Date: Thu, 25 Feb 93 13:52:55 PST From: Conrad_Geiger To: Subject: v6.8 - NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 6, issue 8, February, 1993) NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 6, issue 8, February, 1993) *** TABLE OF CONTENTS *** NeXT PRESS, MEDIA, and NET HIGHLIGHTS (December/January) => 24. Announcing NeXT Users' Choice Champions at NeXT Computer => 25. NeXT Users' Choice Software Award (NUCA) Winners 1992 => 26. NeXTWORLD Magazine is now publishing 6 times per year => 27. NeXTReview: New NeXT User Community Publication this Spring => 28. NeXT in the News: Technical Articles & NeXT Envy NeXT/NeXTSTEP RESOURCE GUIDE AND MISC. => 29. NeXT Schedule of Courses (February - June, 1993) => 30. NeXT Classes in Europe => 31. NeXT Section on GEnie (Electronic Bulletin Board System) => 32. Call for User Group Events, Seminars and Shows => 33. Virtuoso Tablet Support => 34. Cube Route, Inc. => 35. Change for Access to NeXT t-shirts, pens => 36. Call for Nominations: CD-ROM WORLD DISC PRODUCT OF THE YEAR Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Group Program (over 420 groups worldwide) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ NeXT PRESS, MEDIA, and NET HIGHLIGHTS (December/January) => 24. Announcing NeXT Users' Choice Champions at NeXT Computer Below are this year's NeXT Users' Choice Champions at NeXT Computer, as selected by the NeXT users that received and responded to the Nugget News Digest survey form in November, 1992. NeXT Users' Choice Grand Champion (based on the number of votes received) Ali Ozer NeXT Users' Choice Champions John Pierce Paula Lorenz Randy Nelson Sam Streeper 68 other individuals at NeXT Computer were also recognized for their outstanding contributions to the NeXT user community. Thank you to all the participated in this year's voting! ____________________________________________________________________ => 25. NeXT Users' Choice Software Award (NUCA) Winners 1992 Contact: John Kheit Email: Below are listed the winners of the Software NeXT Users' Choice Awards for 1992 as selected by the NeXT users who replied to the survey. Altsys' Virtuoso was the single best product in that it won in the Software Desk Top Publishing, Software Graphics and Overall Best Software categories. Congratulations to all of the winners! Overall Product of the Year_________________________________ 1. NeXTSTEP 3.0 2. Virtuoso 3. Executor 4. Create 4. InstantTeX 4. Presto Others mentioned (in alphabetical order) Concurrence Cub'X Window Garfinkell-Mahoney Book gcc NeXTTeX+TeXView+dvips by Tom Rokicki PasteUp QuickStart SCREENCAST Stuart Software___________________________________________________ Audio------------------------------------------------------ 1. Presto 2. NeXT CDPlayer 2. Simon Says Others Mentioned Eric Clapton 'Unplugged' EdSnd2 SoundWorks Communications--------------------------------------------- 1. NXFax 2. SLIP, Louis Mamakos 3. MicroPhone Pro 4. Marble Teleconnect 4. NewsGrazer 4. tip Others Mentioned Kermit MailHelper NeXTMail DataBase--------------------------------------------------- 1. DataPhile 2. DBInspector 2. DBKit 2 Others Mentioned IXKit Developer-------------------------------------------------- 1. NeXTstep 3.0 2. ProjectBuilder Others Mentioned AppKit Bill Tschumy (Screencast) CheckItOut gcc Gnu Obj-C runtime HeaderViewer InterfaceBuilder RightBrain Stuart SuperDebugger Dest Top Publishing---------------------------------------- 1. Virtuoso 2. PastUp 3. Create 3. Diagram Others Mentioned Adobe Illustrator Concurrence FrameMaker NeXTTeX RedMark Game------------------------------------------------------- 1. AcChen 2. Oxyd 3. Hunter 3. PacMan 3. Void Others Mentioned CyberZone GoldDigger Infocom Z-Code Player Lemmings MineHunter Graphic---------------------------------------------------- 1. Virtuoso 2. Diagram 2. Adobe Illustrator Others Mentioned 3D Reality Intuitiv 3D engine beta nPoint's 3D app MultiMedia------------------------------------------------- 1. Concurrence 2. CraftMan Others Mentioned MediaView NeXTMail Presto