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Common Option Attributes

These option attributes are optional. Any that do appear in the definition of a flag, may appear only once.

The flag character to specify for traditional option flags. e.g. -L.
Minimum occurrence count. If present, then the option must appear on the command line. Preset values do not count towards the minimum occurrence count.
Maximum occurrence count (invalid if disable present).
Long-name prefix for enabling the option (invalid if disable not present). Only useful if long option names are being processed.
Prefix for disabling (inverting sense of) the option. Only useful if long option names are being processed.
If default is for option being enabled. (Otherwise, the OPTST_DISABLED bit is set at compile time.) Only useful if the option can be disabled.
If an option is relevant on certain platforms or when certain features are enabled or disabled, you can specify the compile time flag used to indicate when the option should be compiled in or out. For example, if you have a configurable feature, mumble that is indicated with the compile time define, WITH_MUMBLING, then add:
Note that case and spelling must match whatever you are using. Do not confuse these attributes with the AutoGen directives of the same names, See section Controlling What Gets Processed. These cause C pre-processing directives to be inserted into the generated C text.

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