Item 8540138 93/08/01 07:27 From: CGEIGER@NEXT.COM@INET# Internet Gateway Subject: v8.2 - Weekly NEXTSTEP Nugget News Digest (vol. 8, issue 1, August 1, 1993) Continued from vol. 8, issue 1... The Weekly NEXTSTEP Nugget News Digest (vol. 8, issue 2, August 1, 1993) For easy readability of this news digest: If you are reading this with, be sure to set your font preference for this message to a smaller proportional font (Ohlfs 10 point font). *** TABLE OF CONTENTS (second of two issues) *** NeXT AWARDS, PRESS, MEDIA, and NET HIGHLIGHTS (June/July) => NeXT in the Press: highlights => 1. Financial Markets Lab Vienna Wins Computerworld Award => 2. NeXT Wins RealWare Award at DB/Expo '93 => 3. NEXTSTEP User Documentation Wins International Awards NeXT/NEXTSTEP RESOURCE GUIDE AND MISCELLANEOUS => 1. Object Lesson & Prentice Hall Announce NEXTSTEP Programming Book: 2nd Edition => 2. CompuServe NeXT Forum Access for those without Net access => 3. Sign up for NeXT Special Interest Groups => 4. New from the Publications Group at NeXT => 5. NEXTSTEP MiniExamples Now Available via FTP NeXT PUBLISHING REFERENCE => 1. eXTRASET and Goldleaf Imagesetter Win NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award NeXT / NEXTSTEP JOB POSITION OPENINGS => 1. Pencom Seeks 23 NeXT/OOP Engineers => 2. Systemhouse Seeks Engineers & Database Specialists => 3. NEXTSTEP Positions in London/Chicago/Houston => 4. NorthStar Seeks NEXTSTEP and OOP Managers and Engineers => 5. Conextions Seeks Connectivity and NEXTSTEP Engineers ADDITIONAL ITEMS => How to Order NEXTSTEP items: decals, t-shirts => Some Important phone numbers in North America --^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^-- SUBSCRIPTION & SUBMISSION INFO - NUGGET NEWS DIGEST --^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^-- To include an announcement in this weekly publication, please send brief articles via email with the subject "SUBMISSION" to Also include your contact information: email address, fax number, and phone number (for our European and Asian readers make sure to include a non 1-800 phone number as well.) To subscribe to the Weekly Nugget News Digest, send email to with the subject "subscribe nugget digest". All previous 60 Nugget News Digest issues from 1992-1993 are archived at the Purdue ftp archive site: Conrad Geiger Manager, International NEXTSTEP User Group Program Editor, Weekly NEXTSTEP Nugget News Digest NeXT, Inc. 2319 North 45th Street, Suite 174 Seattle, Washington 98103 USA Electronic mail address: P.S. I welcome your feedback. ____________________________________________________________________ NeXT PRESS, AWARDS, MEDIA, and NET HIGHLIGHTS (June/July) ____________________________________________________________________ => NeXT in the Press: highlights ARTICLES 1. Software Industry Report, July 19, 1993: Page 10 - NEXT ANNOUNCES NEW PORTABLE DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS TECHNOLOGY 2. SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL newspaper, July 8, 1993 - Business Section - Skyway's Open System: Big business trend is moving away from mainframes 3. Computerworld Magazine, June 14, 1993 "The CW Guide to Object-Oriented Programming" - NextStep 3.1 for Intel: Users say it sizzles on 486 machines and is the best OOP Platform 4. "Computers in Physics" magazine, May/June 1993, page 309 - NeXTSTEP HAS LIVED UP TO ITS PROMISE IN AN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 5. Corporate Computing, May 1993 - NeXT Tries A Different Slice of the Market 6. BYTE Magazine, August 1993, Page 141 - NextStep Comes to the 486 7. COMPUTER SHOPPER magazine, July 1993, page 551 - Taking the NextStep, Part One 8. OPEN SYSTEMS TODAY, July 19, 1993, Page 34 - NextStep Apps To Get More Portability 9. PC MAGAZINE, August 1993, Page 48 - NeXTStep Brings Objectivity to Operating Systems __________________________________________________________________ => 1. Financial Markets Lab Vienna Wins Computerworld Award News: For Immediate Release Contact: Rainer Staringer Financial Markets Lab Technical University Vienna Treitlstrasse 3 1040 Wien Austria, EUROPE +43(1) 58801-8137 Email: Financial Markets Lab Vienna Wins Computerworld Object Application Award VIENNA, June 17, 1993 -- The Risk Management System, developed by the Financial Markets Lab (FML) of the Technical University Vienna, has won the grand prize in the top category of the Object Management Group's "1993 Computerworld Object Application Awards Contest." The contest, co-sponsored by Computerworld magazine and the Object Management Group, is designed to salute organizations and developers who have successfully implemented object technology in their operations. The five award categories ranged from "Best Object-Based Application Developed Using Non-Object Oriented Tools" to the top category, "Best Application Utilizing Reusable Components Leveraged from or for Use in Other Projects", where the advantages of object-oriented technology are used to the utmost. The Risk Management System is a NEXTSTEP-based custom application designed and developed by FML for Creditanstalt, Austria's leading bank. Creditanstalt uses the application to monitor and report the risk and performance of portfolios in their securities trading division. "The NEXTSTEP environment allowed us to develop a complex custom application in minimal time through remarkably simple integration with other applications and existing class libraries. Very little extra code was necessary to harness the powerful mathematical capabilities of Mathematica and the advanced layout and report generating functions of Improv for our application. A lot of the functionality in the finished application did not require any programming at all. The risk manager himself dragged user interface items from our custom Interface Builder palette and specified the computations in the form of Mathematica expressions in the corresponding Inspector panels. The savings in development time and unnecessary communication overhead between the domain expert and the programmers were enormous." said