Current Plans for WarKit (v3) Archive: Maintainer: List: Home Account: We have sucessfully completed our first run-through of the overall goals and designs. Our primary goal is to enable people to easily write computer versions of standard wargames (which can then be extended to take advantage of computer-specific features). We will do this via a toolkit plus a generic bundle-based application. Our next move is to actually work on a specific game to flesh out our design and start generating code. The goal is to provide a simple foundation to test the basic concepts of the system, to which we can add features and generality as we go. Periodically, of course, we can throw it away and start over. The best bet is Checkers, as it is quite simple and very well known. First, we need to map our generic design onto Checkers (and vice versa), going for a wargame "feel." This should result in what will surely be the most overdesigned checkers game in history. After that, we should review other code we may want to imitate/steal. Next, we need to set up our source code structure (subprojects, version control, etc.). Then, finally, we will (gasp) start writing code. Once we finish rambling and start coding (hopefully by March), there will be more opportunities for other people to participate (assuming anyone besides Don still cares by now :-). If you see something you would like to work on, please let me know. Ernest Prabhakar, WarMaster February 1st, 1994 [Note: The List went into hiatus immediately after this. Activity is scheduled to resume in July]