Q. When I reboot after performing: niload -d hosts / < /etc/hosts why does the NetInfo server display the following message? cannot find parent NetInfo server, still looking... Press 'c' to continue boot without parent server. See your system administrator if you need help. A. During the niload -d command the entry for the local host in the NetInfo root domain got deleted, or perhaps a new entry was created without the serves property. In either case, without the serves property, a machine can't find its parent server. niload -d deletes entries that are in the directory but not in the input (which in this case is /etc/hosts). Thus either the machine's entry is completely lost (if the corresponding entry is not in /etc/hosts), or else the machine's entry is overwritten by the new entry, deleting the serves property in the process. (niload is not capable of adding properties other than the standard Unix ones, which are ip_address and name in this case.) There are two different procedures for fixing the problem, depending on whether the serves property got corrupted on a NetInfo client or on a server. 1. If the Machine is a Client: The procedure to fix the problem is easier in this case, since the root domain can be accessed through NetInfoManager. Run NetInfoManager on the NetInfo server and add the missing machines subdirectory or the missing serves property (of the form hostname/local) to the root domain: * Launch NetInfoManager. * Open the / (root) domain. * Edit Properties for hostname, where hostname is the name of your client (see following section if there is no entry for hostname). * Make a serves property. * Change newValue of the serves property to hostname/local. * Reboot hostname. If there is no machines entry for hostname, create one: * Create a new machines subdirectory for hostname. * Change the machines subdirectory from newValue to hostname. * Edit Properties for hostname. * an ip_address property with a value of the form xxx.yy.zzz.aaa, replacing xxx.yy.zzz.aaa with the correct ip-address. * a serves property with the value hostname/local * Reboot hostname. 2. If the Machine is a Server: If the machine is the server, the procedure is a little more involved: * Boot the machine, and when you get the error message, type "c" to continue. Once the machine is up, log in. Open a Shell or Terminal and su to root if you are not already logged in as root. * Run niutil to see what has happened to the machine hostname. Replace hostname with the name of your machine: #niutil -read -t localhost/network /machines/hostname You might get an output that looks like this: name: hostname ip_address: en_address: 00:00:0f:00:3:3 bootfile: mach bootparams: private=server:/clients/hostname root=server:/ Note the missing serves property! If your output looks like the above, add the missing serves property by entering the following command: #niutil -createprop -t localhost/network /machines/hostname serves\ hostname/local ./network and then reboot the machine. If instead of the above output, you got the following output: niutil: can't open localhost/network:/machines/hostname then the machines subdirectory for your machine hostname was blown away. To recreate this directory do the following: * Create a host directory for hostname: #niutil -create -t localhost/network /machines/hostname * Add the correct serves property for hostname: #niutil -createprop -t localhost/network /machines/hostname serves\ hostname/local ./network * Add the ip_address property for hostname, replacing xxx.yy.zzz.aaa with the correct IP address: #niutil -createprop -t localhost/network /machines/hostname\ ip_address xxx.yy.zzz.aaa * After these changes, reboot the machine: #reboot QA515 Valid for 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1