Time Capsule: Where are they now?

One way to look at NeXT's revolving executive door is that it represents a brain drain of the company's best and brightest. Another is that NeXT is seeding the computer industry with executives sympathetic to its cause.

Name Position and                      Current company
  years at NeXT                         and title  

* Danl Lewin VP, Marketing,            VP, Sales, Kaleida Labs
  1985Ð Feb. 1990

* Susan Kelly-Barnes CFO,              Managing Director and CFO,
  1985Ð April 1991                     Richard Blum & Associates

* Bud Tribble VP, Software,            VP, end user software,
  1985Ð June 1992                      Sun Microsystems

  Gary Moore VP, General Counsel,      Partner, McCutchen, Doyle,
  1988Ð July 1992                      Brown & Enerson 

  Max Henry VP, Asia,                  President, JSB
  1988Ð July 1992

  Mike Slade VP, Marketing,            Special Projects
  1991Ð Oct. 1992                      for Paul Allen

* Rich Page VP, Hardware,              Taking time off
  1985Ð Jan. 1993

 Todd Rulon-Miller VP, Sales,          President and CEO,
  1986Ð Jan. 1993                      Software Alliance 

* NeXT Computer Founders