The following files are the part-page internal tabbed files: S1481BC16_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC17_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC18_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC19_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC20_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC21_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC22_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC23_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC24_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC25_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC26_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC27_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC28_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC29_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC30_CONTENTS.PS S1481BC31_CONTENTS.PS S1481BAA_CONTENTS.PS S1481BAB_CONTENTS.PS BAR.PS The internal tab source file for an 8 by 11 page. Prints on front and back of page CONTENTS_PART.COM A com file to produce the contents without a CONTENTS header and without a roman numeral iii as a footer. A conditional at the beginning of the chapter files places the Chapter number on the top of this contents part page. CONTENTS_PART.DESIGN Compile the chapter part page with this design file so as to get the right header and no footer. CONTENTS_INSTRUCTIONS.TXT This file CONTENTS_ALL.PS All the contents files PRINT.COMMAND A print command to print the contents files