Welcome to the nextfiles.z80.org server.

This server is running on a SPARCstation 5 with 224MB ram and a 110MHz MicroSPARC processor and a 36GB IBM Ultra3 wide SCSI drive with a SCA interface.

The operating system on this box is Aurora Linux and the web server software is of course Apache.

The original plan for this server was to run OpenSTEP 4.2. But I had some problems with OpenSTEP making use of the entire 36GB harddrive. When I find out how to accomplish this I will move the entire site to that platform instead.

Please note: If you want to mirror the entire archive (19GB), then do it during 23:00 - 07:00CET!

Some links that might be of interest:
The NeXT Information Archive file archive
The NeXT Information Archive forum

Suggestions or comments? Please let us know through the forum!


2004-03-07: We are now mirroring the GnuSTEP Live CD. You can find it here.

2004-05-07: The box was ressurrected from a file system problem.
Everything seems to be working again.

2004-05-08: FTP access to this server is suspended. Please use the web interface to the file collection.

2004-05-21: New catalogue of 3rd party drivers for NeXTSTEP and Openstep.
If you have written your own driver and wish it to be included, please let me know!

2004-05-22: Binary and source files from Patrick Stein have now been included with his kind permission. You can find them here.

2004-05-24: Binarys and source files from Steven D. Blackford has now been included with his kind permission. You can find them here.

2004-06-05: A new section of BeOS files is also featured on this server.
First out is a very nice promotional video (20 minutes, 195MB) made by Be.

2004-06-06: A new version of the GNUstep LiveCD, version 0.5, is online.