Installing Update 1 of the ATI Display Adapter Device Driver for NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel Processors These instructions show you which ATI-based display adapters and computer systems are supported by the updated ATI display adapter device driver. They also show you how to install the updated device driver on an Intel-based computer running NEXTSTEP(TM) Release 3.1. The driver is distributed in an Installer package file named ATIDriver.pkg. Supported ATI Display Adapters Update 1 of the ATI display adapter device driver lets you take advantage of the following versions of the ATI Graphics Ultra Pro display adapter at the following display modes. EISA ATI68875 or TI 34075 RAMDAC and a 68800-3, 68800-6, or XL Mach32 graphics controller VESA ATI68875 RAMDAC and a 68800-3, 68800-6, or XL Mach32 graphics controller VRAM 8-bit Grayscale 16-bit Color 1MB 800 x 600 @ 60 or 72 Hz 800 x 600 @ 60 Hz 1MB 1024 x 768 @ 60, 72, or 76 Hz 2MB 1120 x 832 @ 60 or 68 Hz 1024 x 768 @ 60 or 76 Hz 2MB 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz 1120 x 832 @ 60 or 68 Hz (1) (1) 1120 x 832, 16-bit color is only supported by adapters with the Mach32 68800-6 or XL graphics controllers. If you see periodic video "noise" down the left or right side of the screen when you select this display mode, then the adapter almost certainly has the older Mach32 chip, and does not support 1120 x 832 color. Supported Computer Systems Update 1 of the ATI display adapter device driver lets you take advantage of the following computer systems with on-board ATI display adapters at the following display modes. Intel GX/Professional with a TI 34075 RAMDAC (2) Data General Dasher DE2 with a TI 34075 RAMDAC (2) VRAM 8-bit Grayscale 16-bit Color 1MB 1024 x 768 @ 60, 72, or 76 Hz 800 x 600 @ 60 Hz 2MB 1120 x 832 @ 60 or 68 Hz 1024 x 768 @ 60 or 76 Hz 2MB 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz (2) Newer versions of these systems may be equipped with Mach32 68800-6 or XL graphics controllers. If so, they may be capable of supporting 1120 x 832, 16-bit color graphics. However, if you see periodic video "noise" down the left or right side of the screen when you select this display mode, then the system almost certainly has the older Mach32 chip, and does not support 1120 x 832 color. AST Premmia 4D with a BT 481 RAMDAC (3) VRAM 8-bit Grayscale 16-bit Color 1MB 1024 x 768 @ 60 or 72 800 x 600 @ 60 Hz (3) After installing the device driver (as described below), be sure to use the Configure application to add the ATI Ultra Pro Display Adapter, not the ATI On-Board Display Adapter. Matching Display Modes with Your Display Before selecting display modes with higher resolutions or refresh rates, refer to your display's owner's guide to verify that it can synchronize with the signal from your display adapter. For example, some displays can't synchronize with the 1280 x 1024 noninterlaced 60 Hz signal produced by the highest resolution grayscale display mode. In addition, many "generic" SVGA displays can't synchronize with 800 x 600 noninterlaced signals at refresh rates above 60 Hz. All of the ATI display adapter device driver's VESA display modes match VESA guidelines and standards for horizontal and vertical timing. However, since 1280 x 832 is not a VESA standard or guideline display mode, some displays may not be able to synchronize with the signal produced by a display adapter set to this display mode. Installing the Device Driver 1. If you received the ATIDriver.pkg file via NeXTmail(TM) or another electronic source, place a copy of the file in a location where you can access it when you log in as root. 2. Log in as root. Only the superuser, root, can install the updated device driver. If you're not sure how to log in as root, see your system administrator. 3. If you received the ATIDriver.pkg file on a floppy disk, insert the disk in the floppy disk drive and choose Check for Disks from the Workspace Manager(TM) application's Disk menu. When the disk icon appears in the File Viewer, double-click it to open it. 4. Double-click the ATIDriver.pkg file. 5. Click the Install button in the Installer package window. When the panel asks you to confirm that you want to install the package, click Install. Then click Continue in the panel that warns you you're about to overwrite existing files. 6. When the installation is complete, choose Quit from the Installer menu. 7. Start up the Configure application by double-clicking (in /NextAdmin). 8. Click the Video icon at the top of Configure's Summary window and then click Select in the Display Mode area of the Video Devices view. 9. Find your model of ATI display adapter or system in the chart at the beginning of these instructions, and in the Select Display Mode panel, select the resolution with the highest refresh rate your display adapter or system and display can support. Then click OK. 10. Choose Save from Configure's Configuration menu and then choose Quit. 11. If you created a copy of the ATIDriver.pkg file in step 1, drag the copy to the recycler. 12. Choose Log Out from the Workspace menu and then click the Restart button in the Login window. You must restart your computer after installing and configuring the updated device driver. The next time you start up your computer, it will use the new driver to display NEXTSTEP in the display mode you selected in Configure. Note: If you notice a fuzzy or "sparkling" appearance after you restart the computer, use the Configure application to change your Display Mode to a different resolution, a lower refresh rate, or both. For information about the logging in and out, the Workspace Manager application, and the Installer application, see the NEXTSTEP User's Guide. For information about the Configure application, see Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP Release 3.1 for Intel Processors. NeXT, the NeXT logo, NEXTSTEP, NeXTmail, and Workspace Manager are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. ATIDriver.ReadMe.rtf, Update 1, 10-26-93