Current Plans for WarKit (v2) Archive: Maintainer: List: Well, we have narrowed our focus (2-D board wargames) and described how space is organized (3-D floats, hierarchical regions). Now we are exploring how pieces interact with the world and each other. We will start with motion, then cover sensing and combat. We may need to detour into a philsophical discussion of what a "piece" is at some point. Also, we have only dealt with space, not time, so at some point we will need to deal with clocks and event processing. Once we get that out of the way, we can delve into the murky areas of user displays, inspectors, and player control. A rough list of planned topics follows, in tentative order: WarPath: Getting a Move on War and Pieces: The Troops in the Trenches Weapons, Targets, and Actions non-SENSEless Random Violence: Finding the Enemy Computerized Conflict Resolution: CRTs on your CRT The Best of Timers: A Tale of Two Syncs Remeber to use word "War" or some military term in your subject. Bad puns are optional, but encouraged. Ernest Prabhakar, WarMaster November 16th, 1993