Spreadsheet------------------------------------------------ 1. Improv 2. Mesa Others Mentioned Excel Scientific------------------------------------------------- 1. Mathematica 2. EquationBuilder Wordprocessing--------------------------------------------- 1. Edit 2. InstantTeX 2. NeXTTeX+TeXView+dvips by Tom Rokicki 4. WriteNow 2 Others Mentioned Emacs FrameMaker TeXView Word Utility---------------------------------------------------- 1. DarkForest 1. Backspace 1. Engage 4. Opener Others Mentioned AreaCode Cub'X Window DefaultManager Edit Executor MetroTools NFSManager Perl Poste QuickStart Stuart Virtuoso Video------------------------------------------------------ 1. Movie Others Mentioned NeXTtv Other------------------------------------------------------ 1. Big Green CD 1. Executor 1. monoLib CD ROM 1. SBook Others Mentioned IconBuilder PencilMeIn SciPlot SCREENCAST SortingInAction Overall Software Product of the Year_______________________ 1. Virtuoso 2. NeXTSTEP 3.0 3. InstantTeX 3. NeXTTeX+TeXView+dvips by Tom Rokicki 3. Presto Others Mentioned Concurrence Create Cub'X Window DataPhile Diagram Engage EquationBuilder gcc NewsGrazer PasteUp QuickStart SBook SCREENCAST Hardware____________________________________________________ Audio------------------------------------------------------ 1. Digital Ears Others Mentioned Infinity Kappa series speakers Communications--------------------------------------------- 1. ZyXEL U-1496E 2. Hayes ISDN Extender Others Mentioned Supra 14.4 fax/data modem Whole Internet User's Guide by E. Kroll Display---------------------------------------------------- 1. NeXT ADB 17" 2. NeXT ADB 21" Others Mentioned E-machines 16" Monitor Ikegami 20" Trinitron NEC 5FG monitor Graphic Input---------------------------------------------- 1. HSD Scan-X Color 2. Wacom Graphics Tablet Others Mentioned Color Digital Eye NeXT ADB Keyboard & Mouse Mass Storage----------------------------------------------- 1. NeXT CD ROM Drive 2. NeXT Optical Drive Others Mentioned Hewlett-Packard HP-35480A DAT tape drive 128MO drive HP-DAT drive (8GB) SyQuest 88Mb Drive Archive Python DAT Drive Prining/Output--------------------------------------------- 1. NeXT Color Printer 2. NeXT 400 dpi Laser Printer Others Mentioned HP4 & 4M Video------------------------------------------------------- 1. Next Dimension Other------------------------------------------------------- 1. NeXT ADB Keyboard & Mouse 4 Others Mentioned ISDN extender MIDI link NeXTwatch NeXT Screwdriver Ninja Risc Workstation Overall Hardware Product of the Year_______________________ 1. NeXTStation Color Turbo 2. ZyXEL U-1496E 3. NeXT ADB Keyboard & Mouse Others Mentioned Hayes ISDN Extender HP-35480A DAT tape drive HP-DAT drive (8GB) HP- PA RISC Workstations MIDI link NeXT CD ROM Drive Next Dimension ____________________________________________________________________ => 26. NeXTWORLD Magazine is now publishing 6 times per year To subscribe at the special subscription rate of $21.95, call 1-800-755-6398 or email to or fax 303-443-5080. ____________________________________________________________________ => 27. NeXTReview: New NeXT User Community Publication this Spring Anyone interested in subscribing to the new monthly NeXT and NeXTSTEP dedicated publication... NeXTREVIEW can subscribe by phoning: 800-678-9724 or 512-250-9023 or by faxing to 512-331-3900. Subscriptions are $45 for 12 monthly issues. MC and Visa are accepted. ____________________________________________________________________ => 28. NeXT in the News: Technical Articles & NeXT envy Here are a few publications with NeXT technical articles published the past two months: THE C USERS JOURNAL Dec. 1992 Objective-C programming on NeXT / Taylor, Nigel; p. 35-42 DATAMATION Dec. 1, 1992 Coming soon : GUIs with smarts. [Microsoft's Windows and Apple's Mac interfaces made DOS look ancient. Now new GUIs from IBM and NeXT make Windows look old hat.] / Moad, Jeff ; p. 71-74 UNIXWORLD Nov. 1992 The next step for NeXTSTEP is PCs / Wolfe, Andrew D., Jr. ; p. 47-48 OPEN SYSTEMS TODAY January 18, 1993 Down with a Bad Case of NeXT Envy ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ NeXT/NeXTSTEP RESOURCE GUIDE AND MISC. => 29. NeXT Schedule of Courses (February - June, 1993) Below is the schedule for the next five month of training classes at NeXT. To register or obtain more information, call 1-800-848-NeXT. If you are calling from outside the U.S. or don't have access to a touch-tone phone, call 510-732-5069. ** Programming NeXT Computers (Prerequisite: Proficiency in C Programming is highly recommended) Redwood City, CA _______________ Feb. 8-12 Mar. 8-12 Apr. 5-9 Apr. 12-16 May 3-7 May 10-14 May 31-June 4 June 7-11 Chicago, IL ____________ Feb. 22-26 Mar. 22-26 Apr. 19-23 May 17-21 June 14-18 Westport, CT ____________ Feb. 15-19 Mar. 1-5 Apr. 12-16 May 10-14 June 7-11 ** Programming with DB Kit (Prerequisite: Programming NeXT Computers and database experience) Redwood City, CA _______________ Feb. 15-16 Mar. 15-16 Apr. 12-13 May 10-11 May 17-18 June 7-8 June 14-15 Chicago, IL ____________ Mar. 1-2 Mar. 29-30 Apr. 26-27 June 21-22 Westport, CT ____________ Feb. 22-23 Mar. 11-12 Apr. 19-20 May 17-18 June 14-15 ** Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing Redwood City, CA _______________ Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Mar. 29 Apr. 26 May 17 June 14 June 21 Chicago, IL ____________ Feb. 8 Mar. 15 Apr. 12 May 10 June 7 Westport, CT ____________ Mar. 22 May 3 ** NeXT System Administration (Prerequisite: Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing) Redwood City, CA _______________ Feb. 23-26 Mar. 30 - Apr. 2 Apr. 27-30 May 18-21 June 22-25 Chicago, IL ____________ Feb. 9-12 Mar. 16-19 Apr. 13-16 May 11-14 June 8-11 Westport, CT ____________ Mar. 23-26 May 4-7 ** NeXT System Administration for UNIX Experts (Prerequisite: Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing) Redwood City, CA ________________ January 20-22 March 3-5 April 21-23 June 28-30 ** NeXT System Administration for Service Technicians (Prerequisite: Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing) Redwood City, CA ________________ February 16 June 15 ** NeXT Hardware Service (Prerequisite: NeXT System Administration for Service Technicians, and Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing) Redwood City, CA ________________ February 17 June 16 ** Introduction to Interpersonal Computing Redwood City, CA ________________ February 4-5 March 8-9 April 8-9 May 6-7 May 31-June 1 June 17-18 To register or obtain more information, call 1-800-848-NeXT. If you are calling from outside the U.S. or don't have access to a touch-tone phone, call 510-732-5069. All class dates and locations are subject to change. You will be notified of any changes 10 working days prior to the classes for which you are registered. Please confirm your attendance two weeks before class by calling 1-800-848-NeXT. Call 1-800-848-NeXT for additional class dates and locations that may be available and not on this schedule. Course Quick Reference E1038 - Programming NeXT= Computers A four-and-a-half day course enabling programmers to develop software for NeXT computers. Prior C programming experience required. Familiarity with the Objective C language is valuable, as well as knowledge of object-oriented programming, PostScript, and UNIX. For DB Kit, see E1073 Programming with DB Kit. E1072 - 3.0 Entry Point A 1-day transition course for experienced NeXTSTEP programmers who want a quick introduction to the new features in Release 3.0. Requires Programming NeXT Computers 1.x or 2.x. E1073 - Programming with DB Kit A 2-day course covering the NeXT Database Kit object library and Programming tools for writing database access applications for NeXT computers. Programming NeXT Computers and strong understanding of relational database theory expected. 