OpenStep Journal, Summer 1995 (Volume 1, Issue 2). Copyright (C)1995 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Village Smythy Written by Alan M. Marcum Under the spreading chestnut-tree, The village smithy stands ... --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Note that sidebars and marginal notes in the printed journal are denoted here by smaller type with bars above and below the item.) In the last issue, we explored the portion of NEXTSTEP network startup through the end of /etc/'s execution. Let's continue our exploration, after ... A BRIEF REVIEW OF NETWORK STARTUP The /etc/ script configures the network interface and sets a hostname. It does this by processing /etc/iftab and /etc/hostconfig, with the various settings there affecting whether, for example, things such as the IP address or hostname are hard-coded or are obtained from the network.You can set the values of the various parameters in hostconfig using HostManager; iftab must be edited--carefully--by hand (normally, you won't need to change iftab). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions? Send your questions to smythy@NeXT.COM. In future editions of this column, I'll address some of those I think are most interesting. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AND NOW, ON WITH THE SHOW ... Following processing, /etc/rc invokes rc.swap. This anachronism is a throwback to the days when NEXTSTEP on NeXT hardware supported a swapdisk--a small SCSI disk used for paging, typically when booting from an optical disk or from the network. Swapdisks are rarely used anymore, so we won't cover rc.swap in this article. The rc mounts the local filesystems with the command: mount -vat 4.3 The -v flag specifies verbose operations (what happens is reported to stdout); -a signifies that all known filesystems without the noauto keyword should be mounted; -t 4.3 indicates that -a is restricted to filesystems of type 4.3 (that is, UNIX filesystems, specifically BSD 4.3 filesystems). Note that, because the NetInfo(TM) tool is not yet started, this command obtains information from the file /etc/fstab, not from NetInfo. Sprinkled through rc are calls to the fbshow program, which displays a message during graphical startup. Because this series of articles focuses on network startup, we'll skip over much of the nonnetworking portions of /etc/rc. Refer to the comments in the script itself, the UNIX manual pages, various articles such as ``optimizing virtual memory with swaptab'' in the Winter 1993 issue (Volume 3, Issue 1) of the support bulletin, and the UNIX System Administrators Handbook (USAH), 2nd edition, by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, John Seabass, and Trent Hahn. Let's skip down to where syslogd is started: (echo -n Starting early daemons:) >/dev/console fbshow -B -I "Starting background services" -z 27 if [ -f /usr/etc/syslogd -a -f /etc/syslog.conf ]; then /bin/rm -f /dev/log # If you want a timestamp to be logged periodically, # modify the invocation of syslogd below. For example, # for a half-hourly timestamp, add the argument "-m30". /usr/etc/syslogd && (echo -n ' syslogd') >/dev/console fi (echo '.') >/dev/console syslogd is the system logging daemon; it provides a centralized collection and dissemination point for system messages. syslog is used by most of the system daemons, including NetInfo, so it should be started early. For more information on syslog, see ``prowling about in syslog'' in the Winter 1993 issue of the support bulletin, the various UNIX manual pages--including sections 3 (library routines), 5 (file formats), and 8 (administrative utilities)--and the USAH. After reading in /etc/hostconfig, rc determines whether NIS should be consulted.This is done by examining the YPDOMAIN parameter in hostconfig; if the parameter's value is -NO-, the NIS will not be consulted for system information, and no NIS domain name is set. Any other value will lead to that value being used as the NIS domain name and to NIS being consulted for system information using the normal NIS semantics. (You can modify the YPDOMAIN parameter using HostManager.) STARTING RPC AND NETWORK SERVICES What are ``RPC'' services? They are those services that use the SunRPC protocol for providing a mechanism for remote procedure invocation. The first of these, and one on which all others are based, is the portmapper. As described in ``NetInfo Binding and Connecting,'' NEXTSTEP In Focus, Summer 1993 (Volume 3, Issue 3): The portmapper is like directory assistance, only instead of matching names to telephone numbers, it translates SunRPC program numbers into port numbers. In portmapper parlance, this is the operation PMAPPROC_GETPORT. The portmapper allows clients to find many SunRPC programs without having to reserve a well-known port for each one. The portmapper is itself a SunRPC-based program. It happens to have a well-known port number, just as the telephone system's directory assistance service has a well-known number (411 in the United States, for example). The portmapper is used extensively by NetInfo, NFS, and NIS, among other services. (If you're following along in /etc/rc, you probably noticed that there are some lines relating to nmserver that are commented out, just before the portmapper is started. These should remain commented out [or even be removed]: they are vestiges of times long past, when nmserver was started at this point, rather than earlier.) The rc script configures IP routing next, so that IP packets can be sent to computers on other networks. Two types of routing are supported through the default mechanisms: ``dynamic'' routing, using the routed program and the RIP protocol, and ``static'' routing, where an explicit default route is specified. In the former case, routed builds a routing table based on the RIP packets obtained from network broadcasts. In the latter case, all remote networks are reached by forwarding the packet to the specified router. Note that when dynamic routing is specified, the -q flag is used when invoking routed. This informs routed that it should not supply routing information to the network. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note that NEXTSTEP does not support routing of packets from one interface to another and, indeed, does not support multiple network interfaces as of Release 3.3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If static routing is requested, a command similar to the following is invoked (this command assumes that is the address of the router for this network): /usr/etc/route add default 1 >/dev/console 2>&1 What does this call to /usr/etc/route mean? It directs route to add a route to the kernel's routing table (the add keyword). This route should be used if no explicit routes are available (default). The router's address is specified next ( in this example), and the router is on``hop'' away (1 in this example). For details, see the UNIX manual pages for route(8); for more information on routing in general, see the networking references in last issue's column. Routing is configured before NetInfo is started. This allows netinfod to bind and lookupd to connect across networks (subnets), although it forces you to use explicit IP addresses, rather than hostnames, for static routing configuration. (If you insist on using a symbolic hostname for routing, just ensure that it's in /etc/hosts, along with its IP address, and that you keep /etc/hosts current.) TIME TO START NETINFO Once the portmapper and routing are configured, it's time to start NetInfo. This is done by invoking nibindd. The following lines from /etc/rc do this: if [ -f /usr/etc/nibindd ]; then fbshow -B -I "Starting network services" -z 32 /usr/etc/nibindd && (echo -n ' netinfo') >/dev/console 2>&1 fi When nibindd starts, it does the following: * Creates a ``pid file'' (a file containing its process ID number) * Locks the /etc/netinfo directory, so that no other nibindds will run * Registers the RPC service with the RPC protocol-dispatching mechanism * Registers its UDP and its TCP services with the portmapper * Runs a netinfod for each NetInfo database in /etc/netinfo Once started, nibindd awaits requests from clients. How does nibindd determine which NetInfo databases exist in /etc/netinfo? It looks for entries in /etc/netinfo that have a suffix of .nidb, .move, or .temp. These entries represent NetInfo databases; those with a .move or a .temp suffix are temporary databases. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For details about the differences between .move and .temp, consult ``NetInfo Binding and Connecting'' in NEXTSTEP In Focus, Summer 1993. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For each netinfod started by nibindd, the following steps are accomplished: 1 Check the database for consistency, if needed, calculating its checksum while so doing. Consistency checking will be needed if the checksum file is missing from the database, indicating that the previous netinfod running on that database didn't terminate normally. This consistency checking verifies the internal structure of the NetInfo database. 2 Register the RPC service with the RPC protocol-dispatching mechanism. 3 Bind to a parent server if netinfod's tag is local (if its tag isn't local, parent binding is done lazily, only when necessary). See ``NetInfo Binding and Connecting'' from NEXTSTEP In Focus, Summer 1993, for details on children binding to a parent. 4 Register its UDP and TCP ports with nibindd. 5 If running as a clone, send a readall request to the master, to ensure its database is synchronized with the master's. If running as a master, send a crashed request to each clone, informing the clones that the master has restarted (if the clone's database is out of date, the clone will request a new database from the master, using the readall operation). See the section ``When a Clone Misses an Update'' in ``Propagating Updates'' from NEXTSTEP In Focus, Summer 1993, for more information on database synchronization in the face of failures. 6 If NetInfo from NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 is running (NetInfo version 58), and if running a clone, check to ensure that it's not a ``rogue clone.'' See ``Detecting Rogue Servers'' in NEXTSTEP In Focus, Spring 1994, for additional information on rogue clones. If there's a problem in step 3 (netinfod local binding to its parent), you'll see the following message on your console: Still searching for parent network administration (NetInfo) server. Please wait, or press 'c' to continue without network user accounts. See your system administrator if you need help. This is the standard message; it's configurable, so yours might even be completely different from this. (The message resides in the file NetInfo.strings in the various language.lproj directories within /usr/lib/NextStep/Resources; edit the portion of the message to the right of the equals sign if you want to see what's displayed.) If you see this message, it's because netinfod local is looking for a parent and not getting an answer. It'll keep looking--forever, or until it finds a parent, or until you tell it to continue without a parent. If your network just crashed (maybe there was a sitewide power failure, for example), it might take 10 or 20 minutes after all the disks are checked for NetInfo to recover completely from the failure. OTHER DATA-ACCESSING DAEMONS If an NIS domain name was specified in /etc/hostconfig (using HostManager), and if the network is up, then binding to an NIS server is performed. The following lines invoke the NIS services: # If we are in an NIS domain, start up the