Q: I want to customize the icon displayed for a directory in the Workspace File Viewer. How can I do this? A: The Workspace Manager looks for a file called .dir.tiff in the directory. It uses this in place of the usual icon when displaying that directory in the Viewer. You may also want to place a file called .opendir.tiff in the directory. This is used in place of the ``open folder'' icon which is displayed when you drag new files to that directory. For best results, the tiff files should be 48 x 48 pixels square. The .dir.tiff icon is also used by Digital Librarian to represent the directory if you use it as a target. For fun, you can put a .dir.tiff and a .opendir.tiff file in your home directory and replace the little house with something more representative of your personality! QA675 Not valid for 1.0 Valid for 2.0, 3.0, 3.1