3.0 Entry Point or equivalent recommended. E1053 - Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing A one-day introduction to interpersonal computing in a NeXT environment for technical users. This class is a prerequisite for NeXT System Administration for Service Technicians, NeXT System Administration, and NeXT System Administration for UNIX Experts. E1002 - NeXT System Administration A three-and-a-half day course covering the administration of a network of NeXT computers. Requires Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing as a prerequisite. Familiarity with UNIX is highly recommended. For information on ISDN, Novell and AppleTalk please refer to the 3.0 NeXT Network and System Administration manual. E1045 - NeXT System Administration for UNIX Experts A two-day course covering the administration of a network of NeXT computers for experienced UNIX system administrators. Requires Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing as a prerequisite. E1046 - NeXT Computers in a Mixed UNIX Environment A two-day course that enables experienced UNIX system administrators to incorporate NeXT computers into an existing network of UNIX-based computers. Requires either NeXT System Administration or System Administration for UNIX Experts as a prerequisite. E1051 - NeXT System Administration for Service Technicians A one-day coverage of basic system administration activities for service technicians. Requires Technical Introduction to Interpersonal Computing as a prerequisite. Open only to individuals associated with NeXT Authorized Service Centers. E1003 - NeXT Hardware Service A one-day course covering the skills necessary to troubleshoot and repair NeXT computers and printers. Requires NeXT System Administration for Service Technicians: as a prerequisite. Open only to individuals associated with NeXT Authorized Service Centers. E1000 - Introduction to Interpersonal Computing A two-day introduction to interpersonal computing in a NeXT environment. ____________________________________________________________________ => 30. NeXT Classes in Europe For NeXT users in Europe, here are addresses for NeXT Classes in Europe Austria Hard + Soft Geusaugasse 9 A-1030 Wien Tel: 43 222 716260 Fax: 43 222 716626 Courses in Germany Benelux Objective Partners PO Box 566 1420 Uithoorn Tel: 31 2975 3 16 58 Fax: 31 2975 3 16 68 Courses held in Utrecht Courses in English / Dutch France Improve Sa 4141 Bis Avenue de l'Europe 78140 Velizy Tel: 33 1 30 70 60 56 Fax: 33 1 30 70 89 36 Courses held in French German (North) d'Art Computer GmbH Virchowstrasse 17-19 2000 Hamburg 50 Tel: 49 40 380 23 0 Fax: 49 40 380 23 290 Courses held in German Germany (Middle) Syscon Industrie Consulting GmbH Redtenbacherstrasse 8 D-6900 Heidelberg Tel: 49 6221 303988 Fax: 49 6221 303855 Courses held in German Italy NeXT Computer Italia Srl Centro Direnzionale Lombardo Via Roma 108/G 20060 Cassina de Pecchi Tel: 39 2 95302510 Fax: 39 2 95302560 Courses in Italian Sweden Initiera System Design Ab Karlsbodavagen 9-11 S 161 02 Bromma Tel: 46 8 6353083 Fax: 46 8 987067 Courses in Swedish Switzerland Workstation AG Rohrstrasse 36-38 8152 Glattbrugg Tel: 41 1 828 95 55 Fax: 41 1 828 95 70 Courses held in German United Kingdom Tower Education Great West Road Brenford Middlesex TW8 9AN Tel: 44 81 758 6607 Fax: 44 81 758 6758 Courses held in English ____________________________________________________________________ => 31. NeXT Section on GEnie (Electronic Bulletin Board System) This is to inform you that The GEnie Information service has a NeXT support center. NeXT Section on GEnie To join: 1 (800) 638-9636 The NeXT section has over 300 files and also includes a bulletin board section. Weekly real-time online conferences. Available through local nodes and also SprintNet and DataPac. ____________________________________________________________________ => 32. Call for User Group Events, Seminars and Shows Are there any local user group or computer events, seminars or shows in which you or your user group is participating that you would like published in the next issue of the Nugget News Digest? Please notify me with the time, date and location. The email address is "" ____________________________________________________________________ => 33. Virtuoso Tablet Support Virtuoso was released as a NeXTSTEP 