OPENSTEP for Mach Intel Processors Release 4.x Networking Driver Overview Driver: Intel EtherExpress16 Driver Overview: NeXTanswer #2322 Last Update: February 5, 1998 Availability Information A version of this driver is on the CDROM Newer Released Driver in NeXTanswers*: No, Version 0.00, as NeXTanswer #2324 Newer Beta Driver in NeXTanswers*: Yes, Version 4.02, as NeXTanswer #2323 Driver Name / Installer .pkg: EtherExpress16 Driver Type: Networking Driver Scope: Product Family Supported Components: Intel i82586 PC Bus / Interface Supported by Driver**: ISA General Overview notes: This driver supports the Intel Ether Express 16 adapter family. Supported Products / Add-on Adapters: EtherExpress16 (ISA, BNC/AUI) EtherExpress16TP (ISA, UTP/AUI) EtherExpress16C (ISA, BNC/UTP/AUI) Supported Products / Systems (ie integrated into PC System): Special Features of Driver / Driver Notes: Networking Driver Details Network Type**: EtherNet Speed*: 10 Mb/s Access Mode**: PIO Buffer Size*: 16KB Supported Connectors**: AUI, BNC, UTP Known Problems Driver Version Notes 4.00 - Released on OPENSTEP 4.0 User CD-ROM 4.02 - Fixed a bug where the adapter/driver might cause a kernel panic under heavy network load. Future Planning Future / Update Planning: Reason for New Driver / Update: New Driver / Update Timeframe: New Driver / Update Description: Note: Information contained in the "Future Planning" section of this document does not constitute a commitment on the part of NeXT to complete the planned development work. * - Any NeXTanswer number that is blank indicates that a driver will not be released for this version of NEXTSTEP. ** - Indicates information that is inclusive of the entire capability of this driver. Not all devices supported by this driver may include all features listed. Check any available NeXTanswers and the hardware manual for the device for additional information. Product Vendor Intel +1 (800) 628 8686 USA toll-free (customer service) phone +1 (916) 356 3600 bulletin board system (OEM components) +1 (800) 897 2536 USA toll-free bulletin board system (OEM components), viewing only +1 (800) 628 2283 faxback system (OEM components) +1 (503) 645 6275 bulletin board system (reseller information) +1 (800) 525 3019 USA toll-free bulletin board system (reseller information), viewing only +1 (916) 356 3105 faxback system (reseller information) +1 (916) 356 6100 fax (customer support) WWW: