Q: How do I get started with the adaptor for Borland's Interbase? A: This document covers some basic installation tips you'll need to be aware of in order to use your Interbase adaptor in conjunction with a remote Interbase server. If you have more specific questions about the server capabilities, please direct them to Borland Technical Support at 1-800-437-7367. 1. How to get the Interbase Adaptor: * The Interbase adaptor is available via the NeXTanswers system. The adaptor package is associated with the following document numbers: 1543 InterbaseAdaptor Install 1545 InterBaseAdaptor.pkg 1544 InterBaseAdaptor.ReadMe * Install the Interbase adaptor in /NextLibrary/Adaptors. 2. If you have an Interbase server package for NEXTSTEP, please follow these instructions: Before Installing: * Make sure that you are using Interbase version 3.3D or greater. * Create a directory called /usr/interbase before you install the Interbase package and include a valid isc_license.data file (supplied by Borland). This file is not included in the Interbase.pkg. After Installing: * If you install the server on a standalone machine, and then, at a later time, attach it to a NetInfo network, you need to run the folowing command as root: localhost# niload services / < /usr/interbase/services.isc This is necessary because services have to loaded into the root domain of the machine you are using. * Reboot the Interbase server after installation. 3. Miscellaneous Notes: * To access an Interbase server from a NEXTSTEP client machine, you must do three things: 1) Add the following entry into your /etc/services file: gds_db 3050/tcp 2) Install the gds_pipe executable in /usr/interbase/bin (supplied by Borland). 3) Install a valid isc_license.data file in /usr/interbase (supplied by Borland). * To initialize the connection to a particular database, use qli which equivalent of Oracle's sqlplus or Sybase's isql. This command is located in /usr/interbase/bin/qli. At the qli prompt, type: ready /myDirectory/mydatabase.gdb If the database is in your working directory, you only need to specify its name; otherwise, the full pathname is required. Note that you must have read and write permission for the actual file. * If you cannot access the sample Interbase database named atlas.gdb from the DBModeler application, check the following: 1) You need to reboot the server after installation. There are some changes that are made to inetd.conf that don't become effective until you reboot. 2) Leave the hostname field blank (don't specify "localhost") on the InterBase login panel and type the full path name for the database, i.e., /usr/interbase/examples/atlas.gdb. QA910 Valid for 3.2