Installing Update 1 of the Canon Objectstation 41 Sound System Device Driver for NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for Canon Objectstation 41 computers These instructions show you how to install the Canon Objectstation 41 sound system device driver on a Canon Objectstation 41 computer running NEXTSTEP(TM) Release 3.2. The driver is distributed in an Installer package file named CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.pkg. The Canon Objectstation 41 sound system driver is designed to support the on-board audio system of the Canon object.station 41. The Canon system uses a chipset that is compatible with the Microsoft Sound System and includes an integrated speaker and microphone. The driver supports 16bit play and record capabilities. The driver is a derivative of the existing NeXT Microsoft Sound System driver with an additional initialization routine required by the specific chipset. Installing the Device Driver 1. If you received the CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.pkg file via NeXTmail(TM) or another electronic source, place a copy of the file in a location where you can access it when you log in as root. 2. Log in as root. Only the superuser, root, can install the device driver. If you're not sure how to log in as root, see your system administrator. 3. If you received the CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.pkg file on a floppy disk, insert the disk in the floppy disk drive and choose Check for Disks from the Workspace Manager(TM) application's Disk menu. When the disk icon appears in the File Viewer, double-click it to open it. 4. Double-click the CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.pkg file. 5. Click the Install button in the Installer package window. When the panel asks you to confirm that you want to install software for Intel-based computers, click Install. If a panel warns you you're about to overwrite existing files, click Continue. 6. When the installation is complete, choose Quit from the Installer menu. Configuring the Device Driver 1. Start up the Configure application by double-clicking (it's in /NextAdmin). 2. Click the Audio icon at the top of Configure's Summary window. If "Canon Objectstation 41 Sound Adapter " is in the list of devices at the top of Configure's Audio Devices window, choose Quit from the Configure menu and skip to the section titled "Removing the Install Package and Restarting the Computer." 3. If you see the name of another kind of audio adapter in the list at the top of Configure's Audio Devices window, select its name in the list and click Remove. Then click Add, and in the Add Audio Devices panel that opens, select "Canon Objectstation 41Sound System " in the list and click Add. 4. Select the appropriate DMA and IRQ settings. 5. Click Done, then click Save. 6. Choose Quit from Configure's menu. Removing the Install Package and Restarting the Computer 1. If you created a copy of the CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.pkg file in step 1, drag the copy to the recycler. 2. Choose Log Out from the Workspace menu and then click the Restart button in the login window Note: You must restart your computer after installing and configuring the device driver. The next time you start up your computer, it will use the new driver. For information about logging in and out, the Workspace Manager application, and the Installer application, see the NEXTSTEP User's Guide. For information about the Configure application, see Installing and Configuring NEXTSTEP Release 3.2 for Intel Processors. For information concerning compatibility issues and bugs, refer to NeXTanswers. NeXT, the NeXT logo, NEXTSTEP, NeXTmail, and Workspace Manager are trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. CanonObjectstation41SoundDriver.ReadMe.rtf, Update 1, 08-16-94