Q: What is the difference between a Form and a FormCell? How do I make the correct connections in InterfaceBuilder? A: A Form is a matrix of FormCells. Even a matrix with only one FormCell is a Form. If you have created a single FormCell with InterfaceBuilder and want to connect to the Form, carefully control-drag to the edge of the cell. When it is outlined in gray, you are connecting to the Form. Control-drag further into cell, and it is outlined in black; now you are connecting to the FormCell. Look at the "Comments" field in the InterfaceBuilder inspector while you are making your connection--it tells you what class the outlet is, for example, "Destination is of the Form Class." The same is true when you are connecting to a Form with more than one FormCell. Drag to the outside edge or in between cells; the form is outlined in gray and you are connecting to the form. Drag to a particular FormCell; it is outlined in black and you are connecting to that FormCell. Note: In NEXTSTEP Release 3, the "Comments" field in the InterfaceBuilder Inspector has been replaced by a "Connections" field. The information displayed is self-explanatory: The left side shows the outlet name, while the right side shows the class name. QA513 Valid for 1.0, 2.0, 3.0