NEXTSTEP In Focus, Summer/Fall 1994 (Volume 4, Issues 3 and 4). Copyright (C)1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Searching NetInfo in sendmail Config Files Alan M. Marcum You can use the version of sendmail in NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 to look up information in NetInfo configuration files. This makes it easier to replace login names with more recognizable e-mail aliases in mail. Translating for clarity To provide for some aspects of address rewriting, sendmail can look up information in an NIS map--that is, look up a key--and substitute other information found in that map--substitute a value. You can access this feature through the sendmail configuration file, using the ${Z...$} directive. One of the most frequent uses of this NIS lookup mechanism is to translate the login name of a user sending mail into some sort of canonical address for that user. For example, Sandy Kabir's login name might be sandy, or skabir, or sandyk, or sk, or eng672. However, Sandy might well have an e-mail alias, though, of Sandy_Kabir--something with universally recognizable syntax, semantics, content, and meaning. If Sandy's login name is translated to a canonical alias through inverse alias translation, the recipient of any of Sandy's messages will much more easily recognize the sender, and others will find it much easier to figure out how to reach Sandy by e-mail. Until recently there was no way to look up something in the NetInfo databases. This was a minor sore point with many NEXTSTEP site administrators, who wanted to implement inverse alias translation but didn't want to run NIS. (And golly, who could blame them?) Late in 1993, NeXT released a patched version of sendmail (version 5.67e) to address some significant security concerns. At the same time, NeXT quietly slipped a new feature in this version of sendmail: the ability to perform NetInfo lookups. Now, NEXTSTEP Release 3.3 includes this newer version of sendmail, so the new feature is now available to all. Defining NetInfo ``Maps'' To access NetInfo from a sendmail configuration file, you first need to define where the data should reside in NetInfo--the NetInfo ``map.'' Specifically, this map includes the domain or database, and the directory. In the case of the domain or database, you can use the path of the domain to search (for example, / or /mail), or the address of the database, using tagged domain notation (such as sabre/network or cadet/Rhino). Specifying a domain allows any of the servers of that domain to respond to the request, whereas specifying a database forces a particular server to be the responder (for example, netinfod Rhino on cadet). The advantage of specifying a domain is reliability; the advantage of specifying a database is performance. You can omit the domain or database entirely to specify a search of the NetInfo hierarchy; this provides the maximum flexibility, but with a potential performance penalty associated with accessing multiple NetInfo domains. One thing to note: NeXT supports this feature only minimally. In many cases, the computer providing mail services runs a copy of the NetInfo database for the domain you need to search. If so, then the additional reliability of specifying a domain is irrelevant: You can access the database on the local computer (such as localhost/Rhino), and you'll know that if the mail server is up, running, and processing mail, the NetInfo server on that computer is likely to be up and responding to requests too. Here's the syntax for defining the NetInfo domain or database and directory: Kmapname netinfo [domain:]dir prop_key mapname is a single-letter name for this mapping, domain is the domain or database, dir is the NetInfo directory to be searched, and prop_key is the key of the property whose first value should be substituted. Two examples: KU netinfolocalhost/Rhino:/usersemail Kh netinfo/machinesip_address In the first example, the U map refers to /users in the NetInfo database tagged Rhino running on the local computer. When this map is used to translate a token, the local database Rhino is referenced; the first subdirectory in /users whose name property matches the token is read, and the first value of the email property is substituted for the token. (Note that of the NEXTSTEP system administrator applications, only NetInfoManager provides access to such a property.) If sk is Sandy Kabir's login name, and Sandy_Kabir is the appropriate canonical alias, then the search will find the NetInfo directory /users/sk and substitute Sandy_Kabir, the first value of the email property, for the token sk. In the second example, the h map refers to the /machines directory throughout the domain hierarchy. When this map is used, the first value of the ip_address property in the matching subdirectory is substituted for the token. To perform the lookup, you use the directive $(...