Werner Staringer, head of the Financial Markets Lab. The winners were announced yesterday at a special ObjectWorld Expo awards banquet at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Steve Jobs, CEO and Chairman of NeXT Computer, was the master of ceremonies. The Financial Markets Lab, based at the Institute of Software Technology of the Technical University Vienna, specializes in financial software. It maintains strong links with the finance industry and is funded primarily through external research contracts. Mathematica is a trademark of Wolfram Research. Improv is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. NEXTSTEP and InterfaceBuilder are trademarks of NeXT Computer Inc. ____________________________________________________________________ => 2. NeXT Wins RealWare Award at DB/Expo '93 NeXT has won the 1993 DB/Expo RealWare Award. The RealWare Awards, sponsored by Intel Corp, recognizes companies that have implemented innovative business solutions with their database, client/server and information technology. Vendor's applications were in the form of actual case studies of products and services proven in the field. To win in the hotly contested category Integrating Information Technology into the Office, NeXT documented NEXTSTEP's ability to deliver complete client/server database solutions to Alain Pinel Realtors. Exhibitors were asked to clearly demonstrate how their product/services was being used by customers to reduce costs, improve information flow, increase competitiveness, or develop new business. User sites included such organizations as E.I. Dupont, M.I.T, Apple Computer, and the National Gallery of Art. RealWare winners were selected in blind balloting and roundtable discussions by judging panels consisting of distinguished press and analysts. ___________________________________________________________________ => 3. NEXTSTEP User Documentation Wins International Awards As you may have heard, NeXT user documentation won the following regional awards earlier this year in the Society for Technical Communication's 1992 Northern California Publications and Arts Competition: Best of Show: User's Guide Best of Category: User's Guide Category: Systems Software Documents Distinguished: Here's How Category: Quick-Reference Software Documents Excellence: User's Guide and Owner's Guide Category: Art and Design By winning these top awards at the regional level, all three manuals were automatically entered in the 1993 International Technical Publications Competition. This international competition admitted only 400 of the thousands of entries from regional competitions world-wide, and only 100 entries received awards. Here's how the NeXT entries did: Distinguished: User's Guide Category: Software Combination Guides Excellence: Here's How Category: Software User Guides User's Guide and Owner's Guide Category: Art and Design Note that the User's Guide won one of the only 14 Distinguished awards, and it was among the top three entries under consideration for the Best of Show award. Typical judges' comments included the following: ...beautiful graphics and page design...great use of color...well written; friendly conversational tone... outstanding excellent minimalist manual; you have included only essential information and made it easy for users to get the information without wading through long paragraphs of text...I don't think the manual has any major weaknesses!.... ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT/NEXTSTEP RESOURCE GUIDE AND MISCELLANEOUS ___________________________________________________________________ => 1. Object Lesson & Prentice Hall Announce NEXTSTEP Programming Book: 2nd Edition News For more information, contact: Alex Duong Nghiem Object Lesson, Inc. Phone: (817) 473-3093 Fax: (817) 472-0225 Email: (NeXTMail) -or- (no NeXTMail here please) Object Lesson and Prentice Hall Announce New NEXTSTEP Programming Book: 2nd Edition Due to outstanding demand, we have sold out our first print run far faster than planned. We have just released an updated edition which corrected minor mistakes in the first edition. Object Lesson, Inc. and Prentice Hall are proud to announce the updated release of NEXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and Applications (ISBN 0-13-605916-3), a 600+ pages programming textbook specifically aimed at programmers who wish to write object-oriented applications in NEXTSTEP 3.0. This up-to-date text introduces object-oriented design along with Objective-C, the AppKit, InterfaceBuilder, ProjectBuilder, HeaderViewer, and other new features of NEXTSTEP 3.0. Other topics include: * object-oriented design tools including CRC cards, message diagrams, etc. * porting applications to NEXTSTEP/Intel * debugging techniques using Gdb * an extensive list of resources including addresses and contacts for user groups around the world, archive sites, newsgroups, etc. * and much much more! This book is classroom tested and is being adopted by major universities in North America and Europe. On a recent UUNET poll, the book was recently voted as the best reference for getting started in NEXTSTEP development. The source code is available from under submissions as AlexNeXTSTEPSource.tar.Z. To order the book, please visit your local bookstore or contact Prentice Hall at (800) 922-0579 (phone) or (515) 284-6719 (fax). For corporate accounts, please contact Ann Aciafano at (201) 461-8441. ****************************************************************** Object Lesson is a Dallas-based firm that specializes in mentoring and reengineering. We provide a host of services including a class based on our best-selling book, NEXTSTEP Programming: Concepts and Applications. Please e-mail us for a free brochure. ****************************************************************** __________________________________________________________________ => 2. CompuServe NeXT Forum Access for those without Net access Q: Is there a NeXT bulletin board for people who don't have access to the Internet? A: CompuServe has had a NeXT forum since May 