NEXTSTEP Title: D'OLE 3.5 Patch Entry Number: 2132 Creation Date:March 28, 1996 Last Updated:March 28, 1996 Procedure Valid for Release: D'OLE 3.5 patch #1 Keywords: D'OLE, Patch Please use the following URL to download the patch from NeXTanswers: D'OLE Patch Copyright 1996 by NeXT Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Release Notes: D'OLE Patch This patch updates D'OLE Release 3.5 so you can use it in conjunction with Microsoft Visual C++=E4version 4.0, and adds app makefiles. This patch should be installed only on systems that are currently running D'OLE Release 3.5. Warning:this patch creates a version of D'OLE that is incompatible with the un-patched version. Software generated with the patched version of D'OLE won't execute on systems that don't have the patch installed; to work around this problem, install this patch on all systems that are running D'OLE Release 3.5. Installing the Patch During installation, D'OLE generates modified copies of some of the header files supplied with Visual C++. Because of this, if you have D'OLE installed and you upgrade from Visual C++ version 2.x to version 4.0, you'll need to re-install D'OLE. Only after you have upgraded to Visual C++ version 4.0 and re-installed D'OLE should you install this patch. To install this patch, you must do the following: 1) If necessary, re-install D'OLE. Follow the installation instructions supplied with D'OLE to install (or re-install) D'OLE (for your convenience, these instructions are repeated below; see Installing D'OLE). Because D'OLE was originally written to work with Visual C++ version 2.x, some errors will occur during installation. These errors can safely be ignored. The first warns that you don't have a valid compiler, while the second reports something like this: The following errors occurred: Environment The D'OLE installer normally prompts you to restart your computer after installation is complete. Because of the above errors, this prompt never appears. Before installing the D'OLE patch, restart your computer. 2) Unpack the D'OLE Patch tar file in a shell, as follows: a) Copy the tar file to a temporary location, such as C:\temp. b) Using the Windows NT Program Manager, double-click the Bourne Shell icon in the NeXT Software program group. c) In the Bourne Shell window, change to the temporary directory. If the temporary directory is named /temp and is located on the current drive, for instance, you would type the following: cd /temp c) Extract the contents of the tar file by typing the following command: tar -xf DOLE_35_PATCH.tar The contents of the tar file will be extracted into a directory named DOLE_35_PATCH. 3) Using the Windows NT File Manager, traverse to the DOLE_35_PATCH directory (it's located within your temporary directory) and double-click SETUP.EXE. Proceed with step 3 of the D'OLE installation instructions, as documented in Installing D'OLE, below. 4) Using the File Manager or the Bourne Shell, delete the contents of your temporary directory, and, if you created the directory specifically to install this patch, the directory itself. Known Problems in This Release The following problem supplements those mentioned in the release notes supplied with D'OLE Release 3.5: Reference: 65509 Problem: Incompatible DLL's Description:There's an incompatibility between the nextpdo library shipped with D'OLE Release 3.5 and later versions of this library, including those in the D'OLE 3.5 patch and in OpenStep for Windows 4.0 Prerelease 2. This incompatibility causes programs built with later versions of the dll to fail when run on un-patched systems, due to a missing symbol in nextpdo.dll. Workaround:Install the D'OLE patch on all systems running D'OLE Release 3.5. Reference: 65577 Problem: App makefiles: subproject recursion doesn't work Description:The app makefiles supplied with the D'OLE patch are unable to recurse into subprojects. Workaround:None. Checking the D'OLE Version Double-click the about D'OLE icon in the NeXT Software program group if you need to know which version of D'OLE is installed on a particular computer. Computers running the un-patched version of D'OLE will display(Siege2C) following the D'OLE version number. Patched systems will display (Siege2H). Installing D'OLE Use the following procedure to install either D'OLE or the D'OLE patch: 1) If you are installing from a CD-ROM, place the D'OLE Release 3.5CD-ROM (or the D'OLE Patch CD-ROM) in a CD-ROM drive running under Windows NT. 2) Use the File Manager to run SETUP.EXE, located in the root directory of the CD-ROM. You'll briefly see a message indicating that setup is preparing the InstallSHIELD Wizard for installation. 3) The Choose Options dialog appears. Select the options that are appropriate for your installation. The D'OLE options, and the approximate amount of disk space that each requires, are: Configure environment variables (no disk space required) Install user software (6 MB) Install developer software (8.2 MB) Install documentation, examples, and help files (1MB) Install demo programs (none: this release doesn't include demo programs) If you'll be developing D'OLE software, select all of the available options. If you'll just be running software that uses D'OLE, only select the first two options ("Configure environment variables" and "Install user software"). Finally, if D'OLE has already been installed on your system and you're simply configuring your user account to utilize those files (either as a user or as a developer), select the "Configure environment variables" option only. Warning:Ensure that you have enough free disk space before continuing. Note that you can install fewer components initially and add components later. 4) Click Next to continue with the installation, or Cancel to abort. 5) The Select Components dialog appears, where you can choose the default character encoding to be used by your installation. This should almost always be left at the default setting, "Windows default." Click Next. 6) The Choose Destination Location dialog appears. Specify the drive and directory where you want to install D'OLE. The default is \NeXT on the drive where Windows NT is installed; to choose a different drive or directory, click Browse. When the Choose Destination Location dialog indicates the correct drive and directory, Click Next. Depending on the options you selected in step 3, the appropriate D'OLE files are copied to your hard disk. 7) The Select Program Group dialog appears. By default, icons representing the various executables and documents that make up D'OLE appear in a program group named "NeXT Software." Click Next to accept this default, or enter the name of the program group that should contain the D'OLE icons (this can either be a new program group or an existing one) and click Next. 8) After you've specified a program group, you're asked if the installer should add some icons to your Startup program group. These icons represent executables that must be running before you can run D'OLE applications that use DO or OLE Automation. Having the installer add them to your Startup group is a convenient way to ensure that they're running at the appropriate time. Click Yes to add these icons to your Startup program group. Click No if you won't be running D'OLE applications that use DO or OLE Automation, or if you intend to start the needed programs only when needed. 9) If you elected not to install the developer software, proceed to step 10. Otherwise, the installer must now examine a number of pre-existing header files for compatibility. Click OK. 10) If the installer didn't change your environment variables, and if you didn't install D'OLE while a previous version was running, your installation is now complete. Otherwise, the "Setup Complete" dialog now appears. Choose Yes (the default) to restart your computer at this time, or No if you'll be restarting your computer manually before you use D'OLE. Click OK. This completes the installation of D'OLE. For instructions on reconstructing the Visual C++ and Visual Basic calculator demos, see the readme files in /usr/NextDeveloper/Examples/VCCalc and /usr/NextDeveloper/Examples/VBCalc, respectively.