******************************************************************************* VIORD microSCADA QnxDemoPack V1.0 Copyright (C) 1998-1999, FIORD Co. Ltd, All rights reserved All software in this directory is demo software. If you experience problems with any of this software please report them in the e-mail: info@fiord.spb.su. ******************************************************************************* ** Feb 26, 1999 ** After downloading the archive, verify the 'cksum'. cksum 863900058 viord_rt.tar.F cksum 4115871224 viord_bu.tar.F cksum 1443044389 viord_help.tar.F The archive can be installed using the commands as the "root": cd / /etc/install -u viord_rt.tar.F /etc/install -u viord_bu.tar.F /etc/install -u viord_help.tar.F Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------- Before you can install, your system must meet the following minimum requirement: QNX 4.24 or later Photon microGUI 1.12 or later QNX TCP/IP 4.24 or later (optional) -------------------------------------------------------------