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Generic Structure Checks

These macros are used to find structure members not covered by the "particular" test macros.

Macro: AC_CHECK_MEMBER (aggregate.member, @ovar{action-if-found}, @ovar{action-if-not-found}, @ovar{includes})
Check whether member is a member of the aggregate aggregate. If no includes are specified, the default includes are used (see section Default Includes).

AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct passwd.pw_gecos,,
                [AC_MSG_ERROR([We need `passwd.pw_gecos'!])],
                [#include <pwd.h>])

You can use this macro for sub-members:

AC_CHECK_MEMBER(struct top.middle.bot)

Macro: AC_CHECK_MEMBERS (members, @ovar{action-if-found}, @ovar{action-if-not-found}, @ovar{includes})
Check for the existence of each `aggregate.member' of members using the previous macro. When member belongs to aggregate, define HAVE_aggregate_member (in all capitals, with spaces and dots replaced by underscores).

This macro uses m4 lists:

AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_rdev, struct stat.st_blksize])

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