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Cache Checkpointing

If your configure script, or a macro called from configure.ac, happens to abort the configure process, it may be useful to checkpoint the cache a few times at key points using AC_CACHE_SAVE. Doing so will reduce the amount of time it takes to re-run the configure script with (hopefully) the error that caused the previous abort corrected.

Loads values from existing cache file, or creates a new cache file if a cache file is not found. Called automatically from AC_INIT.

Flushes all cached values to the cache file. Called automatically from AC_OUTPUT, but it can be quite useful to call AC_CACHE_SAVE at key points in configure.ac.

For instance:

 ... AC_INIT, etc. ...
# Checks for programs.
 ... more program checks ...

# Checks for libraries.
AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname)
AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, connect)
 ... more lib checks ...

# Might abort...
AM_PATH_GTK(1.0.2,, (exit 1); exit)
AM_PATH_GTKMM(0.9.5,, (exit 1); exit)
 ... AC_OUTPUT, etc. ...

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