----- 7 ^ o For terminals that care about Data Set Ready (pin six), tie pin six to pin four (Request to Send). ^ o Protect terminal lines from thunder- storms! ~ Re: The DEC* PROFESSIONAL Magazine V2.6, November '83, page 26. ^ o Understand the meaning of a non-zero HUNG TTY count! ~ $SY/F ~ ~ General FIP Hung ~ Buffers Buffers Jobs/Jobmax TTY's Errors ~ 481 110 20/63 0 2 ~ ----- ~ $SY/F ~ ~ General FIP Hung ~ Buffers Buffers Jobs/Jobmax TTY's Errors ~ 467 98 24/63 1 2 ~ ----- ~ $ ^ o Make as many monitor options memory resident as feasible. ~ V8: Sysgen options into the monitor. ~ ------ ~ ~ V9: LOAD/OVERLAY xxxx ~ ------------ ^ o Select overlapped seek for multiple disk drives. ^ o In V8, sysgen directory (FIP buffer- ing) and data caching (Extended data buffering) into your monitor. ^ o Allocate 10% - 15% of memory to XBUF. ^ o Change the cache replacement time to eight - sixteen seconds. ~ V8: Patch Seq 3.1.2 F ~ ----- ~ ~ V9: SET CACHE/KEEP=12 ~ -------- ^ o Use a data caching cluster size of four. ~ V8: System start-up question ~ ------------------------ ~ ~ V9: SET CACHE/CLUSTERSIZE=4 ~ -------------- ^ o Sysgen monitor stats and watch the system. Control stats gathering via the switch register or by switching to another RSTS monitor SIL that does not contain stats. ^ o In V8, sysgen disappearing RSX into the monitor. ^ o Run REORDR at least once a week. ^ o In V8, use a large PIP buffer for "big" file transfers. ~ PIP/SI:28 [123,8]*.* = [210,10]*.*/W ~ ------ ~ @ or with enough main memory, modify @ your V8 startup files so that PIP @ always runs in 28K (like in V9). ~ UT CCL PI-P=$PIP.SAV;8220 ~ ---- ^ o Use PIP for directory listings, not DIRECT.TSK/DIRECT.BAC. ~ V8: PIP/L ~ ----- ~ ~ V9: DIR -DCL command ~ --- ^ o In V9, relocate files using PIP's /RETAIN switch so that incremental backups will not tape files that have not changed. ~ PIP DU1:[1,23]*.*/RETAIN = DU0:[2,10]*.TUE/W ~ ------- ^ o In V9, use PBS for printer spooling and running batch jobs instead of OPSER. ^ o Use batch jobs at night to do general housekeeping. ^ o Use DCL (V8: ATPK) command files for routine operations. ^ o Put as little as possible in any one account, especially in account [1,2]. ^ o Use a Dynamic Priority (DYNPRI) program to help schedule users. @ re: BIGBRO.TSK ^ o Make changes to files stored in account [0,1] (such as START.COM) using the following steps: ~ ~ 1. COPY [0,1]START.COM *.* ~ ~ 2. EDIT START.COM ~ ~ 3. DIR/FULL START.* ~ ~ 4. If START.COM and START.BAK occupy the same number of disk blocks, ~ ~ COPY/OVERLAY START.COM [0,1]*.* ~ else -------- ~ COPY/CONTIGUOUS START.COM [0,1]*.* ~ or ~ PIP [0,1]*.*/MO:1552 = START.COM/W ^ o Discover the unsupported Commonly Used System Program (CUSP): CONNEC.BAS. ^ o Protect the hardware! ^ o Avoid BASIC-PLUS programs that cause garbage collection. ^ o Use the shared version of EDT. (Requires disappearing RSX in V8). ^ o TREKIE? ^ o Thanks go to members of the Carolinas LUG for their RSTS Hints suggestions. ~ @ --------------------------------- ? ? ? Q U E S T I O N S ? ? ? @ --------------------------------- ~ @ Franklin Mitchell (803) 379-2131 @ Erskine College @ P.O. Box 86 S1F @ Due West, SC 29639 ^ EOF DECUS TXT[.050001]DECUS .TXT[.050001]   X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]