Charter of the WarKit Development Group. [Documents/00-Charter.txt] Ernest N. Prabhakar, last revised September 27th, 1993 1. The WarKit Development Group (hereafter referred to as 'the Group') is a mailing list and discussion group for the purpose of developing an object-oriented kit for writing computer-managed wargames. The kit covers protocols, classes, nibs/pallettes and sample games. 2. The Group consists of anybody who is on the list: or contributes ideas or code to the Group. To be added to/removed from the list, contact 3. Any code, algorithms, or other results of the Group will be distributed freely under a license to be determined later (probably the same as Don Yacktman's MiscKit - public domain or nearly so). Authors will be credited as much as possible, but the code will be "owned" by the Group. 4. Discussions should take place primarily in normal, non-NeXT mail, since about half the Group is not directly on a NeXT. If you must send small attachments, send them in a separate message from the explanatory text. Large attachments should be placed in the archive (below). 5. WarKit (and related information) will be available via anonymous ftp from, where MiscKit and GameKit already reside. Large files should be sent to me (via NeXTmail or ftp), to be placed on the account "". Members of the list may automatically login to that account from their given address (contact me for alternatives). Information from "wargamer" will then periodically (every week?) be dumped to the ftp site. 6. All development efforts will assume the existence of NeXTSTEP 3.1. As much as possible, we will try to leverage those tools for our purposes. While we have sympathy for those on less capable systems, we will not modify our design for them. 7. We will also attempt to leverage off of other, related, freely available kits. In particular, we are working with Don Yacktman to make this a component/extension of his GameKit, to whatever extent feasible. 8. This is a low-commitment, low-intensity group. We are doing this because it is fun to talk/dream about, not because we expect a finished product anytime soon. People are welcome to contribute as little or as much as they like. 9. I (Ernest Prabhakar) retain technical control over the project, but I hope not to exercise it. Ultimately, final decisions about code are determined by whoever is willing to write it. Since we will almost certainly go through several iterations, there is plenty of room to suggest and implement multiple mechanisms. This structure will likely change once we have release the product to the public.