Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 02:00:00 -0700 From: (Don Yacktman) Subject: Re: Rebundling WarKit Just a quick note on bundles...the general idea is sound, but be forewarned: going so heavily to bundles will make it harder for the programmer to get exactly what they want interface-wise (cf. Xox, which is effectively what you're saying...a game engine you plug bundles into.) With the GameKit I chose to use a library and standard interfaces for a reason: flexibility. If you go whole hog into the bundles you'll have many of the problems the Xox engine has. (Not that it is a bad game; it's just not quite as flexible as I'd like. Even so, it is more flexible than most people on the net can imagine. I can say this because I've seen the source.) Two other things to note about bundles: you base app will launch much faster, but when the bundle is first loaded everything stops for a bit while things are linked together. Also, keeping around symbols for the dynamic linker will make your app almost double in code size. If you have a lot of tiffs and sounds like Xox, you hardly notice, but you should be aware that bundles are hard- drive space hungry. This isn't to discourage you on the idea, though. I'd recommend you make the design flexible enough that the bundle idea is there for the cases where it will work. In other cases, have a library available for the use of the developer who is willing to dive in more deeply. Just some thought... Later, -don