2.x app, and we didn't include any 3.0-specific features besides pressure sensitive tablet support in the initial release. After shipping the product, we received feedback about the printing issue, and we have immediately responded by adding 3.0 color support to Virtuoso. We are currently testing this version, and we will notify all registered users when it is ready. With this feature now added, Virtuoso is ideal for NeXTSTEP 2 and 3 users. Other 3.0-specific features will be added soon, but we do not have a definite release date for this version yet. Thanks for the feedback, and if you would like to send additional comments, you can also forward them to me directly: 214-680-2060 (fax) 214-680-0537 Meaghan ____________________________________________________________________ => 34. Cube Route, Inc. A note about Cube Route, Inc: New Location, New Products, New Prices! We are now located in sunny Santa Monica, California, but we share the same commitment to quality at low prices as we did in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We feature a wide variety of peripherals for the NeXT, including floppy drives, hard drives, opticals, and the Voila voice-mail interface (coming in late January/early february). We can also special order nearly any type of drive or back-up system. Prices are always dropping, so please call first. For more information, or to order our latest catalog, please call us at 1-800-CUBE-RTE. ____________________________________________________________________ => 35. Change for Access to NeXT t-shirts, pens If you are interested in ordering NeXT items for your user group or for a friend, here is how you can do it. (Note this is a new phone number from which to order.) Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups NeXT Pencils $20.30 box of 100 NeXT Cross Pen $21.15 each NeXT Decals $75.00 box of 100 NeXT T-shirt $5.65 each - sizes S, M, L, XL (pre-shrunk) NeXT Turtle Neck $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Glass Mug $1.70 each NeXT Leather Folder $54.50 each NeXT Sweatshirt $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Tote-bag $ 6.25 each NeXT Mouse pad $ 9.67 each Orders can be taken 24 hours a day for domestic and overseas orders Phone: 800-972-1331, 314-432-1800 Fax: 314-432-1818 Method of payment: Purchase order, check, money order, or credit card ____________________________________________________________________ => 36. Call for Nominations: CD-ROM WORLD DISC PRODUCT OF THE YEAR Contact: Pat Ensor Phone: (713)743-9762 Fax:743-9748; Email: LIB38@JETSON.UH.EDU (Deadline: February 8, 1993) CD-ROM World, published by Meckler Corporation, is naming an optical disc product of the year for the second time. Last year's winner was Ethnic Newswatch. For this year's award, any consumer- oriented optical disc product which was newly released or substantially revised between March 1992 and March 1993 is eligible for consideration. The award will be based on exemplification of the following qualities. - Innovation and unique features, especially those which go beyond print capabilities - Success at satisfying the target audience - Value for cost - Orientation toward consumers - Uniqueness and value of data The award will be presented at Computers in Libraries 1993, which takes place in Washington DC on March 1-3. The award will also be featured prominently in a future issue of CD-ROM World. The deadline for nominations is February 8, 1993. Nomination forms are available from award judge Pat Ensor, author of CD-ROM Research Collections. The other judge will be noted CD-ROM authority Paul Nicholls of the University of Western Ontario. Publishers who wish to nominate a product should send a copy of the product to Pat Ensor as soon as possible, if they will not be displaying the product at ALA Midwinter in Denver. Pat Ensor may be contacted at University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091; (713)743-9762; Fax:743-9748; LIB38@JETSON.UH.EDU. ____________________________________________________________________ continued in issue 6.9