1991. CompuServe is accessible by modem worldwide. In most of the United States, it's a local phone call. Users in France can log on to CompuServe Limited Edition by using the "dial-it" phone number, 3617 COMPU, on the videotex system, Minitel. They're also able to access the service via the online menus of Le Nouvel Observateur (a media group specializing in online videotex services in Europe). The following information was provided by David Bowdish of the Rocky Mountain NeXT User's Group. The NeXT Forum is the FIRST forum to open on CompuServe that is solely dedicated to a single workstation platform NEXTSTEP! CompuServe, one of the first computer information services in the country, is accessible from around the world and is accessible by a local phone number by over 90% of the American population. CompuServe has 640,000 members worldwide. THE FORUM: The forum contains three parts: Message Section, Library Section, & Conference. Message Section: This section allows you to leave messages, announcements, questions, answers, and general NeXT trivia. Library Section: This section (like an archive site) offers a place to upload and download programs and other files in any on of several categories. Conference Section: This section allows for "live" computer conferences with other NeXT users from around the country (world). Conferences will be scheduled on a regular basis. COMPUSERVE ADVANTAGE: Until now, the only way that NeXT users could get together via modem nationally, has been through Internet. However, Internet's access is limited and most of the new purchasers of NeXT do not have access to Internet, Usenet, or ftp'ing. On CompuServe over 90% of the NeXT users will have local number access where they can ask questions, get programs and information, and exchange idea's with other NeXT users. Much like an national user's group, only better. HOW DO I GET ACCESS? This is the easy part. CompuServe has set up a special program for NeXT users. CompuServe will give you a FREE membership and $15.00 usage credit to get familiar with the system. There is no obligation and you may cancel your account at anytime. For this special offer call: (800) 848-8199 and ask for representative #235. They will set you up with the free membership and the $15.00 credit. The menu structure of Compuserve is intuitive and easy to use. If you are looking for something in particular just type "find" and the name and press Return. ACCESSING THE NEXT FORUM: After logging on, type "go nextforum" and follow the directions. That's all there is to it. CONCLUSION: This is the first CompuServe forum dedicated entirely to a single workstation platform (Sun doesn't even have a forum). If it is to be a success it needs your participation and the participation of other NeXT users. For many, this is their only access to quick information, freeware programs, special information files relating to the NeXT, and "live" conferencing with other NeXT users. The NeXT forum is a relaxed, friendly place where both the beginner and the advanced user will find something valuable. So if you want to make better use of your NeXT or if you only want to "meet" with other NeXT users call the number above and join today. A FINAL COMMENT: CompuServe has over 200 forums for all kinds of interests, an Electronic Mall that is free of connect time, hundreds of information sources including daily news from AP, Washington Post, Reuter's, and UPI. You also can send email to other CompuServe members or to Internet, MCI, Telex, or by fax. (You can even compose and mail an old-fashioned letter that will be sent from the nearest of seven locations around the country). David Bowdish Contact person for the NeXT Users Forum ___________________________________________________________________ => 3. Sign up for NeXT Special Interest Groups Below are Programmer, sysadmin and special topic discussion mailing lists that you can sign up for today: (Please send other SIG list information not included to NeXT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (SIGS) Adobe Illustrator NeXT SIG ( To join, email: AFS NeXT SIG To join, email: Auspex Administrators (NFS file servers) To join, email: Austrian NeXT users SIG To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE nougat " to Berkeley Mathematics Software Group Email: Classroom: NeXT Courseware SIG To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE next-classroom " to Communications/TeleCommunications SIG To join, email: Create users NeXT SIG To join, email: DataPhile users NeXT SIG To join, email: DBKit SIG mailing list To join, email: Developer SIG mailing list To join, email: Epoch Administrators To join, email: Executor SIG To join, email: Finnish: Finnish Users of NeXT To join, email: and write in body text: HELP LIST SUB FUNeXT Frame: FUN (Frame Users Network) To join, email: Frame User Network - New England (FUNNE) To join, email: Gopher users Interest Group To join, email: GIS(Geographical Information Services)SIG To join, email: GNU - Objective C Email list To join, email: Improv SIG User Group To join, email: ISDN Mailing List To join, email: IXKit Mailing List (Indexing Kit) To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE ixkit " to Japanese: Kanji and Japanese on the NeXT To join, Legal Special Interest Group (JuriNUG) To join - send the text: SUB NIL-L to: ABA/LPM UNIX Interest E-Mail Group Email: Mach-informaion Mailing List To join, email: Maple Special Interest Group To join, email: Mathematica:Special Interest Group To join, email: Medical: NeXT-Med SIG To join, email: Mesa Email List To join, email: Microphone Pro Email List To join, email: Music: NeXT Music To join, email: nextmusic-request@gandalf.etdesg.TRW.COM Music DeveloperSIG To join, email: MUSIC Special Interest Group To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE EMUSIC-L " to listserv@AMERICAN.EDU Mexico - Mexico NeXT Discussion List To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE MEXNEXT " to listserv@TECMTYVM.bitnet Missouri - MUNUG-L Discussion List To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE