NeXT Education Quick Course Reference Guide E2001A-1 Programming NEXTSTEP I A five-day course that serves as an entry point of programmers who have no NEXTSTEP experience. Three days of classroom lecture focus on working with the NEXTSTEP environment, understanding NEXTSTEP features, and experimenting with the NEXTSTEP development tools. Two days of exercise and lab time are provided where students apply the classroom instruction. E1038A-1 Programming NEXTSTEPII A five-day course enabling programmers to learn about the NEXTSTEP Release 3 development environment and the programming tools and techniques used to write NEXTSTEP software applications. Prior C programming experience required. Familiarity with the Objective C language is valuable, as well as knowledge of object-oriented programming, PostScript, and the UNIX operating system. Experience with event-driven windowing systems and graphical user interfaces is also helpful. E2002A-1 Programming NEXTSTEPIII A five-day course for experienced NEXTSTEP programmers who are ready to focus on NEXTSTEP advanced features and issues such as performance, portability, and building better objects. Three day of classroom lecture focus on NEXTSTEP techniques and two days of exercise and lab time are provided where students apply the classroom instruction. E2036A-1 Enterprise Objects Framework A five-day course for experienced NEXTSTEP programmers. The course will introduce the architecture and features of Enterprise Objects Framework and teach approaches to writing database applications using Enterprise Objects Framework. Knowledge of Relational Theory, SQL and Entity-Relationship modeling is strongly recommended. E2040A-1 Object Oriented Analysis and Design A five-day course for developers who have completed the Programming NEXTSTEP course. This course will cover the principles of object oriented analysis and design in the NEXTSTEP environment. Topics include Abstraction Techniques, Objects Modelling, System Architectures, NEXTSTEP Mechanisms and Class Hierarchies. Students are assumed to have an understanding of basic OO concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, polymorhism, and dynamic binding. Experience programming in the NEXTSTEP environment is recommended. E1002A-1 NEXTSTEP System Administration A four-and-one-half-day course covering the administration of a network of NEXTSTEP. Familiarity with UNIX is highly recommended. E2047A-1 Advanced NetInfo A three-day course for experience NetInfo systems and network administrators who want to understand the low-level details of NetInfo's operations. Focus will be placed on binding, connecting, and the protocols on the wire. E2050A-1 NICE Training A three-day course for anyone who is interested in providing NEXTSTEP compatible products or certified system configurations. Learning how to test PC configurations and adaptors for compatibility with NEXTSTEP Version 3.3 will also be covered. If you would like more information or would like to register for a course, please call 1-800-955-6398 or if you are outside of the US, dial 415-780-2922 or 415-366-0900.