README for Stone Design Web Tools for Yellow Box Windows *********************************************************** INSTALLATION: ************* You must be Web Objects 4.0 or Yellow Box for Windows CR1 to install the Stone Web Tools: 1. Double-click "create521.exe" to install: * Create(tm) 5.2.1 - A complete design studio and web building application Includes a PostScript User environment, Autotrace, and much more... * Slice & Dice 1.6.1(tm) - Create navigation bars and web images with hot spots. Crop and copy images instantly - automatic HTML table production. * GIFfun 1.5(tm) - A free web tool which lets you build animated GIFs by drag and dropping in frames (any kind of image). * Pack Up & Go 1.1.1(tm) - A shareware drag and drop file compression app - instantly create .tar.gz and .tar.gz.uu files, no fuss or muss. * Web Colors 1.0(C) - A free web tool to select 'Web Friendly' colors - Quickly choose named and non-dithering colors for HTML authoring. Create and preview tags without typing a character! * Stone Web Colors Lists - Free Color lists (.clr) that add Web Colors to the standard Color Panel for all applications! This will install the applications into your program folder or whereever you choose. On NT, this will add a Program Group with shortcuts to the applications. To delete, double-click the "Uninstall" icon. For more info and to order: *************************** Telephone: (505) 345 4800 Fax: (505) 345 3424 Email: Web: (Order online securely!) Mail: Stone Design Corp 2400 Rio Grande Blvd NW, PMB 116 Albuquerque, NM, 87104, USA DEMO INSTRUCTIONS: ****************** 1. Install Apps by double-clicking create50.exe 2. Follow Installer instructions. 3. Launch Create 4. Choose "Art -> Demonstration" from the menu 5. HTML DEMO: a. Choose "HTML -> Sample" b. Choose "HTML -> Create Web Pages..." c. Save, and this will open the pages in OmniWeb 6. Animated GIF DEMO: a. Click on Star icon and draw a star. b. Choose "Art -> Effects..." c. Drag an Effect onto the star d. Choose "Tools -> Animator" e. Click "View Animation" f. Click "Save Animation", and name the file g. This should launch GIFfun - if not, you may have to logout and login. h. GIFfun will create a single animated GIF i. OmniWeb will be launched with the HTML to display the GIF 7. GIFfun DEMO: a. Launch b. Select "Sample" from the menu c. Click "Make GIF" button d. The sample GIF is displayed in OmniWeb 8. SliceAndDice DEMO: a. Launch b. Choose "Sample -> Menu Bar.." c. Double-click a cell to see URLs d. Choose "File -> Slice & Dice..." e. Choose "Sample -> Slice This..." f. Drag on vertical and horizontal slices g. Drag on URL's from OmniWeb h. Choose "Sample -> Multi Dimensional Nav Bar..." i. Choose "File -> Slice & Dice..." j. Look at the HTML Source in OmniWeb 9. Pack Up & Go DEMO: a. Launch b. Drag a file, folder or combo onto the Pack Up & Go window c. It's now compressed and ready to drag out! d. See Edit-> Preferences for options. 10. Web Colors DEMO: a. Launch b. Click the button c. Click on edge of Background Color Well d. Choose various colors from the various pickers e. Note that line is generated for you! f. Copy and paste into HTML document to set its colors.