MUNUG-L " to listserv@UMCVMB.bitnet Next/Apple II SIG Mailing List To join, email: NeXT Programmer SIG mailing list To join, email: NeXT- Icons SIG Mailing List To join, email: NeXT Managers SIG (quick tech. answers) To join, email: NeXT-Graphics SIG Mailing List To join, email: NEXTSTEP Audio Standard To join, email: NEXTSTEP SIG , the operating environment To join, email the text: "SUBSCRIBE NEXTSTEP " to LISTSERV@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu or LISTSERV@IndyCMS.BITNET. Network and Security Management for Installed Labs and Large Installations To join, email: OBjC and C++ Special Interest Group To join, send a "subscribe" message to Email: Publishing Interest Group To join, email: Desktop Pub Information Distribution List To join, email text: "SUB DTP-L " to LISTSERV@BrownVM.Brown.EDU S-news (S statistics package) Mailing List To join, email: United Kingdom NeXT Users Mailing List To join, email:,, and United Kingdom NEXTSTEP Users To join: email with the command "join uk-nextstep-users Firstname Lastname" Unix Mailing List To join, email: WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers, an electronic pubs project) Mailing List To join, email: WAIS (Wide Area Information Servers, unmoderated) List To join, email: ___________________________________________________________________ => 4. New from the Publications Group at NeXT A PostScript-format version of the "NEXTSTEP Advantage" brochure is now available on the following archive servers: pub/next/documents/NeXT/ pub/next/docs/ pub/NeXT/documents/NeXTstepAdvantage/ The file name is NeXTstepAdvantage.tar.Z; (its compressed size is 1.3 megabytes; uncompressed, it's 9.5 megabytes). In addition to the PostScript files listed below, the tar file contains the complete source code for the brochure's Plotter application (including makefiles, .h, .m, nib, tiff, and other files). ____________________________________________________________________ => 5. NEXTSTEP MiniExamples Now Available via FTP Anonymous ftp for the NEXTSTEP example code is now available via archive server: The MiniExamples for APPKIT, DATABASEKIT, INDEXINGKIT and NETINFOKIT are located in: /pub/NeXTanswers/Files/Software_&_Tools/MiniExamples Each folder contains an ascii README file describing all available examples. Here is the master list: [ This ReadMe file describes the MiniExamples available in the AppKit, DatabaseKit, IndexingKit and NetInfoKit directories. Each MiniExample is stored as a separate ".compressed" file. The MiniExamples are only available via anonymous ftp or email (and only if you can receive NeXTmail). Since ".compressed" is a binary format, remember to switch to binary mode (type "bin" at command line) when fetching via ftp.] APPKIT MINIEXAMPLES AtYourService example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) This example illustrates how applications can export "Services" to other applications (they will appear in other applications' Services menu). BananaSplit example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A simple NXSplitView sizing example. CellScrollView example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A simple example that installs a matrix of custom cells in a subclass of ScrollView. This forms a basis for a user interface that allows the user to add and delete objects from a list. ConvertXYtoChar example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to convert from an X,Y coordinate location in the Text object to the nearest character position in that object. Grabber example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to create a TIFF image by reading the bits from a rectangular region from the screen. NormalBrowser example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A very simple straightforward example of an NXBrowser object. PaginationLab example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An example of breaking up a large view into pages for printing. ScrollViewDeluxe palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An enhanced subclass of ScrollView which includes support for adding controls to the scrollers, automatic support for rulers and support for synchronizing other views. StringList palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) Two objects used for generating and maintaining lists of strings and filenames: StringList includes methods for adding, inserting, sorting and searching strings as well as built-in browser support so that it can be a browser delegate. FilenameList is a subclass of StringList that specializes in filenames. Both objects can be initialized inside of InterfaceBuilder. TextORama example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to create a TextField which supports restricting text length, autojumping to another TextField and interpreting a carriage return literally. This example also illustrates how to implement emacs key binding support for the Text object. ThumbWheel palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) The ThumbWheel object includes the functionality of a Slider plus the features you would expect from a real thumbwheel. TIFFandEPS example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) How to open TIFF or EPS images, how to convert from one format to the other, and how to save them out. TTools palette (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) This example is an advanced IB Palette primer. Demonstrated features include: how to write a custom connection inspector and custom connector objects; how to palettize Matrix without restricting its prototype cell class; how to add a library target to your palette project so that applications can link in the palette code. WhatsUpDoc example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) A skeletal example of how you might manage multiple documents in an application. Save, SaveAs, SaveTo, SaveAll and Revert are implemented. Winfo example (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) Winfo provides information about NEXTSTEP window memory usage. It's useful for