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Welcome NeXT Customers
The Apple Enterprise web site is the new online home for information related to WebObjects and OPENSTEP products and services. You will find training, technical support, events & seminars and NeXTanswers here as well as links to useful resources from Apple.

Learn more about how WebObjects can help you turbocharge your website. Find out more with Apple's WebObjects product guide.

Learn more about OPENSTEP with Apple's OPENSTEP product guide.

What Comes NeXT?
What's going to happen with Rhapsody, the next-generation operating system that grew out of Apple's acquisition of NeXT Software? Apple Magazine details the plan for the future.

Enterprise Alliances
Apple Enterprise Alliances offer a wide range of solutions for your web and enterprise needs. Alliance members provide turn-key vertical solutions, frameworks and tools that complement our suite of development products, specialized consulting and integration services, and more.

Apple Developer Program Membership for OpenStep ISVs and IHVs
Apple Developer Relations would like to extend an invitation to current and veteran commercial OPENSTEP developers to join the Apple Developer Program.

Apple Solutions Seminar Series
Find out more about WebObjects by attending a free half-day seminar dedicated to WebObjects.

Apple Solutions Seminar Series

Product Documentation
Documentation is available for WebObjects and OPENSTEP via Apple DevWorld.

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