Current Plans The current goal is to define the kind of functionality we would like our Kit to support. There are two parts to that process. For one thing, I encourage people to read the GameList I have started and add and describe games with interesting or unusual features. Second, I intend to write a series of essays covering the different issues we need to address. I think this is a good way to get started, keep our focus, and generate useful discussion. Feel free to disagree with any and all the things I say - but be prepared to present constructive alternatives. The intended list of topics are: - War Servers and Client States >> The current discussion is focusing on the representation >> and parametrization of space - MODEL Soldiers, VIEW to a Kill, and The CONTROLLER - Weapons, Targets, and Actions - Views, Subviews, TankViews, and PlaneViews - Command/Control and The Inspector General As a side note: for clarity, make sure your subject line is obviously militaristic in nature, so people on lots of mailing lists can identify the source. Bad puns are optional. Ernest Prabhakar, WarMaster September 26th, 1993