finding windows which unnecessarily allocate alpha or color planes and waste large amounts of memory. ZooView application (NEXTSTEP 3.x Release compliant) An example of a horizontal SplitView. DATABASEKIT MINIEXAMPLES AddressBook example In order to run this example, you need to have a SYBASE server with a pubs database installed. [The pubs database is a sample database provided with the SYBASE limited server package.] After you are properly connected to the Sybase server, you can perform operations such as Select, Insert, Update or Delete. AssociationExample example The current version of DBKit does not provide a way to filter the records fetched by a detail FetchGroup. DBKit does not allow a qualifier to be built into a relationship, nor does it allow a qualifier to be permanently attached to a FetchGroup. The Association example provides a way to do filtering of detail records by using a subclass of DBAssociation that replaces the default association which exists between the master FetchGroup and the detail FetchGroup. BarChart palette This palette demonstrates how to use your custom UI objects with the DBKit. It illustrates in particular the DBCustomAssociation protocol which allows you to retrieve or set values to your database via a custom view objects. BooleanFormatter example This example shows how to substitute the default display format in the TableView to your own format by subclassing the DBFormatter class. In order to run this example you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. DateFormatter example This example shows how to create a formatter for a DBTableView that uses a subclass of TextFieldCell to validate the user's input. The formatter forces the user to type in values of the form xx/xx/xx. In order to run this example, you need to have an adaptor, a model and a data source. DocumentPalette palette (3.1 only) This palette is a subclass of Control. It shows how to conveniently store files into the database using their absolute pathnames, instead of the data associated with them, and let the WorkSpace do the work for opening or reading the files. You can also drop a file into the document well, and double-click to open it for reading. OrderByTest example This example shows you how to change the sort order every time the columns in the tableview are rearranged. In order to run this example, you need to have an ORACLE server with a demo database installed. RadioAssociation source code These two files allow you to make a matrix of radio buttons sychronize with the boolean data type of your database. TableView example This example shows how you can define a DBTableView and a DBModule programmatically instead of using the corresponding IB objects. It also shows how you can change the sort order every time the columns in the tableview are rearranged. INDEXINGKIT MINIEXAMPLES LanguageReader/ReaderDomain example (3.1 only) This simple program shows how to generate a .domain file programmatically. You should also read the SimpleReader MiniExample (in LanguageReader, below) which shows how to build a customized reader by subclassing IXLanguageReader. LanguageReader/SimpleReader example (3.1 only) This example shows how to build a customized language reader. The reader is organized as a bundle, so that it can be dynamically loaded by the Indexing Kit, if you are using NEXTSTEP applications such as Digital Librarian. RecordManager example (3.1 only) This example demonstrates usage of the Indexing Kit at the IXRecordManager level. At start-up, a new database .data will be created in your home directory. You can then enter records into that database which is managed by IXRecordManager and performs searches based on the record attributes. NETINFOKIT MINIEXAMPLES NILoginPanelTest example This example shows how to bring up a login panel, and do password authentication. The example uses specifically the NetInfoKit classes NILoginPanel and NIDomain. ____________________________________________________________________ NeXT PUBLISHING REFERENCE ____________________________________________________________________ => 1. eXTRASET and Goldleaf Imagesetter Win NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award News: For Immediate Release Contact: Josef Bresler, Marketing Manager Voice: 415.257.3517 Fax: 415.454.8106 Internet: eXTRASET and Goldleaf Imagesetter Win NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award Kentfield, CA, May 25, 1993 - Goldleaf Systems announces that eXTRASET, and the Goldleaf Imagesetter, won the NeXTWORLD Best of Breed Award in the Peripherals category. This software and hardware combination produces high resolution output from any NEXTSTEP publishing application without the need for a stand-alone Raster Image Processor (RIP). eXTRASET's high speed and ease-of-use make it the perfect addition to NEXTSTEP-based technical documentation departments. Outputting to eXTRASET is as easy as printing to a laser printer. eXTRASET supports resolutions from 600 to 3000 dpi and is easily accessed through the Print panel of any application that can print. Set your line screens, spot color separations and other film specifications with eXTRASET or in the application you are using. eXTRASET fully supports NEXTSTEP's built-in Display PostScript Level 2, giving users high resolution output in a minimum amount of time. Service bureaus, print shops and in-house publishing departments can use eXTRASET and the Goldleaf Imagesetter to decrease overhead and increase throughput. Users can run all black-and-white spot color jobs on the eXTRASET System and free up their high-end imagesetters for complex color work. By having an in-house eXTRASET System, users are allowed greater freedom to carry out last minute revisions, thus giving them strong time and cost advantages over companies who rely solely on outside vendors. The Goldleaf Imagesetter is based on an ULTRE engine, and color systems feature the Color Quality Registration Option (CQR) for extremely accurate registration. The Goldleaf Imagesetter connects directly to your computer's SCSI port. This