Installing Version 1.1 of the IDE 8265 Hard Disk Controller Device Driver for NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for Intel Processors These instructions show you how to install version 1.1 of the IDE 8265 hard disk controller device driver on an Intel-based computer running NEXTSTEP(TM) Release 3.2. The driver is distributed in an Installer package file named IDE8265Driver.pkg. This updated device driver fixes bug 45990 (titled "IDE driver and slow host problem" having to do with system panics based on spurious interrupts from Adaptec 8265 disk drive controller circuitry). The IDE 8265 device driver now supports IDE hard disk drives with controllers based on the Adaptec 8265 chip. This chip is used in Maxtor and Conner hard disk drives and may be used by other manufacturers. There are two situations in which you may install this driver: on a computer on which you are going to install NEXTSTEP or on a computer already running NEXTSTEP. Separate sets of instructions for those two situations follow. Installing the IDE 8265 Driver on a Computer as Part of Installing NEXTSTEP This section assumes that you are about to load NEXTSTEP from a CD-ROM onto a computer and that you want to use that computers IDE hard disk drive as the boot drive. This instruction sequence is also detailed in the section titled "Loading device drivers you need to install NEXTSTEP" on pages 6 and 7 in the manual Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for Intel Processors. 1. With the power off, connect the CD-ROM player to your computer and insert the NEXTSTEP CD-ROM installation floppy disk into the floppy drive. You should have an additional NEXTSTEP formatted floppy disk that has a copy of the IDE 8265 driver on it in the /usr/Devices directory. 2. Turn power on. Shortly into the boot process the system will notify you of existing hard disk controller device drivers and prompt you to insert a floppy disk that contains additional device drivers. Insert the floppy disk that contains the IDE 8265 driver and then press 1 to direct the system to load additional drivers. 3. The system will present a list of device drivers on the floppy disk. Select the IDE8265 device driver. The system will load the driver and prompt you to select another device driver. Press 2 to continue installation without loading another device driver. The system will respond with a message that it is loading NEXTSTEP using the new driver. The installation should proceed normally. Caution: The installation process temporarily uses the IDE 8265 driver to control the hard disk. After you have installed NEXTSTEP you will have to reboot and install the IDE 8265 device driver. 4. Reboot the computer. Shortly into the boot process the system will prompt you to insert a floppy disk with the IDE 8265 device driver. Insert the floppy disk with the IDE 8265 device driver, and the system will use the IDE 8265 device driver to continue booting. 5. An alert panel asks you to insert the floppy disk with the IDE 8265 device driver. Insert the floppy disk with the IDE 8265 driver. The system will copy the IDE8265.config driver to the /usr/Devices directory. 6. Configure appears in install mode. 7. Click the Other icon at the top of Configure's Summary window. If "IDE 8265 Controller" is in the list of devices at the top of Configure's Other Devices window, choose Quit from the Configure menu and skip to step 9. If "Std IDE" or "IDE Controller" appears in the list, select it and choose Remove so that only the IDE 8265 Controller remains in the list. 8. Choose Save from the Configuration menu and then choose Quit. 9. If you created a copy of the IDE8265Driver.pkg file in step 1, drag the copy to the recycler. 10. Choose Log Out from the Workspace menu, click Power Off in the panel that opens, and when the message says it's safe to turn off your computer, turn it off. Note: You must restart your computer after installing and configuring the updated device driver. Installing the IDE 8265 Driver on a Working Computer Running NEXTSTEP This section assumes that your computer is already running NEXTSTEP and you want to add an IDE hard drive. 1. If you received the IDE8265Driver.pkg file via NeXTmail(TM) or another electronic source, place a copy of the file in a location where you can access it when you log in as root. 2. Log in as root. Only the superuser, root, can install the updated device driver. If you're not sure how to log in as root, see your system administrator. 3. If you received the IDE8265Driver.pkg file on a floppy disk, insert the disk in the floppy disk drive and choose Check for Disks from the Workspace Manager(TM) application's Disk menu. When the disk icon appears in the File Viewer, double-click it to open it. 4. Double-click the IDE8265Driver.pkg file. 5. Click the Install button in the Installer package window. When the panel asks you to confirm that you want to install the package, click Install. If a panel warns you you're about to overwrite existing files, click Continue. 6. When the installation is complete, choose Quit from the Installer menu. 7. Start up the Configure application by double-clicking (in /NextAdmin). 8. Click the Other icon at the top of Configure's Summary window. If "IDE 8265 Controller" is in the list of devices at the top of Configure's Other Devices window, choose Quit from the Configure menu and skip to step 11. 9. Click Add, and in the Add Other Devices panel that opens, select "IDE 8265 Controller" in the list and click Add. 10. Choose Save from the Configuration menu and then choose Quit. 11. If you created a copy of the IDE8265Driver.pkg file in step 1, drag the copy to the recycler. 12. Choose Log Out from the Workspace menu, click Power Off in the panel that opens, and when the message says it's safe to turn off your computer, turn it off. Note: You must restart your computer after installing and configuring the updated device driver. For information about the logging in and out, the Workspace Manager application, and the Installer application, see the NEXTSTEP User's Guide. For information about the Configure application, see Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for Intel Processors. For information concerning compatibility issues and bugs, refer to NeXTanswers(TM). NeXT, the NeXT logo, NEXTSTEP, NeXTmail, NeXTanswers, and Workspace Manager are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. IDE8265Driver.ReadMe.rtf, Version 1.1, 08-26-94