NEXTSTEP Title: NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 Patch 1 Entry Number: 2066 Creation Date: November 3, 1995 Last Updated: <> Procedure Valid for Release: 3.3 Keywords: NEXTSTEP, patch, developer, posix, hppa, sparc, intel, m68k, system, lookupd Overview The NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 Patch 1 is a series of packages and scripts that provide fixes to several bugs introduced in NEXTSTEP Release 3.3. Please read the Release Notes and Release Notes Addendum thoroughly before applying the patches. Release notes for these packages are available as 2067_3.3Patch1_Release_Notes and 2068_3.3Patch1_Release_Notes_Addendum Caution: These packages should only be installed on systems running NEXTSTEP Release 3.3. ***Do NOT install this patch on systems running NEXTSTEP 3.3J (Kanji Version). NEXTSTEP 3.3J incorporates the updates that this patch provides. Packages: The NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 Patch Update consists of two User Patch packages: 3.3Intel68kPatch.pkg, available via 1Contains updated system software for Intel PCs or NeXT computers running NEXTSTEP Release 3.3. 3.3HPPASPARCPatch.pkg, available via 1Contains updated system software for Sun or HP workstations running NEXTSTEP Release 3.3. and two Developer Patch packages: 3.3DeveloperPatch.pkg, available via 1Contains updated developer tools for all types of computers running NEXTSTEP Developer Release 3.3. In addition, the NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 Patch Update was updated to include: 3.3PatchRelNotesAddendum.rtfd, available via 1The latest Release Notes. Please read this before using either 3.3Patch.ImprovedDNS.post_install or 3.3Patch.LibrariesOK.post_install Read-Me-First.rtfd, available via 1A pointer to the installation instructions in this document. 3.3Patch.ImprovedDNS.post_install, available via 1An installation script for improved DNS lookups. 3.3Patch.LibrariesOK.post_install, available via 1Another installation script, for users with POSIX apps that can not be rebuild with the new libposix.a libposix.a The POSIX static library, for building posix applications for 3.3patch1 machines using gethost*() libc routines. Install as /usr/lib/libposix.a. See Also: No additional notes as of <>