eliminates the need to purchase a separate, stand-alone raster image processor (RIP), saving thousands of dollars. eXTRASET is available as a complete software and imagesetter package and can be purchased directly from Goldleaf Systems, or through authorized VARs and VADs. Prices vary according to system configurations, ranging from $19,000 to $37,000. Privately held GS Corporation develops and distributes software and systems solutions for object-oriented client/server computing. The Goldleaf Systems division markets NEXTSTEP-based hardware and software solutions for technical publishing and the graphic arts. The Collaggi Software division develops and distributes database publishing products. ULTRE is a trademark of the ULTRE Division of Linotype-Hell Corporation. Goldleaf Systems, eXTRASET, and the Goldleaf Imagesetter are trademarks of GS Corporation. NeXT and NEXTSTEP are trademarks of NeXT, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ___________________________________________________________________ NeXT / NEXTSTEP JOB POSITION OPENINGS ___________________________________________________________________ => 1. Pencom Seeks 23 NeXT/OOP Engineers For more information, contact: Clint Tomlinson - Manager, NeXT/OOP Recruiting Pencom 9050 Capital of Texas Highway North Austin, Texas 78759 Fax: 512-346-6444 E-Mail: Pencom Seeks 23 NeXT/OOP Engineers for Internal and External Projects for our distinguished list of clients. AUSTIN, TEXAS - July 23, 1993 - Pencom Software's team of NeXT engineers are dedicated to providing services to developers and end user organizations equipped with workstations and software from NeXT Incorporated. A NeXT-authorized systems integrator as well as a registered NeXT software developer, Pencom provides a full range of services to support users and vendors in adopting this revolutionary technology. Pencom continues to be the leader in NeXT/OO software development and consulting services, and has the largest staff of NeXT engineers outside of NeXT themselves. Pencom Software is a division of Pencom Systems Incorporated, a New York-based firm providing software engineering and manpower resources to Fortune 500 companies and leading computer firms since 1973. Currently the largest recruiting firm specializing in the UNIX/Open Systems market, Pencom employs over 500 people and maintains a large heterogeneous network of workstations including more than 80 NeXT machines. The following permanent and contract positions require NO LESS than 2 years industry experience, and permanent positions require permanent residence. Thank you for your cooperation. If you are interested in being kept informed about positions but are not actively seeking employment, please email contract information in confidence to CALIFORNIA 3 - NeXT System Administrator * NeXT/UNIX/HP system administration experience * Network Management background * Objective C or C++ experience * Background in a heterogeneous systems environment a must 6 - NeXT Software Engineers * NeXT/UNIX application software development * Strong NEXTSTEP, AppKit, Interface Builder experience * High level design, rapid prototyping in NeXT environment * Ability to work in a dynamic team environment * Strong Objective C or C++ programming experience * Ability to transfer NeXT technology to engineers * 5 to 6 years experience 2 - Director of Software Engineering * 8-10 years industry experience * Strong management skills * Hands on development UNIX/NeXT/OOP * Project scheduling, planning, budgeting * Product development * RDBMS or DBKIT 1 - Director of Support * 8-10 years industry experience * Strong customer support experience * Strong management experience * Director level experience * 4 management reports * 37 indirect reports 1 - Manager of Support * 7-9 years industry experience * Strong management skills * Account management * Contract negotiation, proposals, P&L * UNIX/NeXT environment * 8 direct reports 1 - Senior Database Specialist * 5+ years database design and database applications development experience * 3 years application development experience in a UNIX environment * 2 years DBMS experience using an SQL-based DBMS * 1+ year applications experience in the NEXTSTEP environment * Experience with AppKit, DBKit, NEXTSTEP 3.0, OOD, C++, Objective C TEXAS 2 - OOP Software Engineers * NEXTSTEP/Smalltalk programming * Relational database design and database applications development (DBKit/ORACLE/SYBASE preferred) * 2 years UNIX/C application development * 2 years RDBMS experience using an SQL-based RDBMS * Interface Builder, VisualWorks * Technology transfer * Willing to travel 1 - NeXT Software Engineers * Strong NEXTSTEP applications development * Strong UNIX, Objective-C, C++ * AppKit, Interface Builder, DBKit required * Strong RDBMS * Transfer of NeXT technology * Software training or teaching experience * 4 to 6 years experience NORTHEAST 3 - Systems Engineers * 4+ years industry experience * 2+ years OOP (NeXT/C++) * RDBMS (ORACLE/SYBASE/DBKit) * Applications development * Sales/Marketing experience * Strong interpersonal skills * Willing to travel 2 - OOP Software Engineers * 2+ years Object Oriented Programming (C++/Objective C,Smalltalk) * 2+ years Object Oriented analysis/design * 1+ years NEXTSTEP applications development * Strong RDBMS, ORACLE, SYBASE, DBKit * 3-4 years industry experience 1 - NeXT System Administrator * NeXT/UNIX/HP system administration experience * Network Management background * Objective C or C++ experience * Background in a heterogeneous systems environment a must For more information, contact: Clint Tomlinson - Manager, NeXT/OOP Recruiting Pencom 9050 Capital of Texas Highway North Austin, Texas 78759 Fax: 512-346-6444 E-Mail: More positions soon... ____________________________________________________________________ => 2. Systemhouse Seeks Engineers & Database Specialists For more information, contact Steve Green - Manager, Human Resources SHL Systemhouse Inc. 885 Third Avenue, 25th Floor New York, New York, U.S.A. 10022-4834 Telephone: 212-303-5500 Fax: 212-303-5595 