appropriate services. if [ "$YPDOMAIN" != "-NO-" -a $NETWORKUP = "-YES-" ]; then fbshow -B -I "Starting YP services" -z 36 # ypserv is run on NIS servers - machines with an /etc/yp/XXX dir if [ -f /usr/etc/ypserv -a -d /etc/yp/$YPDOMAIN ]; then /usr/etc/ypserv && (echo -n ' ypserv') >/dev/console fi if [ -f /usr/etc/ypbind ]; then /usr/etc/ypbind && (echo -n ' ypbind') >/dev/console fi fi There are two steps in this code fragment. The first, which invokes /usr/etc/ypserv, is performed only if this computer should run an NIS server; this is determined based on the presence or absence of an appropriate subdirectory in /etc/yp. The second, which invokes /usr/etc/ypbind, binds the data lookup mechanisms to an NIS server. NetInfo's lookupd is started next. By default, lookupd will load its cache of all known users (called the pwent cache). This entails iterating over all the users in the local NetInfo domain--all subdirectories of /users--then all the users in the second-level domain, and so on through the root domain, and then iterating over all the users in NIS, if NIS is configured. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ For details on lookupd, see ``The NetInfo Lookup Server--lookupd'' in the Summer 1993 issue of NEXTSTEP In Focus. ________________________________________________________________________________ To iterate over the users in a domain, lookupd must connect to the domain. To start, lookupd connects to the local domain--the domain tagged local on the current machine--using the loopback interface ( Note that the start of the domain hierarchy--the ``address'' of netinfod local on the local host--is always known: in NetInfo parlance. After connecting to the local domain and exhausting its user information, lookupd sends netinfod local an rparent message, requesting the address and tag of netinfod local's parent domain, if it has one. If there's no parent--because this machine's NetInfo is standalone and has no parent domain, even if it's on a network--the search through NetInfo ends. If there's a parent, lookupd gets the users from that parent domain--the ``second-level domain.'' Because netinfod local always binds to its parent, if it has one, before completing its startup sequence (step 3 in the netinfod startup list, above), local's parent is always available at this point, if there is one. When lookupd exhausts the information in the second-level domain, it asks the server providing that information for its parent--for the address of a server for the third-level domain. If the domain hierarchy is two deep, the second-level server replies that it's running the root domain; if the hierarchy is deeper than two, and if the second-level server has bound to its parent already, then the address of a server for the third-level domain will be returned. Recall in step 3 from the netinfod startup list that only netinfod local binds during its startup sequence. But the second-level server is never tagged local, so there's a chance that it won't have bound to its parent when the information is requested. If this is the case, the server will initiate binding at the time it receives the rparent message requesting the address and tag of its bound parent, and it will respond with the answer. Before returning information about a bound parent, a netinfod verifies that the parent is still available. As an example, let's say that netinfod network on a host called sabre is asked for its parent, and that it had previously bound to netinfod Rhino on host mustang (also known by the notation mustang/Rhino). sabre/network will verify that mustang/Rhino is up before responding with the information. It does this by contacting the nibindd running on mustang, verifying that the parent's tag, Rhino, is still registered. Note that it does not, in fact, contact the parent server, mustang/Rhino, itself. If mustang is down, or if mustang's nibindd has crashed, or if the tag Rhino is no longer registered with mustang's nibindd, then netinfod network on sabre will rebind, repeating exactly the initial binding sequence. TIMEOUTS, TIMEOUTS, TIMEOUTS Let's revisit the previous example, where sabre is starting up. Let's say that lookupd on sabre is filling its pwent cache. It has gathered all the information available from sabre/local, asked sabre/local for its parent and received the response sabre/network, and exhausted sabre/network's available users information. It then asks sabre/network for its parent. In response to this, sabre/network attempts to bind. It gets no response. So it tries again. Still no response. And sabre/network keeps on trying until it gets a response. After a sufficient period of no response from sabre/network, the NetInfo client library routine invoked by lookupd will send a message to syslog. Before Release 3.3, this message would be ``netinfo timeout, sleeping.'' Starting with 3.3, the message will be ``NetInfo timeout finding server for parent of, sleeping.'' This message will appear only once for each time the remote parent is required. Let's turn this around for a moment. Let's assume that your computer is hanging during startup, and you see a message like ``NetInfo timeout finding server ...'' You can be pretty well assured that the problem is in binding of the higher-level domains: second level to its parent, or third to its parent, and so on. STILL TO COME ... Although we're only about half-way through /etc/rc, we're past most of the difficult (and most of the interesting) stuff. We'll wrap up this tour in the next issue. Alan M. Marcum is a member of NeXT's Premium Support Team, specializing in the management of large networks. __________________________________________________________________________________ Next Article NeXTanswer #2042 appDidInit: Previous article NeXTanswer #2038 NICE to Be Sure Table of contents