1. To compile the release notes as a whole first compile the 5 part-page table of contents by doing the following: a. Use the contents doc type in this saveset b. Compile each chapter the CONTENTS.COM file substituting the chapter name for each chapter as you compile the chapters. c. After each chapter is compiled, rename the ...CONTENTS.DVI_PS file for that chapter to CHAPTERn_CONTENTS.DVI_PS where n is the chapter number. For the appendix, rename the file to APPENDIX_CONTENTS.DVI_PS. The reason the contents part pages are renamed is so that the compiler will not confuse them with the table of contents for the whole book. Also, unless the chapter contents are done indivdually as DVI files, SDML will not compile them. The contents of file CONTENTS.COM: DOCUMENT/BATCH=(NOLOG,NOPRINT,NOTIFY)/LIS=CHAPTERn.LIS/NOPRINT- /condition=single/keep/contents- /SYMBOLS=USER:[RTINDEX]RT11.GDF S1525Cn.SDML contents PS Remember to substitute your location for the symbols file and your chapter number for N in the chapter file name... and AA for the Cn. 2. Next delete all the files that the compiles created except for the ...CONTENTS.DVI_PS files. These files are the source files used for the part pages when you compile the book as a whole. 3. Finally compile the book as a whole using the S1525PRO.COM file; For example: @S1525PRO The contents of file S1525PRO.COM: $ DOCUMENT/BATCH=(NOLOG,NOPRINT,NOTIFY)/LIS=S1525PRO.LIS- /NOPRINT/CONTENTS/condition=WHOLE S1525PRO.SDML HARD.BIG PS /DEVICE=DUPLEX These are the files in this saveset: INSTRUCTIONS.TXT;6 CHAPTER1_CONTENTS.DVI_PS CHAPTER2_CONTENTS.DVI_PS CHAPTER3_CONTENTS.DVI_PS CHAPTER4_CONTENTS.DVI_PS APPENDIX_CONTENTS.DVI_PS CONTENTS.COM;2 CONTENTS.DESIGN;1 S1525FM.SDML;8 S1525C1.SDML;61 S1525C2.SDML;55 S1525C3.SDML;133 S1525C4.SDML;8 S1525AA.SDML;36 S1525PRO.COM;8 S1525PRO.LIS;10 S1525PRO.SDML;7 S1525PRO.PS;1