E-Mail: Systemhouse Seeks Engineers, Programmers, Analysts and Database Specialists Systemhouse, a $800 million Systems Integration firm, is recognized as the industry leader in client/server technology. Systemhouse employs over 4,000 people worldwide and maintains a large heterogeneous network of workstations including more than 100 NeXT machines. We are putting together the best NeXT expertise available. Since November we have hired a core group in New York and Boulder, Colorado, and by September expect to be up to a staff of approximately 100. We are executing concepts that others are still only talking about - Reusable Object Library - Standard Certification of Objects - Distributed Development - etc. Furthermore we have established an Object Technology Center(OTC) for applied Object Oriented methodologies and development techniques. The OTC in Boulder, is a research and development facility exploring the cutting edge of the relatively new object technology. The charter of the Center is two-fold: to explore and understand all hardware and software related to the object-oriented development industry; and to establish itself as a focal point where companies in diverse verticals markets can join together to leverage OTC's research and experience. Leading the OTC is Vince Jordan, recently of WilTel Advanced Technology Center and recognized in the NeXT community as a pacesetter in the object-oriented development revolution. We need bright, enthusiastic experienced people!!! The following opportunities exist in various U.S. locations: - Object Oriented Programmers (Position C101) * 2+ years Object Oriented Programming (C++/Objective C/SmallTalk) * 2+ years database design and database applications * 5 years UNIX/C application development * 2+ years RDBMS (SYBASE preferred) * 1+ years NEXTSTEP applications development * AppKit, DBKit, NEXTSTEP 3.0, OOD * GUI and Porting experience - Senior Applications Development Engineers (Position C102) * 5-7 years UNIX/C applications development * Financial trading applications * 1+ years NeXT/NEXTSTEP/AppKit/DBKit/Objective C * Sun, SYBASE/C++ a plus - Software Engineers (Position C103) * NeXT/UNIX application software development * Strong NEXTSTEP, AppKit, Interface Builder, DBKit * High level design, rapid prototyping in NeXT * Strong Objective C or C++ * 3 to 5 years experience - Database Specialists (Position C104) * 3+ years database design and database applications development (ORACLE/SYBASE preferred) * 3 years UNIX/C application development * 3 years RDBMS experience using an SQL-based RDBMS * 1+ year NEXTSTEP applications a plus * AppKit, DBKit, NEXTSTEP 3.0, OOD, Objective C a plus For more information about these exciting opportunities, call or send your resume to: Steve Green - Manager, Human Resources SHL Systemhouse Inc. 885 Third Avenue, 25th Floor New York, New York, U.S.A. 10022-4834 Telephone: 212-303-5500 Fax: 212-303-5595 E-Mail: ____________________________________________________________________ => 3. NEXTSTEP Positions in London/Chicago/Houston Xexos is the leading European NEXTSTEP Systems Integration and Software House, responsible for some of the largest NeXT networks in the world today. We are a small, highly-focussed team and are looking for talented individuals to join us on a permanent basis in our London and Houston offices. We also plan to establish a presence in Chicago this year, and to this end are looking for people based in that area as well. Xexos business is principally servicing and supporting large NEXTSTEP users worldwide, where we are typically engaged in infrastucture and LAN design, project management, and building applications both custom and shrink-wrap to serve professional users. We have a great deal of experience in implementing NEXTSTEP technology in the financial-services industry, particularly the front-office trading environment, and were responsible for some of the first entirely NEXTSTEP-based trading floors. We are looking to hire people with experience in the following areas. Immediate permanent requirements are in London - Chicago are needed Q3/Q4 1993. 3 Analyst/Programmers (2 London, 1 Chicago) + 2 years NEXTSTEP experience + Experience in one or more of the technical areas helpful : - SysAdmin/netinfo - TCP/IP at packet level - NeXTMail, sendmail, SMTP etc - Sybase/AS400/Oracle/DbKit + Prior experience working in a trading environment an advantage 1 Networking/SysAdmin (Chicago) + Netinfo/NFS/TCP-IP networking + Good knowledge of WAN methods + 3 years Unix + 2 years netinfo/NEXTSTEP 1 Sales/Marketing in Financial Services (Chicago) + 1 years NEXTSTEP + 5 years selling Financial Services products and consulting in the US + Good knowledge of market-data products/services + Self-motivated, used to working in a small team 2 NEXTSTEP User-support (London, Chicago) + previous NEXTSTEP experience supporting end-users + "amazing" communication skills + good knowledge of NeXTMail, ccMail etc 2 NEXTSTEP/Appkit Consultants (Anywhere - remote) + 2 years AppKit + experience working remotely on a contract basis + Technical Experience : - DBKit - sendmail, SMTP, X.400, X.500 - TCP/IP + ability to work to a tight spec We are looking for motivated, focussed people with good communication skills and a high sense of professionalism and pride in their work. Applicants should send a resume, along with a covering letter of application to Xexos, Ltd 1 New Concordia Wharf Mill Street London SE1 2BA United Kingdom +44 71 237 4535 fax +44 71 231 0844 email: ____________________________________________________________________ => 4. NorthStar Seeks NEXTSTEP and OOP Managers and Engineers If you match any of these profiles, please contact us: NorthStar Technologies, Inc. 15 Maiden Lane, Suite 803 New York, New York 10038 Attention: Morris Gartenberg Phone: 212-267-4100 extension 135 Fax: 212-267-4468 e-mail: NorthStar Technologies, Inc. is a small software development and consulting firm based in New York City specializing in the use of object-oriented and client-server technologies. We provide innovative software