OPENSTEP for Mach Intel Processors Release 4.x Display Driver Overview Driver: Number Nine Imagine128 Series 2 Driver Overview: NeXTanswer #2537 Last Update: December 18, 1997 Availability Information Newer Released Driver in NeXTanswers*: Yes, Version 4.02, as NeXTanswer #2538 Newer Beta Driver in NeXTanswers*: No, Version 0.00, as NeXTanswer # Driver Name / Installer .pkg: Number9Imagine128S2DisplayDriver Driver Type: Display Driver Scope: Product Family Supported Components: IBM RGB 526 RAMDAC, IBM RGB 528 RAMDAC, Number9 Imagine II, Number9 T2R PC Bus / Interface Supported by Driver**: PCI General Overview notes: This graphics driver is designed to support the Imagine 128 Series 2 and Revolution 3D adapters from Number Nine Visual Technology Inc. This driver supports the use of 4MB, or 8MB of display memory. This driver also includes support for multi-headed displays. Supported Products / Add-on Adapters: Number9 Imagine 128 Series 2 (4MB) (90-228120-000) Number9 Imagine 128 Series 2 (8MB) (90-228130) Number9 Revolution 3D (4MB) Number9 Revolution 3D (8MB) Supported Products / Systems (ie integrated into PC System): Special Features of Driver / Driver Notes: This device driver provides information in the Configure application's help panel. Choose Info>Help from the Configure menu and scroll down to find this device driver's help topic. Display Driver Details Supported Connectors: 15-pin High Density (VGA) Access Mode: Linear Framebuffer Adapter Memory: 4MB VRAM, 4MB WRAM, 8MB VRAM, 8MB WRAM Display Modes (Number in () after resolution indicates frame buffer size required) 32 Bit Color Modes**: 1024x768 (4MB+), 1152x864 (4MB+), 1600x1200(8MB+), 640x480 (2MB+), 800x600 (2MB+) 16 Bit Color Modes**: 1024x768 (2MB+), 1152x864 (2MB+), 1280x1024 (4MB+), 1600x1200 (4MB+), 640x480 (1MB+), 800x600 (1MB+) 8 Bit Color / Greyscale Modes**: 1024x768 (1MB+), 1152X864 (1MB+), 1280x1024 (2MB+), 1600x1200 (4MB+), 640X480 (1MB+), 800x600 (1MB+) Known Problems Some PCI machines will not start up if there is more than one Number Nine Imagine128 display adpter present. This is a BIOS limitation. Driver Version Notes 4.00 - Initial Version 4.01 - Added support for Series 2 cards with integrated VGA controller. Added support for 8MB VRAM cards. 4.02 - Added support for Revolution 3D cards based on the T2R engine and WRAM display memory. Future Planning Future / Update Planning: Reason for New Driver / Update: New Driver / Update Timeframe: New Driver / Update Description: The Revolution 3D cards used for driver development exhibited a slight distortion on screen under the following display modes: 1600x1200x32@70Hz 1280x1024x32@75Hz The distortion causes the right side of windows to undulate. This is most noticeable on a text filled window with white background. This seems to be caused by some unknown hardware problem on those cards. Note: Information contained in the "Future Planning" section of this document does not constitute a commitment on the part of NeXT to complete the planned development work. * - Any NeXTanswer number that is blank indicates that a driver will not be released for this version of NEXTSTEP. ** - Indicates information that is inclusive of the entire capability of this driver. Not all devices supported by this driver may include all features listed. Check any available NeXTanswers and the hardware manual for the device for additional information. Product Vendor Number Nine Visual Technology 18 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02173-3103 Voice: (617) 674-0009 FAX: (617) 674-2919 BBS: (617) 862-7502 (8/1/N, up to 28kbps) URL: