PIP8 FILE TRANSFER PROGRAM ---- ---- -------- ------- by John Yardley National Physical Laboratory Teddington, Middx, England Version PIP8 Y08B by H.P.Stoehrel Institut fuer Modellstatik University of Stuttgart PIP8 can now handle RX02-type Floppy drives.The OS/8-Floppy,however, must be in single density. INTRODUCTION TO PIP8. --------------------- PIP8 is a file transfer and file maintenance utility program for both OS/8 and RT/11 (ASCII) files. It runs under the RT/11 operating system and enables you to transfer files in the same format or from one format to another. You can obtain directories of discs, rename or delete files in either format. NOTES ----- 1. "PIP8.SAV" WILL ONLY RUN PROPERLY ON AN LSI-11 WITH EIS. TO USE ON ANY OTHER CONFIGURATION YOU MUST RE-COMPILE PROGRAM AND LINK MODULES ON COMPILER FOR TARGET MACHINE. THIS MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY LOADING DISTRIBUTION DISKETTE ONTO RX01/RX02 UNIT 1, AND EXECUTING INDIRECT COMMAND FILE "PIP8.COM". 2. NPL ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF "PIP8". CALLING AND USING PIP8. ----------------------- To call PIP8 from the system device respond to the dot (.) printed by the monitor by typing: R PIP8 PIP8 responds by first typing the current version number. The Command String Interpreter then prints an asterisk in the left margin and waits for you to enter a command string. If you respond by entering only a carriage return, PIP8 prints its current version number and prompts you again for a command string. When PIP8 is waiting for input from the console terminal you can type CRTL/C to abort PIP8 and return control to the monitor. However you must type two CRTL/Cs to abort PIP8 at any other time. This is not recommended when transfering, renaming or deleting OS/8 files as directories are being updated and may be corrupted. In the current version no wildcards are allowed. Since PIP8 performs file transfers on all types of ASCII files (.MAC, .FOR,.LST etc), it does not assume file extensions for either input or output files. You must explicitly specify all file extensions, where applicable. If no devices are specified PIP8 assumes the default device "DK:". OS/8 files may only be stored on the RX01/RX02 floppy disc medium. FILE TRANSFERS. --------------- When copying files the command form is as follows: OUTPUTFILE-SPEC[/8]