in V7.x for benefits to be obtained. 3. SILSYM == LIST SYMBOL TABLE FOR A SIL IMAGE Lists the global symbols contained in a SIL image. The output is similar to the load map obtainable during system generation. This program was originally published in the RSTS Professional magazine. RSTS V7.0 or later. May work on previous versions as well, but it has not be tested. 4. EDTATR == EDIT FILE ATTRIBUTES EDTATR allows attributes to be added, modified, or removed from any file. Attributes are shown symbolically. This program was written by Rick Cadruvi of Touch Technologies (previously of Online Data Processing) and is submitted by permission of the author. It may be copied with the inclusion of the copyright notice. RSTS V7.0 or later. Requires VT100/VT200 or other terminal using compatible ANSII mode. 5. CLUOPT == OPTIMIZE CLUSTERSIZES OF FILES Given a disk and PPN specification, CLUOPT copies all the files in that account with an optimal cluster size. RSTS V7.0 or later. 6. BADBLK == IDENTIFY BAD BLOCKS ON A DISK BADBLK reads each block on the disk and reports any hard errors found. If error logging (ERRCPY) is in use, soft errors will also be entered in the error log. This program is capable of reading at over 500 blocks per second on an idle system. RSTS V7.0 or later. Requires a video terminal (any type). 7. TRACE1 == LIST DIRECTORY OVERHEAD SEEKS FOR RDS1 FORMAT DISKS TRACE1 shows the disk accesses required to open a file and read the last block. If the specified file is does not exist, TRACE1 shows the overhead required to access all name entries in the directory, as is done when a file is created. This program has been modified from the original DECUS submission for RDS1 by Mike Mayfield. RSTS V8.0 or later. 8. INI.EDT == EDT STARTUP FILE FOR DECWORD/DP EMULATION INI.EDT is a startup file for EDT V2.0 and later that provides an emulation of most of the keys used by DECWORD/DP, CT*OS, and WORD-11 word processing systems. More information on this startup file will be appearing in a future DEC Professional and/or RSTS SIG Newsletter.