Press Clips

Denver reseller Random Access expects to do $10 million in NeXT sales in 1992. Dale Pratt, who heads the effort, talks of a law firm that had to track 750,000 pages of documents among 16 associates. "It was cheaper to buy 16 NeXTs, with enough storage and a document-management program, than it was just to make 16 copies of the documents," Pratt says.

Alan Brody, Marketing Computers,

January 1992

"They easily have the best CEO," says analyst [Robin] Rather. "They have the catchiest names. Now they have one of the best platforms for technical leadership."

Andrew Jenks, Washington Technology,

December 19, 1991

We are in the business of worrying about improved technology and the benefits it will bring to all of us who use computers. We really, really do care about whether those vendors are going to make better computers. And, in that respect, NeXT is one of the few companies that has even attempted to define and build a better computer system in the past five years.

Editorial in InfoWorld,

December 16, 1991

Unlike a lot of people who think the computer industry's maturing, I think it's in its infancy. I think there are technological breakthroughs that happen once every ten years, maybe. And that those technological breakthroughs have the force to reshape the tools that we build, and to reshape the industry along with them, as certain companies pay attention to them earlier and certain companies wake up fairly late.

Interview with Steve Jobs, Microtimes,

February 14, 1992

We have long contended that there is a market for UNIX workstations that is distinctly different from the traditional scientific/engineering workstation market. This is, at the moment, a market for workstations used by nontechnical professionals to support what they do for a living every day. NeXT has found itself competing not with Apple and Microsoft but with Sun Microsystems and other UNIX workstation vendors.

Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing,

February 3, 1992