solutions for financial institutions and other businesses. We are enlarging our staff due to an influx of new business and seek employees that match the following profiles: 1) Two senior managers - BSCC or equivalent, MS preferred - 7 to 9 years of software engineering experience - Mastery of object-oriented design and development techniques - Mastery of client-server techniques - Extensive knowledge and ability using C++ and other object-oriented languages - Extensive knowledge of UNIX - Extensive knowledge of Sybase, both the Open Client library (API) as well as the server. Knowledge of other RDBMS products in commercial use a plus - Good working knowledge with GUIs including Motif - Knowledge of the financial business a strong plus - Good working knowledge of NEXTSTEP a strong plus - Consulting experience preferred, especially technical leadership and account management 2) Five senior software engineers/consultants - BSCC or equivalent - 3 to 5 years of software engineering experience - Good working knowledge of object-oriented design and development techniques - Good working knowledge of client-server techniques - Good working knowledge of C++ - Good working knowledge of UNIX - Good working knowledge of Motif (OpenLook experience a plus) - Good working knowledge of the Sybase Open Client library (API) - Good working knowledge of NeXTstep a strong plus - Consulting experience a strong plus - Knowledge of the financial business a strong plus 3) Two NEXTSTEP software engineers - BSCC or equivalent - More than a year's experience with NEXTSTEP application development - Extensive knowledge of the NEXTSTEP appkit - Good working knowledge of Objective C - Good working knowledge of UNIX - Experience with the Sybase Open Client library (API) and other commercial RDBMS application programming a strong plus - Knowledge of C++ a plus 4) A UNIX system administrator - BSCC or equivalent - Significant experience with heterogeneous UNIX network environments - Good working knowledge of UNIX system administration tools - Commercial RDBMS installation and maintenance - Significant experience with hardware purchasing, installation, configuration and maintenance - Good working knowledge of NeXTstep a strong plus - C, C++ or Objective C experience a plus - Consulting experience a plus If you match any of these profiles, please contact us: NorthStar Technologies, Inc. 15 Maiden Lane, Suite 803 New York, New York 10038 Attention: Morris Gartenberg Phone: 212-267-4100 extension 135 Fax: 212-267-4468 e-mail: ___________________________________________________________________ => 5. Conextions Seeks Connectivity and NEXTSTEP Engineers Conextions 1545 Osgood Street, Suite 108 North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Tel. (508) 689-3570 Send Resume to: fax: 508 689 2450 Conextions, Inc., the leading supplier of connectivity solutions and objectWare technology for NEXTSTEP and IBM operating environments is seeking two key staff members. Successful candidates will assume responsibilities for developing IBM connectivity applications and objectware tools for the state of the art NEXTSTEP object oriented environment. The individuals must be self-motivated, result oriented, and enjoy the challenging environment of a small company. The Conextions' benefits package includes stock options, bonus plans and comprehensive medical and dental coverage. Principal Member of Technical Staff, IBM Networking and Connectivity. This key project leader position requires 6+ years of hands on experience developing IBM SNA and 3270 & 5250 applications. Solid knowledge of IBM file transfer (IND$FILE) programs, operating environment (TSO, VM/CMS, AS/400) and SNA is required. Knowledge of 5250 or 3179 G graphics terminal emulation is desirable. Familiarity with TCP/IP, UNIX, Objective C or C++ is a plus. Senior Member of Technical Staff, NEXTSTEP development A key position that requires 4+ years of software development experience working with Objective-C or C++ and strong object oriented design skills. Knowledge and expertise of NEXTSTEP, SQL, UNIX, Windows, and object oriented frameworks a plus. Please provide Conextions with salary history and references. No calls, fax only resumes to 508 689 2450. ___________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL ITEMS ___________________________________________________________________ => How to Order NEXTSTEP items: decals, t-shirts Contact: Hermann Marketing 1400 North Price Road St. Louis, MO 63132-2308 1-800-972-1331 fax (314) 432-1818 NeXT T-shirts Classic NeXT logo on front $6.95 each (S-XL) 3.1 NEXTSTEP logo on front $7.95 each (M-XXL) NeXT Pencils $20.30 box of 100 NeXT Cross Pen $21.15 each NeXT Decals $75.00 box of 100 NeXT T-shirt $ 5.65 each - sizes S, M, L, XL (pre-shrunk) Turtle Neck $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Glass Mug $ 1.70 each Leather Folder $54.50 each NeXT Sweatshirt $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Tote-bag $ 6.25 each NeXT Mouse pad $ 9.67 each Orders can be taken 24 hours a day for domestic and overseas orders Phone: 800-972-1331 -or- 314-432-1800 Fax: 314-432-1818 Method of payment: Purchase order, check, money order, or credit card ________________________________________________________________ => Some Important phone numbers in North America: ATT/NCR 1-800-TRY-NEXT Compaq 1-800-TRY-NEXT DG 1-800-DATAGEN Dell 1-800-374-1956 Digital 1-800-438-4316 Ext. BDV Epson 1-800-BUY-EPSON HP 1-800-TRY-NEXT NEC 1-800-374-8000 ________________________________________________________________ The Weekly NEXTSTEP Nugget News Digest To include an announcement in this publication, please send brief articles via email with the subject "SUBMISSION" to Also include your contact information: email address, fax number, and phone number (for our European and Asian readers make sure to include a non 1-800 phone number as well.) To subscribe to the Weekly Nugget News Digest, send email to with the subject "subscribe nugget digest". The Weekly NEXTSTEP Nugget News Digest (vol. 8, issue 2, August 1, 1993) end =END=