NEXTSTEP RELEASE 3.3 Release Notes Addendum Entry Number: 1827 Last Updated: 11 April 1995 Document Revision: 1195A Keywords: TeX, RemoteUpgrade, ManPages Other Release Notes If you have an Intel-based or NeXT computer, the NetInstallHelper and RemoteUpgrade topics in the on-line system administration release notes incorrectly describe how to prepare a site for network installation or upgrading, and how to upgrade multiple computers across the network. For the updated release notes see NeXTanswers: 1894_3.3_Release_Note_NetInstallHelper.rtfd 1895_3.3_Release_Note_RemoteUpgrade.rtfd RemoteUpgrade Question: Where is the RemoteUpgrade utility the Release Notes on Remote Upgrades talks about for doing template upgrades? The Release Notes say to look in the root directory of the 3.3 CDROM. Answer: You will find the RemoteUpgrade utility in "/". If you are using the file viewer, select in the root directory with a single mouse click, then select "Open as Folder" from the Workspace menu to get a new viewer that has the Default.upgrade folder. Inside the Default.upgrade folder is the RemoteUpgrade utility. NeXTTeX.pkg Question: Why doesn't TeX work under 3.3? Answer: If you select NeXTTeX.pkg to be installed during the initial installation process, it will not install properly. You must install it using /NextAdmin/ after your initial installation is complete. You will find the NeXTTeX.pkg on your CDROM under the directory NeXTCD/Packages See /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextAdmin/ApA_ManagerApps.rtfd for information about running Printing UNIX ManPages Question: Why can't I print UNIX ManPages under NEXTSTEP 3.3 Intel? Answer: There is a bug in 3.3 with some of the files needed for printing manpages. The files are /usr/lib/transcript/troff.font/{Helvetica,Times}/font.ct Replacing these files with their 3.2 counterparts fixes the problem.