SUMMARY OF PLT PARAMETERS, KEYWORDS, AND SPECIAL CHARACTERS 14-May-84 Parameter Default Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNLWT -1 Annotation line weight. [1] ANNSIZ 1 Annotation size. [2] AXLWT -1 Axes line weight. [2] CALL Transfers control to specified file. [6] DATA Indicates the following lines are data points. [5] DATLIST Prints contents of data buffer. [5] ECHO 0 Echo each input line read. [3] FINISH Terminates and closes plot file. [5] GRID 0 Plot grid lines. [3] HEADER 1 Date, time, filename and page printed on plot. [3] INCLUDE Includes specified file as a ".plt" file. [6] LABLWT -1 Label line weight. [1] LABSIZ 1 Label size. [2] LINTYPE 0 Line type. 0 = solid lines. 1 = dotted lines, and greater than 1 = dashed lines. MSGANGLE 0 Message angle (degrees counterclockwise from x-axis). MSGDAT 0 Message location MXLLC MYLLC with respect to the data points. [3] MSGLWT -1 Message line weight. [1] MSGSIZ 1 Message size. [2] MXLLC 0 Message location in the x direction (inches). MYLLC 0 Message location in the y direction (inches). NEWFRAME Begin a new plot frame on the current page. [5] NEWPAGE Advances to a new page. [5] OPENAX 0 Leave the top and right side of axes open. [3] PLOT Plots data and frame if necessary. [5] PLTLWT -1 Plot line weight. [1] PLTYPE 3 Plot type: 1 = "symbols only", 2 = "lines only", 3 = "both symbols and lines", and 4 = "histogram". PRMLIST Prints out the current parameter values. [5] RANSKP 0 Right annotation skip. [7] RCYCLE 0 Number of logarithmic cycles in the right axes. RFMT I3 Right axis annotation format. [8] RINT 0 Right intervals for tick marks. [4] RLABEL Right axis label. [8] RMAX 0 Right axis maximum value. RMIN 0 Right axis minimum value. RPERCENT 100 Percent of right axis used to position the limits. SHADE 0 Shade in the histogram bars. [3] SIZFAC 0 Size factor. Controls size of everything. For negative values PLT does not change the sizes from frame to frame. Positive values instruct PLT to compute sizes as if average axes length was equal to SIZFAC. SMOOTH 0 Smooth the data. [3] SOLID 0 Solid symbols are produced if possible. [3] SORT 1 Sort data in order of increasing x values. [3] SYMBOL 1 Symbol represents the number of symbol to plot. SYMSIZ 1 Symbol size. [2] TICDIR 0 Tick direction: value or "inward" produce tick marks inward otherwise they are outward. XANSKP 0 X-axis annotation skip. [7] XCYCLE 0 Number of logarithmic cycles in the x axes. XFMT I3 X axis annotation format. [8] XINT 5 X axes intervals. [4] XLABEL X axis label. [8] XLEN 6 X axes length in inches. XLLC 2.2 Location of axes in x direction (inches). XMAX 10 X axes maximum value. XMIN 0 X axes minimum value. XPERCENT 100 Percent of x axis used to position the limits. YANSKP 0 Y-axis annotation skip. [7] YCYCLE 0 Number of logarithmic cycles in the y axes. YFMT I3 Y axis annotation format. [8] YHOR 0 Place the labels on the y axes horizontally. [3] YINT 5 Y axes intervals. [4] YLABEL Y axis label. [8] YLEN 6 Y axes length in inches. YLLC 2.2 Location of axes in y direction (inches). YMAX 10 Y axes maximum value. YMIN 0 Y axes minimum value. YPERCENT 100 Percent of y axis used to position the limits. [string] Subscript text string. {string} Superscript text string. ^string^ Shift to alternate font for string. || or |*| Insert current symbol into text string. |nnn| Insert symbol number nnn into text string. $ Replace '$' in string with space. \c Insert character c into text string without special meaning indicated above, where c = [ ] { } ^ \ $ or |. ; Begin comment. ! Begin comment and write comment to console. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 1: Use negative values to indicate pen number. Zero value inhibits plotting. Note 2: Positive values are used as multipliers of default size. Negative values are used as absoluted size in inches. Note 3: YES = Y = 1 and NO = N = 0. Note 4: Intervals for ticmarks are of the form MM.N where MM and N are the number of major and minor intervals respectively. Note 5: Keyword. Note 6: Transfer of control. Note 7: If set to zero no annotations are to be skipped. Positive values indicate the number of annotations to be skipped. Negative values produce no annotions. Note 8: Text parameter.