$); for example, $(U$1$). Details on using this directive are provided below. How might the U map defined above be used to provide inverse alias translation, so that mail comes from Sandy_Kabir@Rhino.COM instead of sk@Rhino.COM? First, let's see how it has been done using NIS, prior to sendmail version 5.67e. In the Old Days: NIS Lookups To invoke NIS lookups, you would first define the name of the NIS map to be searched. The name is assigned to a macro as its value. For example: DZmail.byaddr Then you'd perform the lookup in the rewrite portion, or right side, of a rule. (This is the second clause in the rule; the first clause is the match portion, or the left side.) The syntax is: ${directive$} The directive has two parts. The first part is the letter of the macro that contains the name of the NIS map to be searched. The second part is the string on which the search should be performed. For example, the following right side excerpt will look for the third token ($3) in the mail.byaddr map, assuming that the Z macro's value is mail.byaddr: ${Z$3$} For a concrete example, Figure 1 shows Ruleset 22 from Ruleset 22 is used to rewrite sender addresses for mail going out to the Internet. (Boldface highlights the particularly relevant bits.) DZmail.byaddr S22 R$*<@LOCAL>$*$:$1 R$-<@$->$:$>3${Z$1@$2$}invert aliases R$*<@$+.$*>$*$@$1<@$2.$3>$4already ok R$+<@$+>$*$@$1<@$2.$m>$3tack on our domain R$+ $@$1<@$j>tack on our hostname Figure 1: A map containing the inverse of mail.aliases The second rewrite rule--the one with the comment ``invert aliases''--is where the translation is done. This rule matches one or more tokens, followed by <@, followed by one or more tokens, followed by >. (The angle-brackets,< and >, are added internally by sendmail to assist in its rewriting bookkeeping.) So, this rule will match addresses like the following (brackets removed for clarity): sk@rhino amm@sabre root@cadet In the highlighted portion of the rule (${Z$1@$2$}), an NIS lookup in the map mail.byaddr is performed. Where did mail.byaddr come from? It's the value of the Z macro, which was defined just before Ruleset 22 is defined. sendmail searches for the first token, followed by @, followed by the second token. If sendmail finds this string, it substitutes the NIS value for that key in place of the key. In each of the examples above, the entire portion of the address before the @ is the first token, and the rest of the address after the @ is the second token. Here's a further example. Assume that the mail.byaddr map contains the following: amm@sabre: Alan_Marcum root@cadet: SuperUser sk@rhino: Sandy_Kabir If Ruleset 22 is invoked on each of the addresses from the examples, it produces the results in Figure 2. Before After sk@rhino Sandy_Kabir sk@sabre sk@sabre amm@sabre Alan_Marcum root@cadet SuperUser Figure 2: Invoking Ruleset 22 Note that sk@sabre isn't changed, because sk@sabre isn't in the database--only sk@rhino is. Converting to NetInfo Now let's convert Ruleset 22 to use NetInfo. First, the way the map is defined is changed, as described above. Let's assume that we'll add the property email to each user's account record in NetInfo, and that this property will have as its value the preferred alias for that user. For example, here's the output from niutil -read showing sk's new user record: name: sk passwd: SZ0QqjPwZdavo uid: 726 gid: 20 realname: Sandy R. Kabir home: /Net/rhino1/Users/sk shell: /bin/csh _writers_passwd: sk email: Sandy_Kabir Case is important in defining the tag of the property: EMail is different from email. Assume that this user record is in the root domain, a server for that domain is running on the computer providing mail service, and the root domain's database on this computer is tagged Rhino. Also, Sandy_Kabir must be a mail alias for sk. Then, we define a map--let's use the name Z, for consistency with our NIS-based example. See the first line in Figure 3. KZnetinfo localhost/Rhino:/usersemail R$-<@$->$:$>3$(Z$1$)@$2$invert aliases R$-$:$>3$(Z$1$)inverse alias translation Figure 3: Steps for changing rules and defining a map Now, we modify the second rule in Ruleset 22 to read as the second line in Figure 3. We've made two changes. First, we've changed the ${...$} directive to $(...$). Though the former will still work, the latter is the preferred syntax--it's the syntax used in sendmail version 8. Second, we're only searching on the first token, rather than the first token followed by @ followed by the second token. This way we can use the /users directory from NetInfo with minimal modification. You can make this a little nicer for your users by applying inverse alias translation to all messages, not just those destined for the Internet. To do this, remove that second rule from Ruleset 22 and add the third line in Figure 3 to Ruleset 1. Now, sendmail applies inverse alias translation to the sender addresses of all messages that originate locally, not just those destined for the Internet. This is because Ruleset 1 is applied to all sender addresses, prior to applying the mailer-specific sender rewriting rule, such as Ruleset 22. In Summary Sometimes little details make a noticeable difference. You've been asking for it, now you've got it: the ability to do NetInfo lookups in sendmail configuration files. There are other uses for the feature in addition to inverse alias translation, such as directing messages to explicit Internet addresses; such uses are, as the saying goes, ``left as an exercise for the interested reader.'' Oh, and incidentally: If you want more information about this facility, including both some additional features of NetInfo lookup and a description of the map lookup capability, see the sendmail appendix in the NEXTSTEP Network and System Administration book for Release 3.3. Alan M. Marcum is a member of the Premium Support Team and specializes in large networks. _________________________________________________________________________________ Next Article NeXTanswer #1959 Focal Point Previous article NeXTanswer #1952 Release 3.3: What's New for Users Table of contents