NEXTSTEP Title: Simple Fetch Example For EOF 1.2 Server included in PDO 4.0 PR1 Entry Number: 2138 Last Updated: 16 Apr 1996 Keywords: EOF 1.2 Server, PDO, fetch1x, Sybase, Oracle, Informix Overview This example shows how to fetch records from any model and from any entity. The usage is as follows: fetch1x -model -entity The purpose of the example is to show how to link with the database client libraries (Sybase, Oracle, or Informix) on PDO HP-UX and Solaris. The example is named fetch1x and is available as NeXTanswer 2137_EOF1.2_PDO4.0_Example.compressed. How To Build The Example To build the example, you have to install the database client libraries on your PDO machine. Then, select the appropriate Makefile.preamble for your PDO platform. For example, if you use Oracle and Solaris, you will have to modify the Makefile.preamble-solaris to uncomment the line that includes the Makefile.preamble-solaris-oracle that you want to use. To build an executable that links to all 3 client libraries, you just have to uncomment all 3 include lines. Next, you have to modify the ORACLE_HOME directory in Makefile.preamble-solaris-oracle to point the correct location of your Oracle home directory. The same applies for Informix and Sybase. Note to EOF 1.2 Sybase Users on PDO HP-UX: To build the example for Sybase on HP-UX, you also need to modify the Makefile.postamble-hpux to include the Makefile.postamble-hpux-sybase. To re-use the Makefiles of this example in your project, you should copy the Makefile.preamble-hpux-sybase to your Makefile.preamble and the Makefile.postamble-hpux-sybase to your Makefile.postamble. These makefiles fix a symbol conflict between libsybdb.a and libdce.a (HP-UX thread package). Running the Example You need to look at the different Makefile.preambles and export the proper environment variables. You also need to have an .eomodel file located in /NextLibrary/Models, /LocalLibrary/Models, or ~/Library/Models,and the database server must be running and accessible from your PDO machine. Valid for: EOF 1.2 Server included in PDO 4.0 PR1 for Solaris 2.5 and HP-UX 10.1. See Also: PDO 4.0 PR1 General Notes and Release Notes